Forum Post: If we give the corporations everything they want, what do we get?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 3:29 p.m. EST by Cathain
from North Pole, AK
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The noise machine on the right keeps saying if we cut ALL regulations on business. If we cut ALL corporate tax, eliminate ALL pensions/paid sick days/healthcare/etc., etc. the economy will rebound and jobs will return.
Fine. If we give corporations/banks everything they want, what do WE get? Will they promise to bring all the jobs they've shipped overseas to the US? Will they promise to not charge us to access our own money? Will they lend us money for houses/cars/college/whatever at reasonable rates? Will they give us all jobs at a living wage? Will they promise not to poison our air/water/food? Will they promise to make cars/appliances/etc. that work safely and for several years (not months)?
No. Of course not. They want everything and will promise- and deliver- nothing in return. I don't understand my friends on the right who believe giving them everything will get us anything.