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Forum Post: If we do not hang together, we shall certainly hang separately

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 10:22 a.m. EST by OurConscience (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Please listen.

The systems we're trying to change have thus far succeeded in producing populations unwilling/unable to work together. We are the inhabitants of Babel after the tower was destroyed.

Possessing this knowledge, what will we choose to do? Continue along our separate paths because we each prize our individual freedoms more than the lives of our fellow humans?

We are squandering the potential strength of our numbers by our inability to unite, meaningfully. One potential advantage of large numbers is simply overwhelming 'force', in one location, on a designated date, at a designated time.

I've seen calls for 1,000,000 people to march on Washington DC. That's a good start.

The second way that we should be using our numbers is by identifying our individual talents and allowing a group of skilled planners, managers, and organizers to deploy our members to accomplish specific tasks. Note that I did not call these people leaders. They are simply necessary to make most efficient use of what we have available to us.

I've seen many, many good ideas on this forum, but we need to hone them to a single goal, and begin working on it from as many different perspectives as our available resources allow.

To satisfy those who desire quick action, I'd suggest that working to modify the current system would be the path of least resistance and that may (I hope) involve the least violence. Specifically, I'm referring to change via elected representatives. Look at what candidate Obama was able to do to confound the notions of the established political machine. I'm suggesting we do the same.

I believe our current social, economic, and political systems are fundamentally flawed and will require change at that level if we are to achieve the best results, but, first, we need to take a collective rest period, to catch our breath as a country. To heal our wounds and grow strong again. The frantic pace at which we've been going has exhausted us physically, psychologically, and spiritually. We are desperate and - I know this from experience - we do not think clearly when in such a state.

To get back to specifics, I do not have the information technology skills necessary to establish the data gathering forms, populate the database, and secure the data, but I'm sure there are those in our numbers who do. I do have ideas and the willingness to listen to others to create even better plans.

My plea is for us to recognize the true value of our numbers and to use them appropriately (as stated above).

I'm anxious to hear your comments and suggestions



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[-] 1 points by OurConscience (3) 13 years ago

Okay, that's 1 vote for unity and peace, and 1 for separatism and violence.

Anyone else?