Forum Post: If This Were 1776 People Would Be True Patriots
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 20, 2012, 5:07 a.m. EST by eyeofthetiger
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
your all wussies playing with your dingies No one's listening to your whining anymore get used to being a slave cause that's all you wussies are Slaves
You will no longer be allowed to steal from the public coffers.
Get used to it.
Puh-lease. You do realize that Darth Obama is pushing for QE3 with the Fed. What little cash ya have now is soon gonna be worth even less if he gets his way. So the rich are about to get richer and the poor poorer thanks to Heir Obama
You will no longer be allowed to steal from the public coffers. Get it together. There is going to come a day real soon that ALEC is no longer going to be allowed to write legislation. There is currently, an intense lobbying effort from US banks on the Volker Rule.
Don't matter what legislation is in the pipe right now. If QE3 goes into effect it will devalue the dollar. If they continue to devalue the dollar our economy will collapse. Remember the Weimar Republic??? Or Zimbabwe??? You need to focus your efforts on the immediate issue not the ones down the road
This is immediate. It is unfortunate that you do not realize this.