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Forum Post: if they had repealed nafta

Posted 10 years ago on Nov. 5, 2014, 7:54 a.m. EST by elf3 (4203)
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If they weren't threatening the TPP...if they made a war on trickle down and ended for profit war...if they shut down a corporate agenda

Maybe just maybe

They wouldn't be held responsible for a mess that Georgie and his Corporate regime created- a depression that was only a depression for the working class...and a tax system designed for passive wealth collectors and fraudsters

So get ready for more corporate judges , more trickle down, and more outsourcing, more mergers and unfettered lobbying and some banking wet dreams

But don't you worry they will throw you a twenty dollar a month tax cut so they can say they cut your taxes ( oh for millionaires it will equate to a lot more) for you not so much...

They aren't really going to crack down on illegals either ...they are going to issue them work cards ...so they can be exploited below minimum wage ala in-sourcing because an out of work educated grad that can't find good job isn't going to work for 5 dollars an hour. They don't want legal rest assured, they want a second class work force.

So enjoy baby boomers meanwhile back in generation x we aren't ever getting on this train ...we never got a start, and we never will. A lifetime of bad boomer decisions and a corpirate greedy agenda has left us behind.

Sorry millenials you are next. We get a repeat. Thanks democrats ... for letting us down and proving it is all a sham and putting us back in the hands of a party that seeks to derail and damage the working man and woman. They get off on our subservience and you just stood there watching. And handed it back to a party that turns us into corporate bitches.



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[-] 5 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

This wasn't an overwhelming victory for republicans (Chris Christy you fat bloated bully gloating fuck)either...it was democrats voting independent taking votes away from status quo...so this was not a mandate for status quo... it was a message to democrats that they weren't on our side. What happens if both sides vote independent next time? I think republicans better not piss off the working class.

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

You are right, elf. What is happening is that the Republicans have smartly embraced those to the far right, the Tea Party, but Democrats have failed to embrace the far left and instead have moved to the middle. Dumb move. This is going to prove to be the biggest downfall of the Dems. They have underestimated the working class, they have underestimated the left.

[-] 3 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

Good article posted originally on here by Shadz:

Infuriating Facts About Our Disappearing Middle-Class Wealth

By Paul Buchheit http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article40130.htm

It appears both parties switch off like a wrestling match pretending they want to do anything for working class people and blame / fingerpoint at the other party ... meanwhile back in congress and according to the data they are busy performing a mass wealth transfer and performing a corporate elite ceo agenda.

[-] 2 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

Also being working class isn't a far left agenda. Neither is it a tea party or far right agenda. We need a Working Class party ( that used to be the democrats)...but they mergered with corporate republicans...

It's all gone corporate. Actions speak louder than words.

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

Working class shouldn't be a far left agenda, but it's been relegated there as workers' rights and wages have been eroded for 40 years and no one is doing anything about it mainly because they've all run away with corporations but for the true left. Tea Party included, the Tea Party stands for free market capitalism which inherently will always be an economy where corporations and those with the most capital rule.

[-] 5 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

A political seesaw ....taking turns at pr helm while all working the corporate agenda ...two headed dragon which will be burning down the working class with a " mandate"

Good cop bad cop routine ( the democrats will pretend to be so outraged) when they are at the helm they are apparently so outraged all they can do is let us know where the hydrants are (but apparently are too apathetic about our demise to even turn on the water that would feed the hydrants) or perhaps it is all just part of the act

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

Well put, elf.

[-] 4 points by trashyharry (3084) from Waterville, NY 10 years ago

We have all been driven right out onto the ragged edges of Capitalism now.It only remains for us to SHOVED out into the cold where there is NO WAY to earn or elsewise obtain an income that is sufficient to support food,shelter,clothing,transportaion,education,telecom,or healthcare.People whose income is not sufficient die after a short struggle.It is about that simple.The attack of the Republicans upon the Underclass and the working and nonworking Poor is likely to resemble nothing seen so far-even as Bad as it has gotten.The Right Wing of Uniparty is Jubilant.All of their Sadistic Fantasies seem to be on the verge of exploding into Glorious Living Color.Misery,Inc.,while they Piss Down Our Backs & Tell Us It's Raining.They should have been more careful what they wished for.TPTB did not want to deal with Occupy.Now they are finally going to BRING IT.The Cluelessness of TPTB is about to be revealed in a Series of Majestic Blunders that will take some of us-and ALL of THEM to Hell.An Economic System that does not offer the People the ability to secure sufficient ways & means to survive MUST GO.So-"Adios,Mofos."

[-] 3 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

So at the same time they were electing republicans they were passing wage increases and mandatory sick pay? Doubt it seems an awful lot of working party voters voted independent this time ...and republicans won by default. So how do we stop this continuing cycle of war on the working class if every time we try to change it...corporations still win?

Remember this? http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2004/08/over-a28.html New Bush administration rules slash overtime pay for millions of workers