Forum Post: If only the Founders hadn't been so stupid.
Posted 6 months ago on Sept. 5, 2024, 8:20 a.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
One day The Squad will take over the Democratic Party, probably around 2032, but it could have happened a decade ago, if only the Founder's hadn't been so stupid.
It was a Royalist faction, who had infiltrated the constitutional convention, that demanded a Senate and an Electoral College to help defend the American aristocrats and their property from we the people.... ... Don't think for a second I support a constitutional convention at this time. It would only make the oppression by the top 10% of income and net worth a helluvalot worse for We the People of the 90%!
Oh? It wasn't stupidity when the founders created the Senate and the Electoral College. It was Royalist perfidy.
wrong founders, the founders you are reffering to weren't around a decade ago, the ones I'm taking about were
You've lost me. Please, elucidate.
The people who started OWS were reffered to as "the founders" they were invited on many media outlets when polls showed OWS had 80% support of the people but they refused to call out the GOP for thier enrichment of the rich because they wanted to stay out of politics as a result of that decission the entire OWS movement came to nothing. now progressives are slowly taking over the Democrartic Party something we could have done a decade ago if the "founders" hadn't squader everything that OWS did to raise awareness,
read below first, you see "the founders" were so small minded in they're thinking that they thought the New York Dems were The Dems, they were just village childern caught in a small world.They didn't have any idea how tough it was to be a Dem in AZ or TN or TX, it's all water under the bridge now, Harris should win and maybe even in 2032 we could we agian but now the war is lost civilazation will not survie the coming climate change, first the food will become so expensive only the rich eat.
Got it. And at least a third of We the People will draw their last breath sitting on the couch waiting for the TV to come back on. 20 % more will be cursing some politician while oblivious to the billionaires and banksters that own the whole mess.