Forum Post: if occuoy the world turns into rioting?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 4:10 a.m. EST by blasko
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Will things change and we could over throw this govt and establish a new one. Or totally dismantle the ptotest? What's your thoughts?
Keep it peaceful and there is no problem
why would a peaceful protest turn to rioting? the only rioting has been done by the state.
Subject: We need office space, sponsors, books... etc take it all to the next level,
Yeh it’s getting cold, and lets be real, very real ... Are we going to be outside all winter? We need to perpetuate this movement, and move it all to the next level. We need permanent outdoor space, permanent office space, donors, sponsors private and business and NGO and even – gasp – corporate. We need pamphlets, books of academic scholarly nature, coffee table books...etc... etc, and of course, we need continual web presence along with real outdoor presence. We need to Occupy permanent volunteer jobs that can rotate among volunteers, because some people of us have - yes oh yes, gasping for air yes- “jobs “and other responsibilities of family, school-college, professional and personal development, and so on. Do we want paid positions and an organization, and is it possible without getting co-opted and astro-turfed ??? Something to explore?
The idea is to take the ideas of protest about corporate greed, and about revolutionary change to right the wrong and even let’s call it evil, of immoral and unjust and corrupt laws and lobbying, and the systemic economic imbalances due to corporate influence on government... and Federal Reserve Money based in interest paid by the masses of Main Street to the monopoly of a few influential “too big to fail and jail” banks and large financial corporations, here on Wall Street or hidden in tax havens across the globe... in essence private banksters/gangsters who milk us all out of hard earned honest work based money... etc... by their interest(usury) based moneys. We need to move on to a higher level. The Arab Spring needs to become an American Fall .... the fall and collapse of corporate influence, of Wall street influence and of greed by debt structures of interest based financial instruments on Federal Reserve Fiat Money and currencies and bonds and derivatives, speculative short selling etc ...that exploit Main Street. We need to change the internal and external structures of exploitation, colonization and imperialism and systemic racism and class privileges of the super rich elite.
There are thousands even millions who are with Occupy Wall Street (symbol of Corporate financial greed) and Occupy K Street (in Washington DC symbol of corporate lobbying for special business interests of Wall Street against public interests of Main Street) and son across the globe in the system of capitalistic corporate collusion (Fascism by definition, or some call it crony capitalism, or let’s call is OUTRIGHT THEFT. The entire system needs to be changed.
Some of us might have been with you until the words "corporate sponsors." You might want to walk back out the front door and check the address to see if you are in the right place. That was the simple downfall of the TeaBagger's movement. Everybody was listening until they took their dive for corporate sponsorship and got derailed by the right-to-lifers. As soon as they departed from truth in government and taxes for the moral religious ground and corporate steering, they were done in a lot of people's minds. Then they unfortunately aligned themselves with Palin and other bought-offs and descended down the road of no return.
Where do they get these jokers??
This protest is peaceful. If it wasn't peaceful it could have gotten really ugly when those protesters were pepper sprayed.
Don't infiltrate with negativity, this cannot happen because this is never and nowhere part of the plan. You are provoking just like the NYPD does... You are suspect....
Don't infiltrate with negativity, this cannot happen because this is never and nowhere part of the plan. You are provoking just like the NYPD does... You are suspect....
we can prevent rioting with this plan
From the beginning when our country was formed we face many challenges and many opposing views
Just like today however, the peoples voices have been silence by special interest groups as well as the over whelming power grab by the bankers. Your demands/petitions will never be heard or taken seriously unless lobbyist/corporate have bless it for greedy reasons or eventually Co-Opt it. so we must have a strong core.
It is time for a fair hearing!
Wouldn’t it be great if you can be heard, fairly and equally? Wouldn’t it be worth your time to know there is a petition list, worth signing rather then getting involved
This is were the 7’step plan an ever growing list known as “TOCS FAE” These step plans, solves many of the roots enhance many all our problems we face. Whether you have protested at the gas pump or you are an Occupier, make your protest have meaning, give it the teeth it needs beyond the gas pump and over the protest lines.
This petition will be a notification to congress of things yet to come and to properly prepare.
As of January 2012 we the people
We will not take the abuse anymore and neither should they walk around with there heads in the sand.
We will begin the process of phase one
Your petition will go to congress, informing them you support The “TOCS FAE” Doctrine and so should they, by making preparations for receiving and forwarding income Tax mail. Your petition will also go to the top corporations letting them know of our intentions and they too should support and act by sending their taxes directly to congress. They should also be informed if our demands are not met protests will be under way the likes they have never seen.
After this is achieved and we have broken the back of a few select Corporations we will move on to Step1 Taxes which may take months or up to a year
Step1) Send your TAXES to a trusted congressman or congresswoman which maybe hard to find in your state. Make a Petition with your neighbors. Phone, email, fax your congress your list and intentions. Prepare your taxes, made out to the I.R.S check and envelope, and a stamp. Fit it in inside of a bigger envelope, onto which you should write congress address, preferably your state congress.
Washington, DC 203 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone Number: (202) 225-2831 Have congress unwrap the envelopes, state you want your taxes to be mailed to the I.R.S
If you are asking yourself, what will this achieve first it can be used as a bargain chip however, congress cannot spend it or over take the fed reserve and banks system over night, nonetheless this will indeed give teeth/meat, back to congress. You should include a sign return receipt so as to show proof you paid your taxes.
Again with this... Your web sites that you listed seem rather bogus. This is not a TeaBagger movement or an Income tax movement. We're fighting a much larger evil than either of those issues can come close to addressing. I don't think people will abandon this movement for yours.
First of all I never said our concerns was smaller then the ones I posted nor have I ever said to abandon the movement, and I would not want that. however, I think it can enhance the movement. The evil you speak of is the same evil we are both are fighting against. I only ask you to reconsider the thought we might find ourselves be back here again or worst our grandchildren. Do you have a plan to prevent it? A cushion if you will.
The great ideas I read here like reenacted Glass Stagel, could be repealed again, we need to include a preventative plan, thats all I'm saying.
Just because an idea seem crazy or counterintuitive does not mean its bogus and completely without merit
With that said I went back to Guardian Blog site again, some people have left, as to whom I don’t exactly know however, after examining the site, it looks as if the tea bagger packed up I guess the occupiers and baggers had their own unsuccessful Constitutional Convention.
Without a preventable plan where will this lead us in the future, do you really what your kids or grandchildren to suffer again like the rest of 99% today. Something to think about.
I agree with much of what you say regarding having a plan to prevent this in the future. No one has had a Constitutional Convention yet. That is a major act and would be all over the news media if it were even close to that. The TeaBaggers are working on it right now, for reasons very different than the ideas behind the Occupy movement. However, Occupy will be the stronger, larger part of that Constitutional Convention and may get to that point a lot sooner because we are the more educated movement with the stronger numbers on our side. However we get to that point though, we need to get there. TeaBaggers big push is pro-life, anti-gay and balanced budget amendment, which can end up being the biggest disaster to ever hit this country because it does not allow for emergency funding in the case of natural disasters and sudden wars, both cases of which, you do not want to be limited by a balanced budget amendment. And it does absolutely no good if you do not curtail that monetary hemorrhaging of money out the back door of this country in corporate welfare bail outs, tax loopholes, untaxable grants and the trillions and trillions of dollars that go to every foreign country to support dictatorships and aristocratic elites all in the name of protecting business opportunities for US investors. And this does not even touch the billions of dollars per hour that we spend trying to occupy Iraq, Afghanistan , Libya and several other countries. And then there is the need to take over the Federal Reserve. Until all of this is taken over by the people as their own Congress, a balanced budget amendment is not a serious idea.
I was kidding when I said they had unsuccessful Constitutional Convention.
However, the need to take over the Federal Reserve may not have to be if a deal is can be made, the other choose is the abolish the fed reserve, however I believe the FR would rather see blood on the streets before they give in to Ron P.a.u.l and Alex Jones.
I am just trying to find solutions, I am open to anything that would cause the least blood spill and to prevent us from revisiting this again.
Have you found any other solutions to my concern's?