Forum Post: If Obama Joined US
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 5:02 a.m. EST by timeisnow
from Rockford, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Saying Obama is truthful in his fight against taxing the rich and holding wall street and congress accountable, it might be our best move for us and him. The Corporations will use all there resources, media etc. to stop him from getting realected. They we also try to silence all of you.
Let's us say Obama came to liberty square tomorrow for a speech, would you even hear what he had to say? What if he offers his full support to our cause? This is very unlikely and will not happen, but the outcome would be World changing.
Since this is unlikely nothing will change, no foreign government is going to come here and help, thats our job to be world police. This movement will sadly fade into the sunset. Nothing will be changed. We will have to go back to our lives as consumers not people.
I would not believe him. He sounded lefty the first time around, but how did he govern in reality? in order for me to take him seriously he would have to refuse all that wall street money funding his campaign.
I personally hope ows forms a new party.. Polling data shows the teabagger base of the republicans is less that 20% of the population. I think Obamas backers are moderate wallstreet republicans, who left the republicans because of the religious right. Wallstreet is socially liberal on issues like abortion, and religious freedom, and things like teaching evolution vs creationism. What we need is a party to replace what the dems were before Clinton/Rubinism. That is they represent working class people.
Sorry but its simple really, Vote away from the left and right wings and get an independent in there. Have him take the right to make money away from the Fed and give it back to American people.. Problem solved...
Its a what if. What if Obama told congress to ** off, Both republicans and democrats? The only hope for change is that and for the 99% to support him, the system needs a major overhaul just not one new guy in office
No politician should be trying to become part of the movement. They don't need to be embraced by OWS'ers in order to make changes that those of us here and on the streets are asking for. They should just make those changes. After they make the changes, they can join.
Obama can not make changes congress and wall st wont let him. He has no power right now other then foreing affairs
he had congress for the first two years of his term and gave us no strings bailouts, insurance company bailouts instead of public option, and he refused to raise taxes on the wealthy.