Forum Post: If I were president
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 4, 2013, 6:24 p.m. EST by highlander
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
- flat tax across the income spectrum with a 1-page tax code
- 5% budget cut in all departments in 4 years
- Can't get a drivers license without taking a test. cannot vote unless you pass a civics test.
When I take over the universe, I shall banish you from this planet and deport you to an asteroid. You shall be surrounded by nonfiction books.
leave him here he can stay on this planet with all that deregulation the planet is doomed to environmental overload
though I agree flat tax TEN PERCENT but absolutely positively no deductions for anyone no corporations no nada no zippo no zilch NO DEDUCTIONS and if you want to partake in the economy you have to operate on shore, and live here and deal in house otherwise can't sell your goods here. In order to benefit you should also have to have put in so many years in. (Unless disabled or ill) and being a drug head doesn't count. .
Also MAKE LOBBYING ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ILLEGAL . If enough individual people e-mail the white house directly on an issue; that can replace lobbying. Perhaps the white house should be forced to read and count our letters? Petitions may also be posted via an online site ( and brought forth by any individual who can sign and then put it out for signatures and only then in this way may they lobby via group effort. ...? Would this work for all involved - I'm willing to forgive all that money already deducted from my pay checks and to allow it to pay for today's elderly, if we can shift onto this system. I know I can never earn enough in my lifetime that I would with SSI - but I would sacrifice that to make sure future generations are not buried by corporate power and corruption. In part the reason elderly in this country need so much money is only to fund the mobster organizations designed as nursing homes that feed off of state money and big pharma rackets as well as factory farms driving up food costs. Trust me SYSCO, Nursing Homes and big Pharma, are all happily in bed together getting it on while poor granny is trapped underneath them.
This might be a way to bring things back into our hands. What do you suppose those corporations are busy lobbying for anyway (new tax write offs) He who writes the tax codes determines the wealth in this nation. With all those write off's Wall Street gets (being that they may or may not even employ people in this nation nor operate on our shores) no wonder we 99'ers feel so bereft. All they do is sell us stuff, and then take our money in form of bailouts and deductions. Now that's crazy.
I will do no such thing. He will sent to an asteroid ASAP.
No flat tax, but thanks. The flat tax nonsense is perpetuated (conveniently) by those aristocratic pigs. Do you know why that is?
1 page tax code; and where does a 5% budget cut equate to all that deregulation?
under our current lobbying system - environmental deregulation abounds I was talking about my own plan not yours
Make it military history. With my own alcohol bar. And a flat screen.
I have a list, no flat screen but I will allow you a blow up doll.
Okay had to stop at point one and could not go any further. A flat tax? Are you fucking retarded? Did someone drop you as an infant. That is absofuckinglutely the idea of an idiot.
I sure wouldn't want to pay 40% as a "progressive tax" Fuck, I hate that word. A 15% tax on $20,000 is $3000. A 15% tax on $250,000 is $37,500. A 15% tax on $1 million is $150,000. That is enough progressive for me. Now let's look at the other two points.
No fucking way. The difference in discretionary income is absolutely astounding. Are you really that poor at math?
then wealth will go overseas, and not get used here. Or perhaps they can sit on the money and wait to see if it gets better. Why does government need all of it anyway? so they can piss it out without accountability? Let the government cut a little off the top and make better use of what it has left.
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Nope, I am a nonpaid volunteer trying to make change in my own way.
Do you have change for a $50?
Health care for eveyone. Consolidate the private sector. Make them compete against eachother.
You may have competition. Flat tax yes everything over 10% is excess and due to circumstances it may take 10% to fix things. Build structure with new purpose. Put defense working to build or healing themselves, use boats to ship wasted fruit to the hungry. Safety first. If today were a test Godspeed everyone passing.
Sign the petition, then?
The corrupted help us because we ask, okay. Personally I have heard enough talk and feel it plenty. A new way comes.
So, you signed it, then? Or were you just high as hell when you wrote that?
Like that is any concern for you, what I do? To each their own- you celebrate however you like I know I shall. I am not putting my name to anything other than what is here writ...To appeal to those already corrupt is senseless
As long as you're at it, would you also get drug testing for WallStreet?
regarding #3, great idea, no democrat would ever hold office again.