Forum Post: If I Were David Koch
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 11:50 a.m. EST by DavidA
from Brooklyn, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If I were David Koch, I would be freaking out about #ows and would quickly fork up some pocket change ($10 million or so) to get my vast network of political operatives to post various forms of garbage on this site. Trolls. Anti-union maniacs. Provocateurs. The whole Lee Atwater manual. Please if you're reading this, I don't mean this destructively, I don't mean to engender distrust. But forgive me for recommending the obvious but please use your common sense here. And take the trolling, provocation and BS as a high compliment: the 1% (or in Koch's case the 0.001%) is running scared. Just the fact that they are putting up sites like "occupyparty dot org" which is nothing more than attempt to get the more naive supporters of #ows into the clutches of the tea party and rightwing of the GOP is proof of their shenanigans.
Good thing you are not Koch.
Stop complaining and go make something of yourselves. Insane that some of you think it's a terrible thing that a smart and motivated person is successful in life. It's your fault if you failed, get over it. Charles Koch gives a substantial amount of his income to charity, which is why he pays lower taxes. What is this assault intended to accomplish? Trying to raise his taxes so that he gives less to the needy?
Agreed on all points.
I'd be surprised if this hasn't already happened here. On the other hand this is likely not necessary as there are a large number of people that would do this kind of thing for free.
From what I've read so far one, the other, or both HAS already happened.
Oh they'll come after us, for sure. But our anger is pretty well directed. How can a group which understands that corporations and the wealthy are to blame be misdirected into anything else? If they do it then bravo, but I can't see how that's going to happen.
keeping score: so far: 1 reply in agreement, 1 reply an example of what I'm talking about.
Obamas' 2012 Re-election Finance Director is the son of BANK OF AMERICAS former CEO Charles K. Gifford.... the guy who got us in this mess!!! Keeping it all in the Family
Oh, yes the scare campaign is on. Coordinated and in full attack mode.
If this movement were trivial they'd be ignoring it.
Funny you useful idiots are working for Soros, the #1 "ONE PERCENTER". hahahah
Stop complaining and go make something of yourselves. Insane that some of you think it's a terrible thing that a smart and motivated person is successful in life. It's your fault if you failed, get over it. Charles Koch gives a substantial amount of his income to charity, which is why he pays lower taxes. What is this assault intended to accomplish? Trying to raise his taxes so that he gives less to the needy?