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Forum Post: If I was the first man on earth, and lived forever, everyone of you would be paying me rent under our current economic system.

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 14, 2012, 7:28 p.m. EST by freewriterguy (882)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You see the early immigrants came to america so they could own land, instead their children ended up hogging it and selling for ridiculous prices, so we are back where we were a couple thousand years ago. Enough said.



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[-] 3 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

No, actually if you lived forever and we were all your children, then you'd 'try' to charge rent, but mom would let us live in the basement for free

[-] 2 points by justhefacts (1275) 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

Who are you Lazarus Long?

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 13 years ago

Those in Mass. could only buy it from a monopoly, who claimed exclusive rights to buy it from the indigenous people. It was that way for quite some time. Some gave it up when they went back "home", some had it confiscated when they would not swear loyalty to the movement for independence and were shipped to Canada. In the west, it is the water that is being sold at ridiculous prices and more is being sold than exists (Over-alloocated water.) and houses are being sold that will run out of non renewable water (aquifers).


[-] 0 points by FarIeymowat (49) 13 years ago

If youre a good landlord who gives a shit?

[-] 1 points by freewriterguy (882) 13 years ago

well what do you think the ows movement is about, sharing the abundance of the earth.

[-] 1 points by justhefacts (1275) 13 years ago

Who the hell put OWS in charge of the abundance of the earth?

[-] 0 points by freewriterguy (882) 13 years ago

if they were in charge, they would probably share it, but they arent in charge, corporations and men who seek power over others are. it take some time for people to catch on what its all about. patience is a virtue.

[-] 1 points by justhefacts (1275) 13 years ago

First-Where can I find the documentation of the motives that drove the immigrants a couple thousand years ago to come here?

Second-if it's already been a couple thousand years and people haven't caught on yet...I hope OWS has more than a couple thousand years worth of patience.

[-] 1 points by FarIeymowat (49) 13 years ago

You mean free dope and free love?
