Forum Post: If I wanted ten thousand dollars from you...
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 30, 2011, 2:07 a.m. EST by ARod1993
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...there are three different ways I could get it.
1-I could walk up to you and rattle a cup and ask you upfront for you to give me ten thousand dollars. This is rather obnoxious, but generally speaking it's legal.
2-I could follow you down the street and read aloud a ten-page paper I wrote on how giving me a ten thousand dollars would stimulate the economy and make the world a better place if you gave me a hundred dollars. Again, it's pretty obnoxious but there's not really anything illegal about it.
3-I could rather pointedly remind you that you have a performance review coming up at work. I could further remind you that several members of the review committee owe me favors because I gave them the money to get where they are today and they're not willing to forget that anytime soon. I could then remind you that there's no reason for you to keep your job if you don't give me ten thousand dollars, and I have a replacement for you lined up who will give me what I want if you won't. Now this is illegal, known colloquially (and I believe legally) as extortion, and at that point you have the right to have me locked up for a good while.
Which one of these three tactics sounds the most like standard corporate lobbying procedures?