Forum Post: If "corporations are people, my friend"... what does that make Mitt Romney? Please answer multiple choice question.
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 8, 2012, 8:27 p.m. EST by TIOUAISE
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As we all know, on August 11, 2011 Mitt Romney triumphantly reminded a heckler in Iowa : "Corporations are people, my friend!"
If corporations are people... what does that make Mitt Romney?
Please answer multiple choice question below.
a - An alien life form
b - a human lizard
c - a hard nut to crack
d - a big phony
e - a dumb troll with a smiley glued to his face
f - a closet corporatophile
g - great presidential material!
h - other (feel free to be creative! :)
A corporate stooge.
Counting George W. and Barack H., how many stooges would that make?
ANSWER: A really BAAAAAAD remake of "The Three Stooges"... At least, Larry, Curly and Moe were actually funny.
Just slightly evolved beyond a Newt?
Romney is your standard pretty face who endorses enough of the party line to hold a firm membership but not those parts of it that are completely unpalatable to most of the country. He's not a dominionist, he's not a religious fanatic, he's willing to stay in the center on most of the social issues (to the disgust of significant chunks of the socially conservative base) to avoid looking like a nut on the national stage.
On economic policy, however, Romney falls squarely in line with the corporate end of the party. Corporations are people, lobbying is free speech, and the cash that I get from my backers is a show of support rather than a purchase of my loyalties down the line. That statement and others like it indicate that Romney believes that the only thing wrong with corruption is being poorly connected enough not to get it legalized.
I guess that makes him F?
An ex leader in the Morman cult
You mean "Mormon", right?
An ex leader in the Morman cult, a current leader of the Moron cult.
He means moron
Whatever, Morman, Morwoman it's all good. Well not for me though.
Interesting. I thought most people in OWS were pretty tolerant and respectful of other religions. Maybe I was wrong.
We're not making fun of MORMONS! We're making fun of MORONS...
And to my knowledge, "moronism" or "moronicism" is not an official religion... An oversight, perhaps? LOL
I think he just misspelled "Mormon" and is repeating the oft repeated slander that it's a cult. Even the efforts above to restate "Mormon" as "Moron" is disrespectful as it's only funny in relation to "Mormon."
I'm not a Mormon, but I know a number of them. Though I personally find their beliefs alien, every one of them I know has been an outstanding person. In fact, all the Mormons I personally know are so darned good they verge on boring. Nevertheless, I respect and admire all of them for their outstanding behavior. Behaviors, not beliefs, are the only thing about another man we have a right to judge.
I understand people here oppose Romney, I just hate to see it bleed over to slandering a religion. It's been 70 years since JFK suffered similar slander by rights of being Catholic, and I would have hoped we were over discriminating based on faith by now.
Shhh..Don't tell anyone, but they're all cults...People just happen to like the cult they are in..and of course they think their cult is the best cult and everyone else is going to Hell..
Other than that, I truly love organized religion...I plan on making up one myself.,,You know for tax purposes and all...I just have to find crusty old text to base the new savior on and it's off to the races.
Mitt's religion is MONEY and POWER...His actions are always what is expedient...
I would never make humor about a politician's faith or lack thereof. I evaluate a man's ACTIONS, not his religious rethoric.
READ what I posted above : "Personally, I couldn't care less if Romney was Zoroastrian or atheist or worshipped the moon and the stars... It's NOT his religion that poses a problem."
Why do you paint me as being disrespectful? Do you feel that me stating the inconvenient truth is disrespectful.
Maybe you don't belong here
The Mormon religion is not a "cult," at least no more than any other religion.
Don't you think calling them a "cult" is disrespectful ? I do.
Why would I not belong here ?
Rico, you seem to blissfully ignore the fact that, in its inception, Christianity itself was considered a cult, because it deviated from Judaism...
And the Buddha created a cult deviating from Hinduism...
Personally, I couldn't care less if Romney was Zoroastrian or an atheist or worshipped the moon and the stars... It's NOT his religion that poses a problem and nobody ever suggested that it was.
Clearly, Rico, you are a humorless TROLL trying as usual to distract, disrupt and deceive and make innocent political humor look bad...
"Innocent political humor" about a man's faith? Really ?
Do you also endorse "innocent political humor" about Obama's race ?
I know I'm being a pain in the ass, but also note my comment wasn't direct at you.
I'm not a troll, or at least I don't think I am. My "karma" looks similar to yours.
I would never make humor about a politician's faith or lack thereof. I evaluate a man's ACTIONS, not his religious rethoric.
READ MY LIPS: "Personally, I couldn't care less if Romney was Zoroastrian or atheist or worshipped the moon... It's NOT his religion that poses a problem." (posted 22 minutes ago)
They are a cult according to my definition.
Were the Waco people not a cult?
Was Jonestown not a cult?
Are the Moonies a Cult?
Is the Mormon dogma based on the teaching of a modern day profit? Does the Mormon religion conveniently conflict with the teaching of Christianity whenever their leaders feel like changing the rules to accommodate their perversion of the Bible?
Yep sounds like a cult to me
Why did I say maybe you don’t belong here?
Well you seem a little over-sensitive. Also when you try to define me as the OWS you would like to see, it makes you look a little naïve about OWS people. If all this bothers you then you should be doing something more relaxing.
Perhaps you need to read more. Start with wikipedia : according to that page, there are 14 million Mormans worldwide.
Next, take a look at the data from the Pew Research Center at . There you'll see that Mormons make up 1.8% of the US population and that there are as many people of Mormon faith in the USA as there are people of the Jewish faith. Both have more followers in the USA than Jehovah's Witnesses, Orthodox Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, or Hindus.
As for your argument that the Mormons follow a "modern day" profit and your reference to them adding a book to the Bible, exactly the same thing was likely said about Christians who emerged after a couple thousand years of Jewish tradition.
There were only a handful of folks at Waco, Jonestown, etc. and it's irresponsible to declare 14 million people to be the same as little bands of extremists.
Am I over-sensitive ? I don't think so. It is each and every person's responsibility to defend our core American beliefs like respect for our various religions and call our fellow citizens to task when they slip up. I would react the same if you were using racist terms.
We are in a particularly sensitive period right now because we have a presidential candidate of a different faith than most of us are familiar with. There will be people slipping off the American path into religious slander, and it's best to nip that in the bud each time it comes up before it becomes acceptable. We slandered President Kennedy for being Catholic 70 years ago, and I would hope we were beyond confusing a Man's faith and his politics by now.
I am not a Mormon, and I am not defending Romney. I am simply reminding people of our American values during a period when we all need to be particularly sensitive. Slam Romney's policies all you want, but please leave his faith alone. It's irrelevant.
I guess it is what it you want it to be. And it is what others want it to be. Right or wrong is an emotional state
I figured you'd be a moral relativist.
Is "2+2=5" right or wrong in your view ?
I think you are the kind of guy that can convince himself of anything.
You generate your own snake oil.
You really should think about hooking up with the Mormons.
Hey think about all that pussy. God gives you the thumbs up.
Hey it's not a cult, they got a book that supersedes the Bible.
Yeah the rest of those idiots think the Bible was the last rule book.
"I think you are the kind of guy that can convince himself of anything." Nope. Those guys are called "moral relativists." They're excellent at self-justification and "generate their own snake oil" as required to justify their actions.
The only thing one man can judge about another is his public behavior, and I respect any man who is a good neighbor. I don't care who he worships or what he does in his bedroom. That's all for God to sort out, not me.
You are so fuckin' stupid you are funny. That's all you got!
h - not heckled enough.
Brilliant response!
I was going to go with g, but then a lightning bolt struck a few feet away and I changed my mind.
Where's "All of the Above"
Are human lizards another name for psychopaths?
I actually laughed out loud for e. Very funny and true. But really, I told him to say corporations are people because they are. They are run by people, managed by people,funded by people. They are in fact people. And we are the people eaters.
I so wish reptilian theory was real. I remember when following a related section of videos on youtube first brought me to reptilian theory. It was so damn funny. Some of the comments were like "Finally. I'm not the only one who knows." Hahaha. How do some people come up with that stuff?
h. Frankenstein
Great Republican presidential material.
He really is....I'll bet any amount of money that he is the nominee. He's a shoe in with all of the money monkeying around on his back. Creepy really.
I'm glad you added the "Creepy really." LOL!
h. (other)
the very best of the repeliKan party . . .
; D
h - other. A man who overestimates the intelligence of his audience by assuming they understand people don't lose their individual liberties simply because they choose to associate and speak or act in unison as they do in corporations, unions, trade associations, the Sierra Club, the AARP, the NAACP, the NRA, and so forth.
Based on what I see in these forums, I become ever more certain that George Bush had about the same intellect as the average citizen.
You are either way overestimating Dubya or insulting a large segment of the population.
Hey, I didn't specify which George Bush, and I said "based on what I see here." The logical conclusion is that I'm saying most people I run into here exhibit intelligence falling somewhere between George Bush senior and junior. I'm not sayin' which one ;o)
Consider carefully this forum post and my response.