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Forum Post: If Corporations are People, How do We Exact Capital Punishment?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 1:34 a.m. EST by nuclearradio (227)
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Many American Corporations like: Monsanto






Are guilty of Treason, Mass Murder, Manslaughter and Conspiracy to Commit Murder. They deserve Capital Punishment - execution. How does one execute a corporation?



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[-] 1 points by Falcus (81) 13 years ago

The Capital Punishment of a Corporation is a Revokation of its Corproate Charter.... ALL Business' are chartered (IE Started, and registered with government) somewhere. Its up to the governing body they registered with revoke their charter. This gets alot more tricky these days, but essentially this is what happened to US Steel and other major business' that Teddy Roosevelt "Busted". I don't know all the details, please feel free to research the history, and anything more recent as Im sure there are more recent examples that I am unaware of.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

How do we exact capital punishment? En masse.

[-] 0 points by ToddDunning (89) from Aliso Viejo, CA 13 years ago

The only thing that's killing me is the laughter over your post

[-] 1 points by nuclearradio (227) 13 years ago

Why is it funny?

[-] 0 points by ToddDunning (89) from Aliso Viejo, CA 13 years ago

Oh god... please stop.... hoowahaha.... hippies.....snort

[-] 1 points by nuclearradio (227) 13 years ago

You are failing to provide a logical argument. Why is it funny that corporations commit capital crime and are not punished for it? I don't understand why this is not a serious issue even to a Koch sucking Republiclone troll like you, Todd.