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Forum Post: If corporate greed is one of our biggest complaints

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 6:19 a.m. EST by bronco777x (9)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Fellow Americans lets unite to help our country. If corporate greed is one of our biggest complaints lets address that problem by directing our efforts toward those companies who make huge profits and outsource American jobs. The worst offenders are Apple, Microsoft and AT&T the number of jobs outsourced is hard to quantify but some estimates show 400,000 jobs just by Apple while they only employ 27,000 in the US. These companies make more profits and at a higher margin than most of the banks we currently direct a lot of our angry toward.

Let’s Boycott these companies until they bring these jobs back to America to start with.

Microsoft ranked #2 in profit for US companies 20.6B

AT&T ranked #3 in profit for US companies 19.9B

Apple ranked #6 in profit for US companies 16.6B

IBM ranked #8 in profit for US companies 14.8B

Intel ranked #14 in profit for US companies 11.5B

Numbers obtained from Forbes list 04/2011



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[-] 2 points by figero (661) 13 years ago

Lets boycott Hollywood, The Music Industry, Professional Sports

[-] 1 points by thezencarpenter (131) 13 years ago

A corporation itself is not greedy, it is a fictional entity created by it's members to limit the liability and personal accountability of those members. How those members behave once they are offered that protection and how much immunity from the moral and ethical values of society is the real issue. boycotting based of these criteria seems to be the most productive way to accomplish your goal. Google's pledge to "do no evil" is a good example, If I agree with this goal should I boycott them simply because of their physical size? It goes without saying that the recent transgressions of the Wall street banks are worthy of a boycott, and of course that is why people are outraged.

[-] 1 points by Revolutionary (311) 13 years ago

No big complaints can be solved by not addressing small complaints,bigger complaints and the biggest complaint.

[-] 1 points by NintyNiner (93) 13 years ago



I always try and buy American made products even if it costs alittle more.

We must stop importing more than we export!

Everyone needs to wake up and realize we are own worst enemy!!!


We need to support American companies and they will support the 99%!

Foreign companies just take our money overseas!

Im a OWS supporter that believes we need business as much as business needs us. So support your Mom and pop shops and shift your buying habits to support your local communities!

[-] 1 points by JZes (30) 13 years ago

Did you use windows or a mac os to post this, I hope the irony is not lost on you.

[-] 1 points by bronco777x (9) 13 years ago

It was not lost. I love these companies products. But feel it is the greatest example of corporate greed using the cheapest labor to become some of the richest companies in the world.

[-] 1 points by JZes (30) 13 years ago

Suppose those folks need jobs too in manufacturing, don't see to many folks here who are excited to work in an assembly factory. Are you?

[-] 1 points by bronco777x (9) 13 years ago

Yes I would love a job making Iphones TVs any manufacturing job. those used to be the jobs of the middleclass here. Millions of jobs that should be here still.

[-] 1 points by JZes (30) 13 years ago

I'll take a post industrial job, more fun.

I'm sorry you've lost that opportunity though. I don't think those jobs are coming back.

[-] 1 points by packetStorm (128) 13 years ago

The challenge with private central banks need to be addressed first.

"Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes it’s laws." --Mater Amschel Rothschild

[-] 1 points by SmallBizGuy (378) from Savannah, GA 13 years ago

Companies should always invest and hire where it makes financial sense. When they quit doing that, and start to make decisions, only based on charitable values, they will go bankrupt. As everyone knows....nothing from nothing leaves everyone broke and unemployed.

Maybe the best policy for OWS is to "value" the 27,000 jobs that Apple DOES create here in the US. OWS and the American worker would be better off working with Apple (and other corporations) to make it more financially feasible for them to hire workers in THIS country.

Constantly being 'adversarial" is not going to help one bit.

[-] 1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

I agree. Acting against these companies is not helpful. Better trade policies would be helpful.

But I do believe that big corporations have gotten too BIG. In some cases whatever the percieved benefits is outweighed by a greater cost to society. I don't know much about Anti-Trust, but isn't there supposed to be rules against monopolies?

[-] 1 points by bronco777x (9) 13 years ago

The jobs Apple keeps here are in the retail stores and some engineers. What kind of impact would almost a half a million manufacturing jobs have in the U.S. economy?

[-] 1 points by Corium (246) 13 years ago

Try to think of it as providing jobs for underprivileged people around the globe. This is a very noble thing that they do. I've traveled the world and I know what real poverty looks like. The federal tax rate for 'C' Corporations in that income bracket is 35%. So Microsoft alone would have paid $7,210,000,000.00 in taxes on $20.6 billion. Not sure I can get angry at a company for not paying their fair share when they pay in the billions.

[-] 1 points by bronco777x (9) 13 years ago

It's noble to have your products manufactured and assembled in suicide factories in China and get rich in the process?

[-] 1 points by figero (661) 13 years ago

tell me - what were the people working in those factories doing before?

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

As you have noticed, valid points of contention are ignored.

[-] 1 points by Corium (246) 13 years ago

Yes... not sure why they are called "suicide factories" though. The suicide rate in china is 14 per 100,000, but at the factory it's 10 per 300,000. Maybe they should call it a "lack of suicide factory" to help explain the missing 32 suicides the factory should have had based on statistics. http://articles.cnn.com/2010-06-01/world/china.foxconn.inside.factory_1_foxconn-suicides-china-labor-bulletin?_s=PM:WORLD

[-] 1 points by Corium (246) 13 years ago

P.S. I happen to like China a lot... I speak both Mandarin and Cantonese. I've been there several times. It's a wonderful country that has a lot to offer the world. The people are fantastic.

[-] 1 points by bronco777x (9) 13 years ago

The fact that these are some of the most profitable companies in the world and use cheap overseas labor is the prefect example of the corporate greed.

[-] 1 points by figero (661) 13 years ago

tell me - what were those factory workers in China doing before ?

[-] 1 points by Corium (246) 13 years ago

I hear you, but what bothers me more is how they release products... for example, anybody have a ATT Airport router more than 3 years old? They cost $80 and fail at about 2 years. They are designed to fail. When Apple releases new phone they hold back on features just so they can have "new" products to release for months to come. Those practices I find greedy and some what bad for the environment.

[-] 1 points by packetStorm (128) 13 years ago

What only Americans need jobs? Only Americans are the 99%!?!

[-] 2 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

coming from your perspective, I've often thought maybe it is a good thing that foreigners are allowed the opportunity to work and provide for their families because of transnationals. But those american based trans nationals used american capital to expand into those markets, and because most of that capital was obtained through subsidies, being american taxes, those transnationals would not exist. so for corporations to use political means to extract more taxes, ie, 9-9-9, seems a little too shady. don't you think?

[-] 1 points by packetStorm (128) 13 years ago

Neoliberalism needs to be defeated. We need to take back the power to create money from the central banks. It is with the central banks ... that grants the power to the trans-nationals.

[-] 2 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

to use a right wing catch phrase, we have to "starve the beast" before they will stand down. I honestly believe the Neoliberal philosophy is held by those who believe they are doing what is right and until their profits are depleted substantially they will continue to believe they have the nation's best interests at heart. we have to insure that the trans nationals go into the red. a sure fire way to defeating the washington consensus, is to hurt it where it counts, the pocket book.

[-] 1 points by bronco777x (9) 13 years ago

27,000 in US 400,000+ in China? Their not spreading them around to help anyone but themselves.

[-] 0 points by figero (661) 13 years ago

what about hollywood? music industry? any one percenters there ?