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Forum Post: If ANYONE here told the truth - All 100% are 1% wannabes !

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 9:35 a.m. EST by happybanker (766)
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Yes, that means YOU



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[-] 1 points by sleonard (54) from Cranford, NJ 13 years ago

Certain aspects of human nature give credence to this statement, but it is not an absolute truth. I really don't need to be part of the 1% and don't want to live the life required to acquire that kind of wealth. Since I didn't inherit such wealth, I can't speak on that. I probably wouldn't give it away and live in poverty and, going with my own inclinations, would put it to good use in society. Some people without wealth are happy as they are and only want certain securities to maintain stability and to avoid being subject to the whims of the wealthy. This leads to an important point. Not every one can be part of the 1%, even if they want to. This doesn't mean they should accept a society that is co-opted to primarily serve the interests of the 1% at the expense of the other 99%. We still have the right to use our political power to protect and secure ourselves. Just because I'm not rich doesn't mean that I have to live like a fool or allow the wealthy to use their power to manipulate the political system to their advantage and my disadvantage. The 99% has power too!

[-] 1 points by derek (302) 13 years ago

"The Wrath of the Millionaire Wannabe's"

http://conceptualguerilla.com/?q=node/47/ "The right likes to think that every Leftist “hates” the “rich”. I suppose there are those on the Left who hate the rich, but if they do, their anger is misplaced. It’s the “wannabe’s” you have to watch out for. The inscription on the Statue of Liberty says “send me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free.” That’s pretty much how it was from Jamestown to Barry Goldwater. Oppressed peasants and proletarians from the hierarchical cesspools of Europe - and lately Latin America and Southeast Asia - came here to be free. Somewhere along the way, some of us got the idea that the Statue of Liberty invites the huddled masses “yearning to be millionaires”. They got the idea that just because you came here “yearning to be free” doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to be. You gotta become a millionaire first. That’s what the “dittohead” is. He’s a millionaire wannabe. He’s bought into the sales pitch of Carlton Sheets, Don LaPree and all those Amway kooks that “you too can be rich beyond your wildest dreams.” He watches their infomercials complete with large breasted babes reclining on a Rolls in front of some mansion in Southern California. “I started with nothing, and now I have all this” some lounge lizard in a plaid sport coat tells them. And they believe it. It never occurs to them that assuming that these guys are as rich as advertised, they got that way as high-tech grifters. ... Of course eventually, these guy realize that not only are they not millionaires, they’re not making much progress toward that noble goal. That’s when they get ugly. ... They never ask where the wealth of the “worthy” people who have “made it” with their “hard work” are getting their money. “I work hard. I go to work everyday” - like the rest of us don’t. These dittoheads don’t realize that “playing by the rules” means that they - the dittoheads - are producing what somebody else sells for a profit. These dittoheads don’t realize that when they go home and write checks for their rent, they’re house payment, their car payment, and their credit card payment, the biggest part of that payment is interest that goes to some millionaire. They don’t realize that those interest payments - this is in addition to the part of their taxes that is interest - add up to way more than they pay in taxes. Or maybe they do realize it. Maybe they are perfectly willing to give the lion’s share of what they create at work, and then pay the lion’s share of what they earn at work to bond traders, Wall Street investment bankers, their boss and Don LaPree, because after all “that’s what I want to be able to do”. But here’s something I’ll bet the dittoheads haven’t thought of. Maybe they’re the chumps. Maybe they’ve been sold a bogus “American dream” that never existed. Maybe “the rules” they play by were written by the people who have “made it” - not by the people who haven’t. And maybe - just maybe - the people who have “made it” wrote those rules to keep the wannabes chasing a dream that’s a mirage. ..."

[-] 0 points by happybanker (766) 13 years ago

A lot of Chumps in this world.

[-] 1 points by keller2012 (10) 13 years ago

There are few statements that could be made that apply to 100% of the people. We're all human, yes. But that we all want to take advantage of others or that we all want to be wealthy on the backs of everyone else or that we all want to hold humanity back so we can be wealthy now? No. Maybe YOU want those types of things, but the majority of us I'd be willing to bet don't fit that mold.

[-] 1 points by PotatoheadPete (1) 13 years ago

If I won the Lottery tomorrow, I'd support this movement just as strongly. So, what's your point?

[-] 0 points by happybanker (766) 13 years ago

Jealousy is a more powerful motivator than greed.

[-] 1 points by OldMan (6) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago

You're an idiot.

[-] -1 points by happybanker (766) 13 years ago

You are liar, wannabe.

[-] 1 points by soloenbarcelona (199) from Barcelona, CT 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by happybanker (766) 13 years ago

You too

[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

absolutely. you got it man. we don't hate the rich, they just need to move over and make some room. :)

[-] 0 points by antipolitics (127) 13 years ago

I don't think the 1% is the problem, they are just people. I think the SYSTEM is the problem. Sadly that System is called America.

We've let the Corporations Corrupt our Government.

[-] 0 points by happybanker (766) 13 years ago

Corps are groups of people

[-] 1 points by antipolitics (127) 13 years ago

I don't believe corps are anything like people. People do best working together. Corps tries to eat everything, destroy other corps, and win.

Corps & Business is more like War, then a friendly group of people.

[-] 0 points by happybanker (766) 13 years ago

Corps are formed and owned by people pal.

[-] 1 points by antipolitics (127) 13 years ago

Corps aren't people. They are "a Business Entity", who's main purpose is to make, hide, or shelter money.

I believe people are more then "Let's make as much $$ as possible, and then, let's make some more."