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Forum Post: Identify the Problem…Come up with the Solutions….Inform them of the Consequences

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 10:02 a.m. EST by boblcl (2)
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Follow the money! Problem- We can all agree that our unbearable economic situation around the world has left most of us feeling powerless, our governments provide lip service by telling us what we want to hear while at the same time encouraging corporations to operate on the foundation of “business as usual” We all should not have no problem with a company making money no matter how much it is (this is America), however when a company (or particular industry/special interest group) spends $200,000,000.00 on lobbyist or campaign donation (not just once but many times) then ask yourself are these government waters our elected politicians are all swimming in called a cesspool or a whirlpool? This often times this money is spent first even if it means loss of benefits or jobs to the employee. It is our own fault…. We make jokes about the crooked politicians (all of them are), our government’s day-to-day activities that do more harm than good, yet we keep electing these guys! Solution- It’s time we take action and send a real message… first we need some laws changed (one of my favorite is elected officials can serve no more than 8 years, this should not be a career), no more accepting money from special interest groups or lobbyist (follow the money). Flat tax/usage tax (or something different), full disclosure as far where our money is spent. Consequences- we need to identify what we will do if our voice is not heard, we have the power as a whole country to get whatever we want, and then let’s hit them where it will hurt, their wallet and their time, the two most important concerns for this 1 percent everyone is talking about. Cut spending on all none essential products (cooperation’s will not like this and may talk about job loss….who cares if all they do is paying themselves 200,000,000.00 bonuses while laying off 2,000 workers, our jobs are the least of their concerns). We should have start date and show them we mean business not just standing in a park, this is good but not enough. As far as time, we all need to get in their faces everyday and make them send out more and more police to manage the situation in all city towns across the country who are protesting, send 30 letters a day to government offices to flood them with paperwork, make at least 10 phone calls a day to government run facilities and so until we get what we want!



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