Forum Post: identify the 1%
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 12:56 a.m. EST by heresthething
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Hey Occupiers: this is all such a simple problem, really....not that hard to figure it all out if you ask me....
1) pick a strong Leader with big serious nuts in his pants 2) identify the 1% - make a fucking list...with addresses 3) gather up a crew, and go have a little chat with a bunch of them, and ask them if they wouldn't mind maybe lending out a couple trillion bucks to Homeowners that are under water, and Entrepreneurs trying to start know, people that are down and out and can't get any help from our worthless Gov't. 4) they might not agree to help right away, but if we all smile really nice, and ask if we could wash their cars for them, and maybe let some of them fuck us up our asses, and maybe if we are all reallllly nice to them, they'll help us out.....or maybe not. that I'm thinking on it, we might need to use slightly different tactics....but hey, why don't we get that list together just the same??
Why do you feel entitled to their money? that they earned?
I do agree with the part about compiling a list of their addresses (make sure you get both their NY penthouse AND their address in the Hamptons). We made need that list sometime in the future. KnowhatImean?
oh yeah and you missed the part where we kill all of them!!!!!! lets just go and kill all the 1% people so then there will no longer be a 1% just 100% of idiots running around killing people!!!
makes sense to me.