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Forum Post: Ideas/inputs for research topic

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 8:13 a.m. EST by 0815pascal (0) from Zürich, ZH
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Hey guys

I'm a political science student based at the university of zurich (Switzerland). I gotta write a research paper based on a course that I'm attending called "Still the Indispensable Nation? The U.S. Position in the 21st Century World". I already have a couple of research topic (e.g. the unequal income distribution), but since I'm not living in the U.S. I don't have an exact idea on what is going on / is going wrong there.

Therefore I thought to myself that I could ask you guys if you would be so nice to provide me maybe some ideas of what would you research? Where do you see the U.S. in decline or rise?

You can contact me here at the forum or at pascal dot witzig {at} gmail dot com

Thank you very much :)



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