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Forum Post: Ideas to help focus and organize the protests

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 9:48 a.m. EST by crazy8 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The Occupy Wall Street Protesters need to organize and set clear goals, and I have a suggestion. If we want laws to protect us from corporate greed, we need to end their ability to buy off our elected officials, at all levels of government. We need to enact campaign finance laws similar to Canada. When every candidate has the same amount of money, anyone can run for office, and the job goes to the most qualified candidate, not the one who had the best financed campaign...and they don't owe any favors to their biggest contributors.

Another suggestion to help keep the protests going and help them organize. Seek pledges of a dollar a day for each protester. In other words, put protesters' pictures and first names on a web site, and people can select a protestor to sponsor at $1 for every day that protester remains active. Half of that dollar can go to food, toilets, and cleanup for the protest locations, and half can go toward setting up a web site, marketing, and organizing the movement. It gives each protester incentive to not give up. "I have 5 people that are backing me up and counting on me." It also gives people who can't be at the protests a way to get involved, and if they know a protester personally, a real way to support their effort.



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[-] 1 points by globcit (14) 13 years ago

Ideas for demands

1) Audit the Fed and all the big banks (get global consensus for all the National banks especially the Bank of England, Germany, France (ie the big 8) and big global banks),

2) Put a moratorium on all government debt around the world starting with the US, until after the audit (this will increase the urgency of the audit).

3) Audit the Weapons and Oil Corporations.

4) Audit all the senior executives of the major ratings' agencies, the senior members of the judiciary of the Supreme and High Courts and senior government officials between 2000- to now

5) Audit the top 200 wealthiest in the US and those whose incomes suddenly shot up between 2000 - 2008 by greater than x million+ US$ (some meaningful figure as a function of the average growth).

6) Global Offshore banks and tax havens should be forced to be transparent in this audit.

Once this has been done, monies should be reclaimed and then there will be enough to rebuild the country and other countries that have been destroyed by this extreme avarice.

Based upon the above, reform the Fed, break down the monopolies of the SIFI (Systemically Important Financial Institutions), just as money circulation is global, money regulations should be globally enacted starting with regional bodies (to replace local regulations/regulators)