Forum Post: ideas on Lobbyists
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 9 p.m. EST by apmpaul
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
for those of you that don't know what a Lobbyist is, a Lobbyist is a special interest group that will influence political figures to vote a certain way on a bill, for example the "national restaurants association" a lobbyist group that represents the majority of restaurants and whenever a bill is introduced that would raise the minimum wage or increase taxes on the wealthy they will fight it with all at their disposal, aka campaign contributions and other tools they have.
What do people feel about them; it appears to me that without lobbyists big businesses would have no legal way to bribe political figures into making laws that benefit them. Basically what i am saying is i want to get rid of lobbyists. How do you guys feel?
Lobbying is probably problem number one in the US.