Forum Post: "Ideas For Solutions" I live in one of NYC's ghettos and happened to see a poster for this group. Anyone know anything more about it?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 30, 2011, 4:40 a.m. EST by ShubeLMorgan2
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
IdeasForSolutions Home Page Mission Statement exist for the sole purpose of linking together the individuals whom are ready to have their voices heard and work for change. From this platform we will link together like-minded people by the issue they care about & by the approach they want to use to have their grievance not only heard but fixed. Imagine a movement that welcomes all people, to fight all issues, by way of multiple approaches, under a united platform. We intend to be that platform. Empower everyone, collect ideas, and put them into action. Together we will change the world. People, their happiness, their quality of life, and their perspective is always worth the effort.
Bi-Weekly Event
IdeasForSolutions will be hosting a gathering at central park every other Sunday until the world becomes more condusive to most people being happy. It is our responsibility as a conscious minded generation to set right the wrongs of this world and leave behind a baggage free clean slate for the generation who will inherit this planet long after we have passed. We are constantly evolving as a species. Although it may not be something you are consciously aware of, you are aware of it. We have no idea how much further the youth we raise can evolve the utilization of this universe. They may cultivate the moon, extend the life of the sun, develop technologies we can not even conceive . But they also may not if we hand them our baggage to deal with. Own the responsibility you were born into in the first society where it is possible. We have the accountability if we use it correctly. We have the compassion to live and let live. We have the resources to accomplish it. We can change everything, if we choose. This is the first generation where we possess knowledge over the tools to hold leadership accountable. It is also the first generation where the leadership vows to stand by the people, all the people. Let's test that. Let's see if it's true. But that will only be possible when we can care about more then what we personally relate to. i think its a good start to form a meeting ground where we can fight what we want, where we want, and how we want with like minded allies. By keeping this meeting ground consistent people will be able to integrate with others whom seek a better life as well. Learn to cross support. Our own judgment is the only thing standing in the way of us having our better world.
The event will start off by people taking turns standing up on soap boxes and speaking for five minutes about 3 things. They will tell their story, why they are unhappy, and their idea to fix it. We will split off into groups with people whom share our concerns. Then we will share ideas, skills, and resources that we all bring to the table. Then we will further break off into sub groups of people who have a like-minded approach to having their voice heard. Embrace the diversity and find community in it. The event will conclude with people planning their actions, exchanging information, and coming up with an agenda for the next two weeks. We will reconvene at the park bi-weekly to update each other on our progress, welcome new comers, and strengthen our community.
Common Concerns
Public Education, College, Healthcare, Jobs, Environment, War, Poverty, Homelessness, Hunger, Government, Police State, Equality, Foreign Relations, Money, Crime, Debt, Queer Rights, Corporatism, & more.
Although when these issues are laid out like this they seem overwhelming, they are actually all easy fixes, if the priority lay with the best interest of people and not with something else. The intention is not to belittle them, but to express the displeasure felt with the fact that they remain unresolved. People obviously care about these problems. The resources, technology, and compassion exist to fix them, all of them. The problem is not every one cares about all of them. They pick and choose which are important or unimportant, relevant or not relevant based on their walk of life. They are allowed to remain unresolved because someone who has huge issues with the school system does not care about homelessness. Someone who is passionate about resolving homelessness is not passionate about ending war. Someone who desperately wants world peace does not care about the environment. People pick and choose which problems are important or unimportant, or which one is the most urgent. They are all urgent. They are all causing people pain. As long as we don’t care about things that are not on our own doorstep we will continue to marginalize ourselves. When you marginalize you become easy to ignore. What does it matter how we got here? What does it matter who is right and who is wrong? What does it matter what a person believes? What does it matter how you view them? As long as they are not causing you harm let them be happy. Support them. When you judge someone else it is not a reflection of them, it is a reflection of you. Focus on something better. Also, when you allow someone to throw you off your path to happiness that is also a reflection of you and not the person that you feel is affecting you. They are only exposing your own demons and insecurities, but those demons lie with you. Only you can defeat them. Only you can release yourself from that prison. We are the only thing standing in the way of having whatever we want. Our own judgment. Fight for everyone. If we can trust each other, over time maybe we can have our utopia. Maybe we could have it all. All of our needs meet, issues resolved. A planet that is fair, kind to all it's inhabitants, and in return we are kind to the earth.
Future Of Ideas For Solutions
Ideasforsolutions will be shortly adding a forum to link individuals by city, issue, and idea. It will provide an online social network for like-minded individuals to find each other and have their voice heard about issues they want to be heard about and also more specifically find others whom share their approach on how to have their voice heard. All ideas heard. Through building community with like minded individuals better ideas will arise. Hopefully by sharing a platform and resources we can build a bigger community of like-minded individuals. we can learn to care about each others issues and organically start building the bond to making it all one cause. When we cross support and address all grievances we will have a number so huge it will not be ignored.
We aim to establish branches of this in every city of the united states then expand outwards. We believe it is now possible to begin the process of breaking down language and cultural prejudices, assumptions, and invisible boarders. Let's get to know the planet. It's possible to communicate internationally. If this is so we should do it. We can accomplish something far greater. People all over the world matter as well, and they have it much worse than us. They too want to be happy and wish you no harm. Things can change when compassion, education, and exposure lead to accountability.
For those of you who remember the civil rights movement you saw what the accountability of television did for quality of life. We plan on using the internet to generate that same level of accountability. We believe that through a combination of using the internet and bringing people to the site through a grassroots approach of word of mouth and flier distribution we can force the issue of change. With the technology we have available to us we can bring about a level of accountability that is brand new to this world if we chose to. We can be our own media. We can see why the priority does not lie with serving the best interest of most people, which is the point of democracy. Most people want something better.
When this website or the ideas that come to it need donations they will be asked for in the form of resources, not in the form of money. I realize this may complicate the lives of those whom seek to contribute, but i am hopeful that they will understand the reasoning behind it and think we are worth the effort. This will keep this project pure and free of the corruption, that monetary donations seems to drag with it everywhere.
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