Forum Post: Ideas for Policy Initiatives. Anyone want to Add, Change, Incorporate, or Support?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 3:40 a.m. EST by johndo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A proposed list of reform actions to be taken by the United States government in response to the OccupyWallStreet Movement.
There has been a great deal of support for the Occupy Wall Street movement across the world, and it is now up to us the people to decide where the movement should take us. To do that a list of reform actions need to be developed so that policy initiatives can form around them and change can take place. Otherwise as throats get soar, and legs get tired, the movement will stop moving and business will go back to usual. Here are some suggestions I have to add to a list of policies and referendums that should be undertaken by our governing institutions. I think it would be great to see what everyone thinks and would like to add. Hopefully this will eventually cross the path of someone with legislative experience and be put forth as such:
- The Federal Reserve should become a national bank attached to the Treasury so that all meetings, conversations, etc… had in that institution will hitherto fall under the direct scrutiny of the Justice Department, including yearly audits.
- The office of Secretary of Treasury should become an electable position to ensure that the appointment of said position is no longer used for political favor.
- The Security and Exchange Commission should be reassigned under the umbrella of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and its offices shall no longer be inhabited by former or soon-to-be executives of financial institutions, but instead with career white-collar crimes law enforcement.
a. In addition no longer will it be acceptable for any employee of the SEC to engage in any conversation, meeting, convention, etc… with any members of the financial institutions that isn’t directly related to the business of protecting America from financial crimes and isn’t recorded by a court appointed stenographer and the records made public. - The entirety of the Glass/Steal act should be re-instituted.
- The “AG settlement” be immediately abandoned and the “Too Big To Fail” financial institutions be faced with the full force of their crimes in civil and criminal courts at the county, state and federal level.
- That all “Too Big to Fail institutions be broken up into smaller more manageable institutions.
- Regulations and caps be placed on financial institution employees’ salaries and bonuses so that they more clearly resemble that of the rest of the working public as they did in the 1970’s.
Whereas voting is the most important activity in a civilized society. Whereas the Declaration of Independence states we are all equal. Whereas the people need certain equipment to participate in a civilized society; those things being a truthful media and access to elections. Whereas the substance of life can cause us to be unequal such as our location, finances, education, it is necessary to set in motion boundaries to keep our elections equal for all citizens.
All citizens of adult age have the right to vote. (wanna talk about felons?) Participation in the election process must not be discouraged. A diverse society such as ours must take care to hear the opinions of it's citizens. We therefore declare the following provisions to be necessary to make each citizen's vote equal. (aaagh I can't write this) Voting is the most important activity in a civilized society. Our forefathers declared that we should strive to make us all equal.
Board of Elections: Need be established as the hub of all election activity. A central place providing information on all laws and bills, classes on civics, meeting rooms and control the collection and disbursements of donations.
Ballot Access: All citizens should have equal access (meaning the same requirements) to creating a political party and achieving a ballot line. The Board of Elections should accept applications for political party status requiring only proof of actually behaving as a political party. (Statement of Beliefs, 12 meetings per year, agendas, minutes and attendance sheets to prove the meetings took place.) The party will have a deadline, and then the candidates within the party will have a deadline to assign themselves as candidates under a party. All who meet the deadlines shall have a ballot line and attend debates.
[This years Ballot access requirements for everyone not Republican or Democrat (]!/petition/enact-equal-access-amendment-making-voting-highest-priority-country-and-poor-equal-rich/tvRhg4Xv
these are boring.
Candidates may use powerpoint or some such device to illustrate their answers. All powerpoint sources must be identified. After the question is placed on the screen candidates may answer. The order of the answerer will not be as important because all answers will be recorded. The candidate may speak as long as they like but they will be using their own 90 minutes. Any time a candidate speaks they must turn on their timer to turn on their mic. If they run out of time before the debate is over they will no longer be able to speak.
(recent editing contributions have asked this to be reduced to $100 total)
The Board of Elections will check their voting status and deposit their donation in the candidates account. The board will inform the citizen when they have reached their donations limit. A candidate may donate to his own campaign at no more than $960. No other donations will be allowed for elections. Candidates will receive cards to access their funds. The board of Elections will be able to track purchases. Purchases for elections not made with card will not be allowed.
In-Kind donations will have their value determined at the board of elections not to exceed the value of $960. (so basically if someone wants to let you use their room the rental cost would be listed as a donation) A business may make an IN-Kind donation by going to the board of elections office of the county where the item will be used. (a certificate will be issued verifying what was registered for use and the value) A business may not make cash donations.!/petition/enact-equal-access-amendment-making-voting-highest-priority-country-and-poor-equal-rich/tvRhg4Xv