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Forum Post: IDEAS for movement and cold weather coming

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 9:51 a.m. EST by mishelh (11)
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IDEA 1 - get those foamy hands made up as fists for the movement IDEA 2 - at night go in front of all the elitists favorite eateries IDEA 3 - print up large face images of the elitests and put them behind jail bars on signs IDEA 4 - start looking into how to keep warm in the winter w/o propane etc in sustainable IDEA 5 - protien bars and carnation packet mixes for the cold cheap and full of what your body needs



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[-] 1 points by amandutt (13) from Toronto, ON 13 years ago

ask people to donate sweaters, jackets, switch to High Protein Rich diet ( Protein Bars) are a good example.

[-] -1 points by Sensible (0) 13 years ago

As for a BOWEL movement, do what you're doing now--crap all over the street. For your IDEA 4, huddled bodies retain heat very well so pile on top of each other. Oh, wait--then you'd all be mistaken for a large pile of bowel movement because of the stench--both collectively and individually. All the participants would probably need gas masks, also. As far as 'what your body needs,' just from some of the videos I've seen on TV, I'd venture to guess the things most needed are baths, showers, and combs. Maybe the NYFD (or other cities) could be persuaded to open up some of the hydrants to wash off some of the slop. Wish I could join you in the occupation but since I have a job, even though it's only part-time since my company downsized, I have to work for a living. When do you start with the window breaking, store vandalizing, etc.?

[-] 1 points by Noid (22) 13 years ago

I work for a small wood shop. I had 13 co-workers 2 years ago. I have survived 4 rounds of layoffs. I am lucky to be 1 of 3 employees still working there. We have been working 4 days 32 hours for the past 2 years. I went from being able to support my family just fine to having to struggle to pay bills and get food on the table. If I was you I'd hope you surived the next round of downsizing.

[-] 1 points by TrueDemocracy (9) from Genoa, IL 13 years ago

Just keep on until your part-time job downsizes. Then maybe you'll see the seriousness of the problem.

[-] 1 points by mishelh (11) 13 years ago

or better yet talk to the students or recent graduates who cannot find a job and will not get ss or disability if they default on their fed loans. even better the feds will call your employer if you work in the field your loan is on they cannot employ you.

[-] 1 points by mishelh (11) 13 years ago

wow quite a shame you must be busy with your work you do not read or talk to anyone.