Forum Post: ideas for effecting change
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 5:42 p.m. EST by rajarood
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I don't know enough about OWS to know if anything beyond a generalized protest is in the offing. I'm opposed to violence and believe in the rule of law. I think 99ers should be encouraged to make personal changes which when multiplied by millions would register beyond any efforts to grassroots reform or challenge the established system owned by corporations and plutocrats. So what could an individual do?
1.) I think is brilliant. If printing on paper money is illegal, print the message on mailing labels and apply to the money.
2.) How about downsizing / life-editing [smaller home; fewer possessions]? 3.)Just say "Frak You to Big Oill": sell gasoline/diesel powered transportation and buy a bicycle or inexpensive electric bicycle / e-scooter. Downsize from multiple cars to one car and bicycle(s).
4.) If moving is in the cards, try to relocate in high scoring area.
5.) Quit paying interest / owe nothing / declare bankruptcy if necessary [the corpoRATocracy feeds off of interest and debt]
5.) barter.
6.) Eschew / combat Planned Obsolescence:
What do you think? I'm especially hoping to hear from boots on the ground OWSers.
Five things you can do right now to help stop the economic plundering of our world
i think all of that shifts things off into a game dynamic that could be self defeating and i think its much more important to focus on generating position papers and platform positions in detail and depth than it is to get that particular in the short sense.. planned obsolescence is the hallmark of corporate fascism- waste everything... call it being "efficient."...barter is a good idea, many of the things you list otherwise are... sort of symbolic rhetoric?
i think to effect change we need to invest in research and then open source writing of new textbooks, because i happen to know the old textbooks are a propaganda battle ground.
What is self-defeating about keeping more of one's money? The OWS folks seem averse to developing controlling positions or plans of action, hence my trickle up suggestions. Also, there is no way to get a word in edgewise for we are subjects of a scientific dictatorship [ref. Aldous Huxley's 1962 UC Berkeley lecture "The Ultimate Revolution": ]
yeah, no. Until we go sort the truth from the propaganda, the whole point is that real science is in many cases 200 years ahead of propaganda cult pop science. Thats especially true of sociology, psychology, political science, game theory, systems theory, formal conversational logic, truth value, objective versus subjective thinking and core definitions, simulation mechanics...And until WE get to the point of writing our own textbooks, we ar ebeing lied to in a shit storm of lies and BS, even our profs ...are the victims of this and are very often paid to be soldiers inside of it.
Any "Teacher" worth having as such would NEVER come near the "Teaching institutions" in this system, because they would demand of them that they abuse and control and manipulate students instead of actually TEACH them. there are no teachers in the current system, not really, the job is sheepleherding children.
babysitting, sheeple herding, and some minor labor bot programming, but very careful to make any kind of advanced learning as psychologically painful, boring, and expensive as possible. (Also, the time it takes to get an advanced degree is measured in years, not hours studying, to make sure nobody can ever actually get 40 degrees.)
There is a war on to keep proles stupid; a war against the truth on every front. The other side of that war is that the TRUTH is now SO POWERFUL ITSELF that if it was GENERALLY KNOWN it would WIPE OUT THE BSing.
We have to more than get a word in edge wise. we have to use formal logic and write 1001 textbooks in order to silence the intentional dumble down thats actually going on in EVERY scientific discipline.
local currencies:
Keep Wall Street Occupied:
[eople need to stop campaigning for ron paul sorry for jumpin on your chat seriously he was a key bush advisor both father and son also he can let the ows have there acheivments alone and the rest of the supporters i saw his supporters on three different sites flagging for votes and those sites had to do with ows only thats wrong who knows why there doing it but ron paul and the ows supporters are like day and night
7.) Say goodbye to onerous mortgages with US$20,000 houses:
As you know, bicycles can be had second hand for pennies on the dollar. Some might not be able or willing to bike around on human power alone. This electric bicycle may be the least expensive electric vehicle available in the U.S.
As you know, bicycles can be had second hand for pennies on the dollar. Some might not be able or willing to bike around on human power alone. This electric bicycle may be the least expensive electric vehicle available in the U.S.
Job boom plan for America
For the protest to guarantee winning the next election the plan needs to be force the multinationals to buy all their supplies only made by American workers. Prevent any imports from China and known slave states from being unloaded. The 13th amendment abolished slavery. Having slave made goods in America is unconstitutional.
Unions should have their own pay scale. Any workers who don't want to join the union will need to negotiate their own pension, their own wages, their own health care. Workers who refuse to pay dues need to be penalized, not rewarded. Let the scabs get screwed and they might get the message.
End all tax deductions or tax credits and use a sales tax to collect taxes so even criminals will pay their taxes. Eliminate the entire IRS which would save $400 billion annually. The FAIR TAX does this. The Congress hates the FAIR TAX because it eliminates their tax loophole kickbacks for bribes. That's why they misinform the public when they call the FAIR TAX regressive.
To refuse to vote for that platform would be stupid and insane.The privileged keep ripping off all the rest of us and the public is in their propaganda trance allowing that to happen. Any person against this plan is sabotaging the OWS protest and needs to be heard. Let's hear any reason to oppose this end globalization screw job.
While your plan may have merits, it is dependent on top down action. The top is controlled by the corpoRATocracy and the plutocrats. The Democrats controlled the WH and Congress 2009-2011 and didn't disobey their corporate masters. In a perfect world one might buy a 100% made in the U.S. electric bicycle. I feel Big Oil is much more of a threat than Chinese made e-bikes: enemy of my enemy is my friend. 99ers will have a very difficult to make real changes at the macro level. 99ers can, however, make small personal changes which when multiplied by millions will have paradigm shifting consequences. The OWS / 99er plan must be bottom up not top down in order to be effective.
Keep voting for the corporatocracy bribed Congress like they tell you to do.
The morons 98% are leading the parade down the drain because 99.9% of the people are in the propaganda trance.
This is why I am advocating bottom up change, not relying on a top down root and branch reform fantasy of the corrupt system. The top down reform is not going to happen because the vast majority of politicos--Republiscammers and Demoncrats--are cut from the same cloth. Ghandi knew how to effect change.
Too complicated and deep for me. Violence? You are confused.
Is voting violent?
Campaigning is work. Sitting in the park dreaming and whining won't work.
No, voting isn't violent. How am I confused? I agree more than protesting is required. Mr Change himself--President Obama--had a Democratically controlled Congress for two years. Where's the change? I began this thread: in order that there might be less words, signs, and drums, and more deeds and actions.
No, voting isn't violent. How am I confused? I agree more than protesting is required. Mr Change himself--President Obama--had a Democratically controlled Congress for two years. Where's the change? I began this thread: in order that there might be less words, signs, and drums, and more deeds and actions.
What about bottom up on the individual level and top down on the collective level? Come at it from both ends. Bottom up would have the biggest, quickest effect, of course. If they start feeling the squeeze on their bottom line, financially (the bottom up aspect), it may make them more receptive to the proposals coming from the top. Know what I mean? Just a thought.
Yes, that makes sense to me, gnomunny. I don't pretend to have a handle on which individual actions could best force a capitulation by the corpRATos and plutos, but put 100,000 OWS 99er minds on the task and some excellent levers and fulcrums could be developed. You might enjoy some of these videos:
Exactly. Changing the habits and mindsets of the masses is a formidable but necessary task. Only then will we have the numbers needed to make those accountable sit up and take notice. One raindrop does nothing to the level of the lake. Enough raindrops, though, and the levee will eventually break. And I'll definitely check out some of those links tomorrow on my sister's laptop. Can't run them on this machine. Too slow.
Good. Please let me know if any resonate with you, and of course, share.
If you fail to get this, get therapy. Lunacy has engulfed all Americans
Every American person who demands believing complete nonsense is in a trance that makes lunacy look mild. To not want to know that George Bush was warned more than 40 times for months before 9/11 and then FBI Director Tom Pickard jumped into Attorney General Ashcroft’s face on July 12, 2001 in Ashcroft’s office in front of many people proves beyond any doubt that Bush ordered the spectacular collapse after the Arabs’ plane hit. This is unquestionable that there are many witnesses who would be crazy to lie about what Shennon wrote and published because Ashcroft told Pickard that he didn’t want to know anything about having a terrorist attack proves they planted the explosives way before 9/11.
Nobody but Bush and his creep friends did it. Nobody on earth who could order the 9/11 crime to start the Iraq war but the only person who demanded we attack Iraq was Bush and Cheney. This is red meat for OWS but they are liberal wimps afraid to blow the whistle now that the cameras are on. First we need to go directly to NYPD headquarters demanding a meeting with the NYPD Counter terrorist command about this evidence.
For any person on earth to not want to know that Bush did that is beyond moronic. Since all people aren’t stupid, the fact can only be that they are in a brainwashed trance.
The OWS people should be using this incredible situation to be specific about Bush and all creep fiend, screwball friends who would be part of this. The fact that the OWS people are protecting Bush proves they all must be in a trance.