Forum Post: Ideas for allocation of OWS funds.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 11:57 p.m. EST by winstonfliggurd
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It could prove valuable to buy pepper spray-resistant goggles, in the event of an unexpected police crackdown. Just a thought; any other ideas, from people here?
We have to remove the vehicle by which the same forces control Our Political Election System:
We have to remove the vehicle by which the same forces control Our Political Election System:
We have to remove the vehicle by which the same forces control Our Political Election System:
Or you could use it to buy lots of donuts. Many of them cops in the protest vids look like they eat a dozen a day or better. Seriously is their no physical requirement to serve as a cop?
I like your thinking.
torches and pitchforks for when we raid the mansions of the rich
Seriously, pepper spray is serious shit.
-It is oil based, so it does not wash off with water. The medical tent at the occupation should distribute baby soap to use; it won't further irritate eyes, and works slightly better than water. -Be sure not to wear contacts if there is a chance you will be sprayed- the irritants will likely melt the material to your eyes, along with infusing the plasticized material with the chemicals, which = much longer lasting, most intense pain you've encountered yet. -You want the goggles, trust me.
MILK instead of water