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Forum Post: Idea...Freedom of the Press

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 11:41 p.m. EST by AlBop16 (0) from Fort Wayne, IN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Remember that we have the right still of freedom of the press, and I don't mean the newspaper, but a parallel to this:

Gather as many facts and information to educate the general public. Type it up in packets of information. Go to a print shop and make copies. Distribute to homes. Occupy Wall Street would not necessarily have to be even printed on the packs of information.

Use of the rights given to us by the government to show that their use of manipulative ways to cause ignorance cannot last forever.

Peace, Love, and Good Vibes!



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[-] 1 points by WorkerAntLyn (254) 13 years ago

Good point!

Let's not forget that we do have a powerful tool the past oppressed didn't have at their disposal - the ability to read and write. If there's only one plea I would add - it's to remember the purpose of the press.

Present the facts. Don't spin doctor it the way our current corrupt media does. The facts speak for themselves.

[-] -1 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

How will you pay for all of this?? If you have people help you, they will become "investors" and the Occupy people will hate you. If you're independently wealthy, they already hate you. These people HATE organization and success.