Forum Post: Idea For An OWS Flier/Handout
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 10:38 a.m. EST by RickLeBeaux
from New Port Richey, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Due to some health problems, I am not able to physically participate in the protests, so I thought I would put my marketing and graphic arts expertise to work to see if I could help out. What I did was create a standard-sized US paper bill (modeled on the $100 bill), altered to be a promotional handout for OWS. These could be printed by anyone on decent ink-jet color printer. The best thing, however, would be if there are any professional printers out there who are involved in the movement and who would be willing to print them in large quantities to be distributed throughout the country to all the protesters. If possible they should be printed on a rag-content paper so they have the feel of the real thing.
The advantage of this over standard fliers is that it looks enough like a real bill at first glance that folks are much more likely to accept it. Plus, it is a unique item, so will likely be saved and shown to others. The design is considerably different than the real thing, so there won’t be any problems with the law or the government, and if they were printed in large enough quantities, they would be really cheap to produce.
I have posted the designs in 200 dpi resolution on one of my websites, and anyone who wants can download them from there (hover over each one, right click and “save as”). The page these are posted on is below, and if you like this idea, please pass it on.
Thanks, Rick Boling