Forum Post: idea - a consumers union
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 11:35 p.m. EST by pmiriani
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
seriously, guys .
let's just form a consumers union.
by leveraging the power of the consumer community we can work together to advocate our interests.
all we have to do (it's this simple) is stick together.
we buy what we want to buy.
we boycott what we want to boycott.
they have to listen to us.
as long as we stand together, we win.
love you all.
keep up the good work.
we don't need everyone to embrace it.
just 99% of the population.
just sayin'...
seriously, the greatest risk in our economic system is an uninformed populace.
if peope know that nike's running sweatshops (and that sweatshops ain't american), for instance, they won't buy nike.
was the first example i could think of.
we need to do this!
we can do better than just buying what we want.
we band together.
we inform the consumer.
we make the rules.
By and large, people will just buy what they want.
What would you boycott?