Forum Post: Iceland Stood Up To Banksters
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 8:43 a.m. EST by Barkode
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Let's talk about Occupy Iceland for a moment and why the bankster controlled main stream press ignores that there is another people empowered choice. In Iceland, the people refused to pay for the mistakes of the financial monopoly, refused to be taxed to pay off private debts and refused to ratify the law that would have made Icelanders responsible for its bankers debts ~ and overthrew the government in the process by forcing the government to call for a referendum. Contrary to what was feared , the crisis resulted in Icelanders recovering their sovereign rights, through a process of direct participatory democracy that eventually led to a new Constitution ~ but only after much pain.
As Deena Stryker elaborates in SACSIS ~ "In the March 2010 referendum, 93% voted against repayment of the debt. The IMF immediately froze its loan. But the revolution (though not televised in the United States), would not be intimidated. With the support of a furious citizenry, the government launched civil and penal investigations into those responsible for the financial crisis. Interpol put out an international arrest warrant for the ex-president of Kaupthing, Sigurdur Einarsson, as the other bankers implicated in the crash fled the country.But Icelanders didn't stop there: they decided to draft a new constitution that would free the country from the exaggerated power of international finance and virtual money. To write the new constitution, the people of Iceland elected twenty-five citizens from among 522 adults not belonging to any political party but recommended by at least thirty citizens. This document was not the work of a handful of politicians, but was written on the internet. The constituent's meetings are streamed on-line, and citizens can send their comments and suggestions, witnessing the document as it takes shape. The constitution that eventually emerges from this participatory democratic process will be submitted to parliament for approval after the next elections. Refusing to bow to foreign interests, that small country stated loud and clear that the people are sovereign. That's why it's not in the news anymore."
So there you have it, the New World Order in all its glory unless the people rise up and reclaim their liberty and a Democracy ~ as they most emphatically did in Iceland.
" First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
then they fight you, Then you win."
Non-Compliance! This is what we should do as well.
For the People of Iceland!
so forget about the Arab Spring model. How about the Island's one? Or, better yet, how about just being Americans and clean our house our way?