Forum Post: ICELAND Putting Bankers and Politicians on trial for corruption !!
Posted 12 years ago on April 14, 2012, 6:08 a.m. EST by Umong
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Come on USA ! If tiny Iceland can do it where is The Land of the Free ????
This is awesome. It shows when the people DO STAND UP they have more power and win against the corrupt bankers and politicians of a country. Iceland is forgiving and erasing the mortgage debt of the population. They are putting the bankers and politicians on the "Bench of the Accused."
Iceland proves that it is possible to put people first, and that an economic system should be made to work for the people, not vice versa. Bravo, Iceland!
"More Icelandic bankers arrested" :
fiat justitia ruat caelum ...
Those crazy Icelanders, putting people over profits!
LOL ! Who'd have thunk it !! What is they ? - "Communists" !!!
ad iudicium ...
Too funny! :)
Hmmm. What "those crazy Icelanders" actually are of course, is 'True Militant Reasonablists' who have reclaimed their Democracy from their own Icelandic 0.01% Quisling, Plutocrats and Kleptocrats and just refuse point blank to take the BS 'Neo-Liberal Washington (Faux) Consensus' any more !
There is no coverage of Iceland in the UK, USA and International Press (no prizes for guessing why!) but they shine a light & show Greece, Ireland, Spain and all of us 99% Everywhere - the way to go !!
dum spiro, spero ...
Good points.
BUT can you honestly see Eric Holder prosecuting the likes of Lloyd Blankfein and John Corzine. Hell would freeze over before that happens. It illustrates just how much the American people are NOT in control
Most definitely, but it's all a ruse when they say it can't be done, because it can be done.
"It can be done " ..very powerful ! ..and "it will be done "
Bravo !
:- )
Where are the investigators?
Dear Dan,
Back in January, President Obama announced during the State of the Union speech the creation of a new financial crimes task force to investigate the crimes and misdeeds that led to the economic collapse and "hold accountable those who broke the law."
Yet, despite the enormity of the issue, its direct impact on millions of Americans and the widespread nature of crimes and wrongdoing, the new financial crime unit has been allocated a paltry 55 staff members to undertake this enormous task.1
And now we're hearing from insiders in Washington DC, that the full complement of 55 promised investigators — which is already not nearly enough — haven't even been deployed to the task force.
Election year promises aren't nearly enough. President Obama needs to prove his commitment to the financial crimes task force is real and provide the task force with the resources it needs to investigate Wall Street criminals.
Tell President Obama: 55 investigators are not enough. We need 20 times more staffing to launch a real investigation into Wall Street's crimes. Click here to automatically sign the petition.
After the much smaller savings and loan scandal of the '80s approximately 1,000 FBI agents and dozens of federal prosecutors were assigned to prosecute related cases2. And 100 FBI agents were tasked with investigating the Enron scandal3, which involved just one company and caused none of the economy-wide damage we've seen since the collapse of the housing bubble.
The 55 investigators promised to the financial crimes task force is not nearly enough. And to find out that President Obama hasn't delivered on those investigators, let alone resourced the effort at the levels appropriate to the biggest financial fraud in U.S. history, is shocking.
President Obama's record on Wall Street accountability is abysmal. But because of enormous grassroots pressure from activists like you and polling that suggests he needs to take on Wall Street as a part of his election campaign, we have a real opportunity to move President Obama to meaningful action on Wall Street accountability. Time, however, is running out.
President Obama's first task force at the Department of Justice did little if anything to prosecute Wall Street for crimes that led to the financial crisis. But because of your activism, he announced a new task force and named progressive champion and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman one of its five co-chairs.
Now we need to pressure the White House to give that task force the resources it needs to pursue justice. Without sufficient staff to conduct thorough investigations, it's hard to see how this task force could bring indictments quickly or even beforesStatutes of limitations run out.
Tell President Obama: 55 investigators are not enough. We need 20 times more staffing to launch a real investigation into Wall Street's crimes. Click here to automatically sign the petition.
The economic crisis we're in demands a response commensurate with the damage done by Wall Street crooks. But the 55 promised investigators don't even come close to being adequate. If the White House hasn't even followed through on its promise of a paltry 55 investigators, it's clear that massive pushback is needed to get the level of staffing we truly need to bring Wall Street criminals to justice.
Aside from the appointment of Attorney General Schneiderman, none of the other co-chairs of the new task force has done literally anything that achieves our goal of holding banks accountable or prosecuting bankers for criminal activity.
In fact, three of his co-chairs served on the earlier failed Department of Justice task force that the new investigation was created to supersede.
In an election year when we know the Obama reelection campaign wants to frame his race as opposing the candidate of the one percent, President Obama will be particularly sensitive to public perception of whether his efforts to hold Wall Street accountable are meaningful and represent the full force of his office.
Tell President Obama: 55 investigators are not enough. We need 20 times more staffing to launch a real investigation into Wall Street's crimes. Click here to automatically sign the petition.
We want, and our country needs, indictments. The collapse of the housing bubble led directly to the economic crisis we're in. But not one of the Wall Street crooks who drove our economy off a cliff has gone to jail. And without aggressive investigations and prosecution for misconduct, none of them will.
President Obama needs to give the Department of Justice task force the resources required to launch a serious investigation that will bring about real accountability before the statutes of limitations run out for Wall Street's crimes.
It's been months already. We can't waste any more time. We must act now before we lose our opportunity to do anything significant at all.
Tell President Obama: 55 investigators are not enough. We need 20 times more staffing to launch a real investigation into Wall Street's crimes. Click the link below to automatically sign the petition:
Thank you for standing up for Wall Street accountability.
Becky Bond, Political Director CREDO Action from Working Assets
Great post, DKAtoday. It is truly shameful the way our government has failed to deal with the criminals that brought about the Financial Crisis.
Thank you. Now consider.
Just think all of those corporate entities enjoying the status of people due to citizens united and the Supreme Court.
Do you see why we might really need to push "Supremely" HARD to get charges brought and prosecutions started?
They should all receive the same treatment as Madoff.
Now we need to get the public at large to understand and stand-up for justice just like they did for Trayvon. The POS Zimmerman now faces 2nd degree murder due to public outcry and demands for a proper investigation and charges.
Yes. Good point.
It is all related.
This is true common cause.
" They should all receive the same treatment as Madoff."
hear hear !!
Too bad this won't happen here with wall streets sock puppet in office and the rest of the corporate whores in congress.
I agree with you but believing that putting someone from the Republican Party in his place will solve the problem is pure delusion.there needs to be a complete makeover of the political system itself
I am way far to the left of the democrats. I have no illusions about the Republican party or the Democrats for that matter.
are you a communist? Communism has never worked out well in the past ?
No I am not a big believer in Marxisim. Marx said some good things but I'm not a follower. I guess if I was to catagorize my self I would say I am a Liberatarian Socialist.
having looked up what libertarian socialism entails how would you propose to strip the big corporations and particularly the banksters of their powers? I mean we've had instances where JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs essentially buy off the police forces by simply donating huge sums of money to them?
Well one way is to simply opt out of their system and build our own economy from the ground up with worker owned co-ops and credit unions. I am aware that this is not a quick fix by any means but these things take time. Check this guy out. I really like what he has to say.
thanks I will do so. what I can't get my head around is how are we going to stop greedy individuals from trying to exercise more power than the average person? The likes of George Soros will not give up his billions and he has already said he feels he is destined to be godlike! If you get more people like him that have already accumulated vast fortunes suddenly we face the danger as a society that we lose democracy and end up with the fantasies of the likes of George Soros dictating how we live?
The first step to a society gaining democracy is realizing they don't have it
Bjork has a temper
This is the way to move forward, but in America things are more complicated than in Iceland. We need an undivided left, using every mecahnism possible to sway the silent (apatheitc) majority. The battle has just been engaged.