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Forum Post: Ice Age Now: Where Have all the Warmists Gone? Long Time Passing ... LOL!

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 14, 2012, 6:51 a.m. EST by ThelardedOne (16)
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Glaciers growing http://www.iceagenow.com/Growing_Glaciers.htm

Alaskan City packed in ice, no fuel ... http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gMj2Te7_Urn3O6mfPJOEZyRJpN2g?docId=CNG.e1472243b8ca485018656bfbb7ed73f8.d31

Record low temps and snow ... http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/01/09/alaska-town-digging-its-way-out-after-record-18-feet-of-snow/

Ahh, yes its global warming! If ist warm its warming. If its cold its warming. You can't refute our theory, and if you question it you are a mentally ill denier.

Al Gore should be in prison for this ruse.



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[-] 5 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

You retards amaze me when you try to make climate change about Al Gore.

Guess what, The national Academy of Science, MIT, and Oxford all agree climate change is happening.

The only 'scientists' that don't agree are those that have been shown to work for energy companies (oil, coal, nat gas)

Now that's a surprise-oil companies coming up with junk science? imagine that

But I realize that right wingers don't need no scientists to them what's what, 'cause you guys are just so smart all on your own, what with mental giants like George bush and glen beck to your credit.

And since Alaska had record low temps this winter, then we can ignore record HIGH temps in the midwest this SAME winter?

And that's not to mention the FACT that you can scroll through polar ice images from 2000-2011 and watch the ice recede.

Now I realize that again, right winger nut jobs don't need no hard proof, cause they know better. Just be sure to tie on the pie pan hat extra hard after you read this and the links, just so you can keep the inner voices in, and the outer voices out.



[-] 1 points by ThelardedOne (16) 13 years ago

You obviously are prejudiced against people with intellectual disabilities.

I'm amazed OWS lets you keep your trash online.

[-] 1 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

I am prejudiced, but only against the willfully ignorant whether on the far left or far right.

These nut jobs come up with some supposed group (climate scientist's, black helecopters, UN etc.) then tell us what they are up to (world domination, gov't spending,the UN, etc) and how they do it (secret ops., missing reports, bigfoot, whatever)

and it is always some report somewhere that proves it

but then the report is supposedly buried, convieniently

these conspiracy mad libs are entertaining at times, but after a while I lash out when someone asks me to ignore the facts because they really know what's going on.

As far as my 'trash' being allowed on OWS..... I wonder if it's a conspiracy?....

[-] 1 points by ThelardedOne (16) 13 years ago

You call willfully ignorant people "retards."

Very evil of you.

I will pray for your immortal soul.

[-] 2 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

not evil, just a Dick

[-] 1 points by ThelardedOne (16) 13 years ago



[-] 1 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

Naw, old al is too retarded to use the word retard

[-] 2 points by KofAIII (234) 13 years ago

First it is called global climate change...

Second, just hang in there, you'll get your melting ice caps and rise in ocean levels soon enough.

Lastly, do you dismiss that there is a direct correlation between carbon dioxide & methane levels in the atmosphere and the average global temperature?


[-] 2 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

You know he's right. Do some research


[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

You know it is actually called climate change. I don't even like Obama you moron.

[-] 1 points by KofAIII (234) 13 years ago

Yup... Do we know each other?

[-] 2 points by randart (498) 13 years ago

Let's see. Texas had the longest run of temps over 100 degrees and has been in a drought for a couple years. Just heard that the temps in North Dakota and surrounding states have had the warmest stretch of weather and least amount of precipitation for a long time.

In the seventies and eighties my now ex wife took environmental classes that predicted these kinds of changes. They knew this was going to happen nearly forty years ago.

You take one event and say "see, it is all a lie" but the overall trends point to the exact opposite. You remind me of a woman working at my bank who was sad because of the weather. It was cloudy and a bit drizzly for the first time in days and yet to her the weather had always been cloudy, for that day.

It is the trends that need to be watched not a single year or month in order to make your point. Look at the records for the last hundred years and see where it is going.

[-] 1 points by ThelardedOne (16) 13 years ago

Scientist (using the word lightly) admits no warming since 1995.

High Priest would be a better term for the warmists.


[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

You realize that If global warming is a hoax, then society is really screwed. So if this science community can be bought and tell lies, then where does that leave the cancer scientists, the pharma pushers and all the other science communities and their findings, for that matter what about the religious community and all the other institutions that society re(lies) on. If climate change advocates are a den of liars, then that means all info is useless. I find that to be a scarier prospect.

[-] 0 points by ThelardedOne (16) 13 years ago

Having been the Vice Chair of a statewide IRB myself, you should be scared.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

Then the logical step is to regulate the fuck out of all information. Every time a group opens their mouth there should be a federal agent there with a night stick and a recording devise, and every time a group of people try to bull shit the majority, he should beat that group down then hall their asses to jail, and I don't mean those federal ones; I'm talking about those private slave camps that pass for state prisons. I bet if we put all those writers of non substantiated claims in a market driven work camp, they would learn to stop bull shitting real quick.

[-] -1 points by ThelardedOne (16) 13 years ago

Yeah. I agree. Al Gore should have his ass beaten with a night stick mercilessly, on have the whole things videorecorded, and the whole thing should be put on YouTube.

The hoaxsters have advanced the warmist agenda to wring Federal dollars out of sham business adventures like Solyndra.

Al Gore is an incredible criminal. He has profited unbelievably while advancing his lies.


[-] 0 points by ThelardedOne (16) 13 years ago

While his nut sack is encased in permafrost.

[-] 1 points by valfather (286) 13 years ago

More ad hominem "science".

One probable consequence of an overall rise in global temperature will be dramatic localized climate changes, some of which may well be cooling. In addition, we could expect a significant increase in localized climate fluctuation.

Citing a few anomalies does not prove a trend.

I'm on the fence regarding the human contribution to the recent trend of global warming. I am convinced that the planet has been warming over the past few decades. It wouldn't be the first time this happened, nor will it be the last.

What pisses me off is when people use political tactics to address a scientific matter.

[-] 0 points by ThelardedOne (16) 13 years ago

What pisses me off is when people use political tactics to address a scientific matter.

LOL: Isn't that what Al Gore is all about? Why do you think a politician led this movement? At least until the Climategates broke.

[-] 2 points by valfather (286) 13 years ago

And you are acting in kind, or worse.

[-] 1 points by ThelardedOne (16) 13 years ago

Just telling Truth To The Stupid Warmist Believers: Al Gore has no clothes.

[-] 1 points by valfather (286) 13 years ago

Those who claim that anthropogenic global warming has been decisively disproved are as wrong as those who claim it is unquestionable. The weight of the evidence makes me inclined to believe the planet is warming, probably due, to some extent, to human activity. But as I've already stated. There are bigger problems than the environmental impact of fossil fuel consumption.

Running out is a far more frightening prospect when it comes to feeding 7,000,000,000 human being.

[-] 0 points by FarIeymowat (49) 13 years ago

I know what you mean. I hate AlGore too.




[-] 1 points by valfather (286) 13 years ago

That is "hanged" if you want to threaten my cousin Al.


[-] 1 points by ThelardedOne (16) 13 years ago

Can I get a pic of that? Please


[-] -2 points by gosso920 (-24) 13 years ago

Truly, the emperor has no clothes.

As Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman would say, the Global Warming myth is BUSTED!

[-] 1 points by valfather (286) 13 years ago

The data set upon which you draw your conclusion is insufficient to justify the conclusion.

[-] 0 points by gosso920 (-24) 13 years ago

The smoking gun: "Hide the decline!"