Forum Post: Iam proud to be Cop!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 1:08 p.m. EST by CopsThanksforSecurity
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Iam proud to be cop. Through my experience : Good people respect and support cops. Bad guys have fear from cops. Respect and Fear When there is no more fear from cops then it will happen same like this and worse :
Wasnt it thomas jefferson who said the govt should fear the people? And if the people feared the govt we would have true tyranny. I'll take the lessons of jefferson over any cop who ever put on a uniform.
I respect and support the police. We need the police to help keep peace and order in society. Be safe, my friend.
I'm sure the excuse of abhorrent cop behavior is: "I was just following orders"
Cops use fear as means of control. Just like religion. There are good people in every industry. But unfortunately many are severely indoctrinated in their belief system and claim right to control others. You are no higher or less than any other individual my friend. I respect good people. Intelligent people. Cops are rarely the sort.
And as a cop, you KNOW you lie every day of your career. You create false pretenses simply to fine, jail and squeeze every bit of money and servitude out of people in the name of commerce. Perhaps you don't do this and are really one of the sane minded good helping people. But you know your colleagues lie and scheme to "catch" any one they can because you are there to generate revenue for your state/county/city. Are you NOT? America has the LARGEST rate of incarceration. Mostly for non violent offenders. RUINING PEOPLES LIVES.
Here's the deal: none of us have stated that cops are evil, or even redundant, and you're right that it's problematic to say the least when people decide that cops are fair game. That said, there is an important distinction to be made between fighting actual criminals (thieves, murderers, etc.) and dealing with civil disobedience: the two are NOT the same thing and should not be treated in the same manner.
HairlessOrphan does have a point, though: there is a group of people who put on the uniform because they enjoy having power over other people, and as such are fairly quick to use excessive force on innocent people. Those are "bad cops" and we would do well as a society to purge them from the ranks of our police forces.
In addition to this, there is the concept of law outside of individual orders; an order that would require a policeman (or group of them, for that matter) to violate the law or infringe on the constitutional rights of another is an illegal order and needs to be treated as such. If a single protester takes a swing at a cop or throws a rock/bottle at a cop, then the cops are justified in arresting and filing charges against that individual protester. However, use of tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bag rounds, etc. against an entire body of predominantly peaceful protesters does constitute excessive force and quite probably assault. Pepper-spraying protesters who are peaceful and largely contained is assault. Laying into protesters who haven't laid a hand on you is assault.
A simple suggestion: All "public servants" cops, judges, prosecutors, politicians should have to wear cameras with microphones.
The technology already exists; the populace is monitored as never before with red-light cameras and license plate scanners and cameras in public places. The police love to submit "dash cam" clips to all those 'worlds dumbest criminals' propaganda shows. I say if it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.
The technology is inexpensive, compact, reliable and easy to use. Heck, it could be built-in to a badge or some other unobtrusive implement (especially guns and tasers). And then all 'public servants' should be required to wear them when they are serving the public. Further, that record should be made publicly available...say a website where every elected-official, cop and judge would have their footage submitted to anybody who wanted to view it at any time. I bet that'd put a quick stop to all the corruption and abuse.
After all, the only people who should be afraid of scrutiny are people who are doing something wrong, right?
Good suggestion. I support it.
Every cop in this country should check into an organization called the OathKeepers, we are veterans and former police officers that teach cops and military personnel the difference between following lawful and unlawful orders, and to remind them that they swear an oath to protect and defend the constitution above all else. I would bet that there are very few cops in this country today that have ever read it, let alone understand it. I respect the good cops that take the protect and serve thing with integrity. But those militant thugs that volunteer to show up at protests like what happened in Oakland the other night; should be arrested, tried and sentenced to prison.
The OP is obviously not an English speaker, but I don’t know if that invalidates his, or her, sentiments. Police officers as a group perform an extremely important and difficult job for our society that is often unpleasant and dangerous. They are our brothers and sisters too. If any individual officer’s, or commander’s, or mayor’s behavior in dealing with the peaceful and lawful assembly of their fellow Americans should be brutal or contrary to the rule of law, then they have shamed both themselves and their fraternity.
Than read the damned constitution. Dissent is the highest form of freedom, not even safety. Safety mongers usually kill us with the state police.
Through my experience: good people respect and support good cops, and fear bad cops. Bad people fear good cops, and support and exploit bad cops.
You might think that having been to prison I'd be eager to detest you, but you are basically right, we need order. If the laws were fair and just and humane, and then if our institutions followed them (including the courts and the police) then maybe you wouldn't find such a frosty response here.
Until that day comes, you allow yourself to be an instrument of repression and abuse..."it's not my fault, I'm just doing my job." Maybe, but so were most Nazis and we still hunt them to this day. 'Doing your job' is never an acceptable excuse for harming your fellow man...and if doing what's right cost you your job as a cop, well then I suppose you'd have time to join the Occupy protest, huh?
I wish to join them. I will protect them during my duty. If I got order to be more brutal with protesters (I hope this would never happen) I would resign immediately, because I understand only one thing : my work is to protect the people not to harm them.
Then, I wish we could find more like you! Admittedly, I do know some good cops and it sounds like you're one of them. Thank you.
Thanks to you and all good people like you.
It is true that there are some truly good and just people in uniform, unfortunately the nature of the job also attracts abusive and oppressive people as well. The few are often bringing shame to the many.
Most of us are good. The few are still few and can not bring shame to the many.
you guys would be foolish to paint all cops with one broad brush. The ones in NYC & oakland don't represent all of them across the country. It's sad the way things turned out there, but the fact remains that you are mis characterizing & stereotyping based upon the actions of relatively small groups.
Thanks for your comment.
COP = Constable On Patrol originating in England wherein the Constable was a neighborly fellow going around helping others. In this way please consider the following post that you can share with others: So far I have not seen on the news one constructive point via the media coming out of the OWS movement which would accomplish what is desired to increase the amount of taxation on the 1%. As a retired IRS Agent I can tell you that if you want to get at the fat cats being the corporations here is an ironclad way to do it. There does exist a federal tax directed exactly at the problem herein in the USA which is never enforced. If a corporation witholds too much earnings it is subject to a tax called the Accumulated Earnings Tax. It is explained at Internal Revenue Code Section: " Sec. 531. Imposition of accumulated earnings tax In addition to other taxes imposed by this chapter, there is hereby imposed for each taxable year on the accumulated taxable income (as defined in section 535) of each corporation described in section 532, an accumulated earnings tax equal to 15 percent of the accumulated taxable income.." Anyone can call the IRS toll free number and have it explained then you can call the Office of the White House and ask the question as to why the IRS is not enforcing this law on the Corporations for whom the media states that they are holding onto trillions of dollars not spending into the economy to create jobs. I can tell you the IRS is not enforcing the law because the law does not have enough meat into it and it has not been enforced because of that thus making the law a joke. The OWS movement will absolutely grab the attention of the world wide media if it focuses on the AET and makes it a World Wide buzz in protest signs and does interviews regarding it with the business news programs of Fox Business Channel and NBC's Business Channel and CNN. If you make the AET a household term instead of Herman Cain's stupid 999 = 9% sales tax = regressive taxation of poor and compete with that you can get it to become a part of the Republican Presidential candidate debates especially with Michelle Bachman who should be aware of it being a former tax attorney. Do you think Herman even knows what the AET is? You don't so find out about it because it could force corporations to start spending their cash hoards to create jobs and end force the stopping of foreclosures because Corporation HATE and FEAR the AET when an IRS Agent brings it up in an audit examination. Put some muscle in your arguments. In addition sound off to the White House on the issue of taxing: "Unreasonable Compensation" being paid to Corporate Officers wherein "Reasonable Compensation" should = what the President of the USA makes and let the IRS go after all amounts in excess of that be considered as "unreasonable" = not deductible by the corporations on their tax returns of income tax purposes. WALL STREET will definitely not like that one and discuss that in interviews you give with the business networks. REPOST this if you understand this tax talk. If you don't ask questions for further explanation.
Thanks for your service to the community, and it has to be a terribly dangerous job. But I have a question, as a socialist, having been trained to see the police and army historically as tools of the ruling class. Isn't there a long-standing culture in many, many police department and individuals around the country of horrible racism? Otherwise you couldn't get the ruthless police brutality we've protested for decades.
Could you please comment on how it looks from the inside? I'm not black, but I've heard of many stories. In the 1970's, I remember a socialist candidate in a national election describing a policeman saying to him, "Run, nigger, so I can shoot you." Yeah, we have Obama in the White House, but aren't the police departments still bastions of racism (and sexism)?
Thanks very much.
Good. Be a good cop, but realize that you are a human being and a citizen first.
Faking Pig, go eat a donut, u fat fool.