Forum Post: I wouldn't hire any of you.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 12:13 p.m. EST by RetardedProtestor
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
i want a list to al lthe people protesting Businesses in America.. That way.. I can refuse to hire you.
Idiots.. without these businesses, you would be out of a job and homeless.. how do you expect to get food or products if you shut down the businesses that provide them? You should be protesting the Biggest idiot of them all.. Obama.
I already have a job, thanks! But I would one day like to run a small business of my own without being run into the ground immediately by the "free" market.
The "free market" should be the last of your concerns. Good luck jumping through all the government regulations, permits, etc. that it takes to start a business.
Excellent point, regulations go both ways. Regulations on small businesses should be abolished because large corporations want to create barriers to entry so they can remain in control of their respective industry. I share your exact feelings nouveaupauvre I want to start my own pharmacy as I'm a pharmacist, but because of Walmart and CVS/Caremark I can not. Not to mention I would get the money from my largest investment, my house, however because of the housing bust I have no equity to start a small business.
If mr retardedprotestor is a small business owner, I'm sorry but you are a 99%er and I want to deregulate your business, I want you to be successful, I want you to have a better chance at competing with larger competitors by stopping your industry oligarchs from buying congressmen to pass laws against you. I believe in a free but fair market. How do you compete with manufacturers in china who pay their employee slave wages? How do you compete with Walmart who will manipulate your vendors to turn from you, undercut your prices at a loss just to put you out of business?
Hmm, yeah, I can add that small business owners I know are finding it very hard to keep up with that. It does appear that regulations lately are designed to drown them. That's personal experience, though; not asserting that I know the most guilty party in that issue - I think it's a spectrum of different causes all coming together to form the Small Business Iron Maiden.
Try opening one now and not being run into the ground by taxes to support a welfare state. Imagine how high your taxes will be if we give everyone 100% healthcare, have the government pay off all/most of the debt individual people got themselves into, unemployment benefits to all of the federal reserve employees that will be fired, and money for everything else.
good idea...
Free market is one of the things that made the United States a choice place to live. Don't like it? Move to russia.
Uh... oh, forget it.
Thats Fine.. Build a business that is demanded in your local market. Remember that it takes money to make money. If you do not advertise your business well, you will fail. You must always be advertising.
And what if your "local market" doesn't have a demand for what you have in mind? Take your below-poverty-level earnings and relocate and gamble? Surely your family would understand being reduced to welfare when you fail.
We are not all retarded protestErs.
Corporations make the law.
It's all monopolies.
You advertise against yourself.
No you don´t.
A business only gets "run into the ground" by the FREE MARKET if it offers a crummy or over-priced product or service. Consumers vote with their pocketbooks! How sad you already know your business will be a failure because consumers won't be demanding what you have to offer.
Our Free Market! Walmart has driven thousands of small local business out. There are entire cities that REFUSE a walmart being built in their area because they have seen the destruction
Wal Mart sells tons of crap foreign made. Offers cheap labor and is very rude and controlling to their employee's. All of us would rather see small businesses selling american products. At least we know that money stays in the community. And who ever said Wal Mart was cheap? You honestly think people shop there to save 3 cents per given item? Are you delusional? They wanted to put up a distribution center in our area which I might add is hurting for work. Everyone turned them down. They will only drive the local wage down further. Jobs in my area barely pay over minimum wage even with a degree or skilled labor. It's horrible.
Low prices for consumers is destruction? I thought the 99% encompassed the poor? There are alot of poor people that benefit from the convienence and low prices of walmart. Sam Walton worked hard to build his company into what it is today. Do you think that hard work should be irrelevent, and the start up businesses should leap to that status without putting in the grunt work to get there? Just curious ;)
The reason products are cheap at wall mart is because wages are so low forcing people to buy from wall mart, perpetuating wall marts growth model, increasing their profits and reducing our wages. If their where more small business, and less mega businesses, yes, prices would be hire, but so would wages. And more people would be able to compete in the "free" market, creating more jobs and invention, raising the standard if living dramatically for all Americans. Centralized markets, centralized banking, and centralized governments are the problem. The more power that is concentrated the less freedom we all have. Competition is the key to power dispersment and true freedom. What you are reciting is just Wall Mart's pr memos that the media, because of Wall Marts market influence, regurgitate like its truth. We saw this when it came to weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and we see in it how the media treats the Tea Parties and the OWS. Stop drinking their kool-aid, friend. It will kill you. :)
You are right competition is the key, but when someone like walmart is winning in the competition, should they be punished for that? In a competition there is winners and there are losers. Sam Walton worked his butt off to make his companay a winning one. So, you think that success should be punished, that that's what would be fair? I think your "logic" is very flawed.
That is a good point. I do not think individual success should not be rewarded. However, the problem lies in any organization (government, corporation, banks) becoming to centralized. Then they become a monopoly and, ifvtheyvare to continue to dominate,they push every one out of the market. Markets are only good to the consumer if their is multiple competitors. This insures quality and efficiency which is reflected in price. So, the irony is that an organization, or individual, who becomes successful, risk undermining thevsame system thtallowed them to become successful. I am open to suggestions on how to alancethe two, because I believe in empowering the individual (libertarian) and promoting the general welfare of society (socialism). I think free markets are the best way to do this, but think what we have today is a select few benefiting from cronie capitalism at the expense if the rest of us. Ideas?
We would like the next Sam Walton to succeed in a free market well regulated, without CIA, without Enron, without bailouts, without decisions taken behind closed doors, without cities owned by companies, you know what I mean, don't you?
No, actually I don't. I've never seen cities owned by businesses. I've seen a car company owned by the government, bought with our tax dollars. I've seen businesses regulated by the government to the point of going under. Even the mortgage & housing crisis was caused by government interference. The problem is not walmart, the problem is the government interfering in the private sector, picking winners and losers through over regulation or bail-outs. This should be an "occupy washington d.c." movement.
You see big business financed by the state with our money, you see small and medium business destroyed by the government through overregulation in order to protect big business from competition, but you can't see that the government is controlled by big business? What are you, a comedian?
Private property exists only when a government that protects private property exists. It is easy to confuse the two, because they are both always involved.
However, in this case, the government was bought by the business while the citizens were fast asleep. This time, the business was bigger. The business is global, the government is neglijible. Those bailed-out companies were too big to fail. Size is an issue.
What government interference caused the Great Depression? What government interference made it last 10 years, until The New Deal?
Survival of the fittest. My parents' mom and pop grocery store had to close when a supermarket opened up a block away in 1960. Painful but it is progress and evolution.
Walmart is only the fittest in the current socio-political environment of America. The whole point of this movement is to change the rules so that zombie-like behemoths like Wal-Mart will never exist again (because they will no longer be fit).
Right. We need good locally grown food.
Perhaps Walmart gets some incentives and advantages from local goverments that small busineses don't. You should do some research about that. They make sure they are getting tax abatements befor they move in to a town, then when those expire their vast teams of lawyers fight the small tax assessors, insuring that they pay the least amount of taxes possible.
That's just ONE example of a non-level playing field for Walmart that I can think of.
Right now, the people of NYC have decided that we don't want Walmart here, yet Walmart is engaging in an unrelenting campaign to sway public opinion and to put pressure on those in power to let it ope up here. WE DON'T WANT IT!
This post by IQ143 has upset me more than any other wallstreet defender post yet. I can't believe you would call your very own parent's experience "progress" and "evolution". You truly don't have a soul. Our country was a better place when your parents were in business and when they closed their doors your community lost a piece of it soul too. You should be ashamed. You dishonor your family and don't deserve your success. You would be nothing if it weren't for your parents and their store. I would bet anything that your skill as business owner and educator comes directly from the knowledge and experience this store provided you and your family. This must be that "cognitive dissonance" you speak of. You've convinced yourself that "survival of the fittest" is what caused your parents store to close as if it is some natural law of nature that couldn't have been prevented. This is the bs that the 1% spouts off that you eat up and regurgitate like a good little worker bee who then pukes up honey into the ear of the next weak and easily influenced mind.
Then how come you use a computer/iPad when the country was a better place when manual typewriters were the norm? Why not boycott technology? Think of all the people working in typewriter factories who lost their jobs! Give me a break. You don't walk the talk.
Or...maybe he lives in the real world and knows that "having a soul" has nothing to do with your business succeeding or not. Every business will have competition, some will win and some will lose. Some people like IQ143 and his parents can deal with it and move forward into other industries. Others will just protest and complain that the system owes them something just because THEY FAILED.
Whatever anyone thinks is the reason for this movement, one thing is crystal clear. It can be found in the 'about' tab of this website. There is nothing more to it than eliminating the influence of wall street on Washington.
Business is essential to the country. It is only when business protects itself to the detriment of the population it serves that it becomes less than desirable. Ref: antitrust movement of the early 20th century perpetrated by the fourth estate. As with many things in life and nature, these detrimental businesses grow detrimental on a sinusoidal frequency. It is now that the 'harm' in business is starting to irritate the populous. I hope now that we start again to decrease the amount of harm that the major corporations are doing, so that they can once again be a productive part of society.
Hold the following essential so that society can keep correcting business: -liberty/freedom -the rule of law(notice freedom/liberty comes before law)
If you believe that America, in the last 50 years (if ever), has been even close to a "free market" then you're an absolute moron.
Or are you advocating that we put our per-schoolers to work in factories? I mean, it's a free market - no need to regulate the working age.
And let's completely ignore how the unregulated financial institutions acted once the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed.
The Free Market is a wonderful theory - until you put in unchecked human greed.
Just as communalism/socialism is a wonderful theory - until you put in human laziness and the human ego.
IQ143 has obviously never run a business of any relevance
Sure I have, with excellent results. And I'm in management at a non-profit now, sharing my business expertise. You don't want to believe it because it causes you cognitive dissonance. Easier to put your head in the sand than to compare yourself unfavorably to others who have the discipline to achieve.
Actually 143 is not bad but a few of us have a much higher IQ and don't need to brag about it. I wrote earlier, it's obvious you've never run a business of any significance or relevance...
Looks like you are at a loss for words. You can't articulate what your "evidence" of this is, so you keep parroting the same thing.
my evidence is when you assert the following without evidence:
"You don't want to believe it because it causes you cognitive dissonance. Easier to put your head in the sand than to compare yourself unfavorably to others who have the discipline to achieve."
who sets themselves up for slaughter like that in debate? you're boring, predictable and a dullard of a thinker. i only play chess with people who are better than me as it's the only way i can get better. sorry i'm really selfish that way.
My evidence is you sound just like my daughter when she was 14 years old. How do you KNOW I haven't run a business of significance or relevance? You would have to see my resume to determine that. And you must have a lot of chess partners to choose from!
people who ran businesses of significance don't have a or use the term resume. move along now. i'm not worth it.
Oh really? Well then I must be imagining all the resumes and CVs that get sent to me when I have a job opening I'm hiring for!
if you are aware of, receiving or reviewing resumes for your business, then you are not running a business of significance or relevance. you do realize you're just making this worse for yourself, right? really, stop it. move on. i'm not worth it.
Are you nuts? Who else is going to hire the Asst. VP we have an opening for? Guess you don't learn much about running a business when you are working the drive-up window.
like i wrote earlier, you obviously are not and have not run a business of relevance or significance.
Keep believing that. Maybe we will get a few more weeks of funny tv footage of you guys before you have to run back to mummy and daddy.
...and you'll keep using your valuable businessman time watching and your high IQ to think about it. good luck with those resumes.
Wow. That really is a low blow. This IQ must have taken some point of you EQ.
I tend to agree with opensociety4us. You are on the money. He hasn't run a business of relevance or significance. He is mad with himself, just hasn't figured it out yet. My response would have been to post my ticker symbol from the NYSE, then go from there.
Are all of you people nuts? No resumes needed in any 'significant business'? Post the NYSE symbol or shut up? Do you have any idea what small percentage of businesses in the US are publicly traded?
Some of you need to get a clue before posting.
Funny I work for a major pharma company so I don't need you to hire me. It would help though if you came here to understand the movement instead of parading your assumption and ignorance around like a rally flag.
What I do see, is a bunch of people who think, that by protesting Wall Street, you are goin to actually make any kind of dent in Corprate America. If you want to make change, and better our wages, you should be protesting at Congress and the White House, and demad that they lower inflation and stop spending us into the grave. If you want to effect real market change, than we need to de-regulate and decrease the tax rates. I propose a flat tax across the board. 10% to 15 % for everyone. For every business. That way we all pay a fair and balanced amount of money for our taxes. No more tax breaks, no more free hand outs. You want America to prosper, stop taxing the poor so bad that they can't even afford to walk to work.
I think your ideas have merit. inflation is pretty low right now, i think it's at about 2%. It's been suggested that the federal government needs to raise revenues at about 18% of GDP to fund essential services and maintain the safety net at an acceptable level. If somehow a flat tax can take into consideration the taxes and fees that the lower income people pay as part of consumption (i.e. real estate taxes, even as part of rent, personal property taxes, sales taxes, government fees, etc) at least the top people would be paying the same rate as those in the middle, which they do not now, they pay less.
I agree and I wish to use all options open to me. I've run campaigns, I've run for office, I've helped draft policy positions. I've been to DC offices and my state offices but I don't see why that a populist movement that spreads the message (although not very well focused) in the media is something that should be abandoned.
All good attacks against existing power structures should be utilized. I understand this movement perhaps has some negative stereotyping done to it but that can be overcome by engaging in discourse.
The top 1% have monopolized all increases in wealth for over 30 years. This is not free enterprise, when you need $5 million just together in the game. If it weren't for this mess few folks here would work for you or buy from you.
First of, can you complete a sentence structure here? I have no idea what you are trying to say. Is this ebonics? Of course the rich control and monopolize, otherwise they would be called the poor. If you developed a product that could make you millions, would you give it to someone else and not make money of it? Would you say, "Here, Bob. I am already so rich, that I don't need any money at all."? Seriously .. Think.
Yeah, like "If you do not like how a business IS RAN, go work somewhere else"
The real question: would you gamble in a casino you thought was weighted towards the house?
That is the way I see the US economy. The house always wins in the long run-and the house is the entrenched rich. Yes a few people get lucky-but we have a lot more smoke and mirrors in recent years than real wealth creation.
The Reagan/Bush tax cuts and globalization didn't create wealth as much as move it around. Specifically they moved wealth from the middle class into the hands of the wealthy. This was largely done by sleazy politics and out and out fraud. The economists predicted we'd have trickle down-instead we got trickle up.
Agreed.. We should be protesting the Government. Wall Street, thats just the child in all this.
Politicians are largely the tools of the wealthy these days. I've actually worked on an illegal campaign donations scandal investigation. We convinced Bill Griffin of Riscorp to plead guilty to illegal campaign donations. He was quite guilty. He was giving substantial donations to legislators to get legislation that served no purpose other than to make him richer(he was worth $500 Million at the time). What was illegal here is he was systematically giving bonuses to employees that were making donations to specific candidates.
That said, I dislike both centralization of economic power and political power.
I would love to pick your brain on this..
Corruption from both ends also goes to prove my case..
If you do not disipline the parent who spoils the child, then you get these results.
I got to know Bill Griffin rather well. You do that when you spend two years looking at all their little secrets.
I think he was mentally ill-but also very bright and very driven. I wouldn't use the term spoiled though. Seriously, I think he was disciplined as a child and taught to work hard.
Sociopathic comes to mind. He had no conscience about saying anything that would get people to give him money from what I can see-and he was quite charming from every report I could see(I never met him in person-but I got to know a lot of the people he assembled around him quite well).
I don't think he saw anything wrong with what he was doing-and neither did a lot of his business peers.
Yes, the Government is at fault. However, Wall Street owns the Government. When you go after Wall Street, you go after those who fund the Government. Think of it as a two sided coin. I'm tired of explaining the obvious to people. It should be a two-front offensive taking place in Washington and Wall Street. But this is a good start.
Wall street funds them because we have allowed those corrupt officials to stay in power. We have not set up a system of checks and balances and make every decision our government makes clear it though us first.
It's not business that's being protested, it is the corruption of the democratic process that has resulted by the huge disparity in wealth between the top 1% and everybody else. Small, mid-sized, and even most large business would not, strictly speaking, be considered (at least not by informed protesters) part of 'the 1%'; they would be part of the 99%.
The power of lobbies for '1%' corporations to set the political agenda of the country is the most basic grievance. When they were on the brink, they were bailed out with our money (taxpayer's money). When the bailed out financial institutions call in our debt, they again take our money. There's a social safety net for them but not the 99%.
This is really not a left wing grievance, and it's at the movement's peril that it is presented as such. This isn't about 'turning the US into a socialist nation', it's actually about ending 'socialism' for the top 1%. It's about restoring true democracy that has been corrupted beyond recognition by the influence of 1% lobbies.
I think people like BIll Gates and other big business representatives should speak out on the matter as well. Where does business stand anyway? Just taking the tax cuts and letting us all dry?
NO.. they are probably sipping on martinis on their private yachts, laughing.
That's Fine.. the "Democratic" process should be eliminated.. WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY.. WE ARE A REPUBLIC.. Democracies fail.. as proof.. lok at how all of you claiming this is a democracy is destroying America.
We are a Democratic Republic.
And without the desperate poor people working for your low wages and no benefits YOU SIR would not have a business.
Without multinationals he wouldn't be able to treat the people who work for him like shit.
"Free" Trade = Failed Social Experiment
I run a Computer repair business. I do not have employees, I have several partners, and share profit evenly.
Well that's a relief. Thanks for sharing that you wouldn't hire any of us, even though you weren't... going to hire any of us.
Pay a little more attention and you might see that, by and large, we're not exactly protesting "business". You do have to factor in the odd knucklehead, but that's really not what this is about.
The fact remains, If my employees were not at work because they were out there protesting how I ran my business, they wouldn't have a job to come back to. If you do not like how a business is ran, go work for someone else.
Isn't this a little academic, seeing as how you don't actually employ anyone?
I haven't heard of a lot of people calling in sick to go protest. I believe most of the protesters are folks who can't find jobs. Your entire post is idiotic, un-American, and bitter about something... why is that?
What people like you fail to realize is that for every person with an unfortunate amount of time on their hands, for every hipster, hippy, or lazy person, there are 100 of us who have jobs and can't be there, but are 99% on board. We don't agree with every half-baked idea that spews out of the conversation, but we agree with the truth that something is wrong, and that the average American is not getting a fair deal.
Agreed.. and as I have said before.. this is an issue with our government.. not just the businesses
I just want to put the crooks in jail. Who could be against that?
No one.. Start with Obama and Pelosy
Argh, it's Pelosi! I'm sorry but your carelessness as a poster discredits your point of view. It's quite hard to to take you seriously with this level of sloppiness in your spelling, your tone, your tactics and your thinking.
Then disregard this post and go troll somewhere else.
What I'm doing isn't trolling, but I'll ignore you now.
Thank goodness.. I thought I was arguing with a tree stump for a while there
So you believe that big business should be bailed out by taxpayer dollars while the CEO's still receive million dollar bonuses? I'm sorry to say it but maybe your line of thinking is exactly what is wrong with this country.
No, Big Business Bailouts are a product of Bad Politics.. You need to think about that.. This isn't the Big business bailing eachother out, this is the Government, and the morons in Washington and the White House who are giving them the money.. Why do yell at the Man who says Give me give me, when the Person trully responsible for that behaviour is the Government.. Imagine this, your kid at a young age is constantly screeming for something he/she wants. Do you give in? Or do you dsispline them and make them understand that behaviour is not acceptable? Understand now, that if you give in, they realize what it takes to get you to do what they want, and they continue to do so. If you give in, you lose control. You then spoil the child, and ruin any true lasting respect that child will have for you. A truely good parent, disiplines thier child, and does not allow him/her to misbehave in public. Our Government didn't do that with these businesses, and therefore created a bunch of over fat spoiled businesses. If you need to blame anyone, blame the parent for the way the child behaves. It is , after all, the parent's responsibilty to educate and disipline and be responsible for that child.
I've actually worked on criminal investigations of a CEO. It takes a super human effort to convict them of anything even when there is clear evidence.
Then we need to remove those ineffective polititians and judges.
You're fired.
" You should be protesting the Biggest idiot of them all.."
If you want us to protest the biggest idiot of them all, I'm sure we could garner a lot of support to protest you. Shouldn't be much of a problem.
This site is proving one major thing.. the real jokers are walking down Wall Street right now
Idiot, without employees you wouldn't have a business LMAO, whatever dude. serve 300 people an hour by yourself then homie.
He can do what he wants because of the multinational terrorists greatly reducing demand in America. Anybody saying things like "Do we REALLY need low wage shit jobs?" are obviously rich enough to be detached from reality. Or they're lying badly.
It's not just manufacturing jobs. It's going to be tech jobs soon enough. Whole industries being outsourced to slave's crazy. It creates demand for slaves elsewhere and puts America on a downward spiral.
Don't believe me? Just look at this "Benjamin" guy. Ask yourself - why is he able to do this? I thought we had discrimination laws!! We had them. HAD them.
Not anymore.
EDIT - Sorry it was PoliticallyIncorrectBenjamin
Likelihood of you being able to hire anyone here in a few years if the current economic situation continues will be next to nil anyways, so moot point.
Another reason against multinationals presented by the presence of The Living Example Called "Benjamin".
EDIT - Sorry it was PoliticallyIncorrectBenjamin
Don't worry about them, they don't want a job anyway. Put a job fair down there and they will clear out ASAP.
lol .. stop the free handouts and have the firemen come in with some soap.. give the soap out free.. but then that way, when we have to sray them down,. they can bathe at the same time.
Who hates gay people? THIS guy hates gay people. He should be banned:
RetardedProtestor said:
Or just completely fed up with people trying to dictate how I am "supposed to live." I don't watch TV anymore because I am sick of the Gay agenda, the Liberal news and the constant hate talk of Christians. Its in the TV, Radio, advertising. Sick to death of it.. I do not go forcing my religious views, which are not Christian, down anyones throat, I am sick and tired of seeing and hearing it on every freaking channel on TV and movies. I boycotted every company that advertised with Will and Grace, and continue to do so, with all the others. And if for one second you think that shit will happen in my son's school, I will have to be arrested because I will kill that son of a bitch who thinks my 2nd grader needs to know about alternative lifestyles. Only I have the right to teach my child about that.. So sick of all this.. I seriously hope God does come down and do to the world what he did to Sodom and Ghamorrah.. We could use the peace and quite.
Yep.. especially the ones who think its ok to teach innocent children about it.. stay the hell out of public schools.
You're a violent shithead who hates gay people!
RetardedProtestor said:
Or just completely fed up with people trying to dictate how I am "supposed to live." I don't watch TV anymore because I am sick of the Gay agenda, the Liberal news and the constant hate talk of Christians. Its in the TV, Radio, advertising. Sick to death of it.. I do not go forcing my religious views, which are not Christian, down anyones throat, I am sick and tired of seeing and hearing it on every freaking channel on TV and movies. I boycotted every company that advertised with Will and Grace, and continue to do so, with all the others. And if for one second you think that shit will happen in my son's school, I will have to be arrested because I will kill that son of a bitch who thinks my 2nd grader needs to know about alternative lifestyles. Only I have the right to teach my child about that.. So sick of all this.. I seriously hope God does come down and do to the world what he did to Sodom and Ghamorrah.. We could use the peace and quite.
oh.. one more thing.. I dont care if you think I hate gay people or not.. I actually have many friends who are gay.
They know not to push that shit on my child..
When you think about its funny.. being that way.. its like on Dodgeball.. its about as useless as a poopy flavored lollipop. Now I know why you all talk like crap... lmao
I am not violent yet.. but u are pushing me,.. how far is it from 2nd avenue.. be there in a bit.. lets really see if you can back up your shit,., Il be wearing my jeans and a red shirt.. lets go ....
Who's violent? This guy's violent. And he hates gay people:
RetardedProtestor said:
Or just completely fed up with people trying to dictate how I am "supposed to live." I don't watch TV anymore because I am sick of the Gay agenda, the Liberal news and the constant hate talk of Christians. Its in the TV, Radio, advertising. Sick to death of it.. I do not go forcing my religious views, which are not Christian, down anyones throat, I am sick and tired of seeing and hearing it on every freaking channel on TV and movies. I boycotted every company that advertised with Will and Grace, and continue to do so, with all the others. And if for one second you think that shit will happen in my son's school, I will have to be arrested because I will kill that son of a bitch who thinks my 2nd grader needs to know about alternative lifestyles. Only I have the right to teach my child about that.. So sick of all this.. I seriously hope God does come down and do to the world what he did to Sodom and Ghamorrah.. We could use the peace and quite.
At what point is defending a child .. violent?
Only a gay agenda person would see that a father trying to prevent the perversion of his child as anything more than doing his job.
Here.. let me send my gay friends over to your house to show those little ones how its done..
'I mean whats the difference?
You don't defend a child by threatening to kill his/her teacher. That's criminal insanity. Not defense. And when you're called out on it, you then threaten me. All I did was tell the truth. You use violence to deal with things you fear. That's not good.
if you were threatening to kill someone over teaching his 2nd grader about martin luther king and the civil rights movement, this fucking board would be in an uproar. know what I'm saying? in fact, in a different time, that's exactly what you'd be doing.
The gay struggle is the same as the black struggle. both minorities. both being demonized by fearful, angry people like you.
Wrong.. if you want to be gay fine.. teach my innocent child that its ok and what it is before he knows what sex is.. and ou better believe I get violent.. Any teacher that goes against the will of that studen't parents, deserves it.
You're a dangerous guy. You're scared of people who aren't like you. You have irrational fear of people who are gay. You're confused. I get that.
But you don't have the right threaten people with murder. No. Fucking no.
Are you afraid of me? is your little peon existance so important to me that I give a crap? No.. However, touch my child, my wife, break into my home... and your life is forfiet. I would expect no less from anyone else. I would expect to be shot and killed if I touched a little girl.
Me? No, I'm not afraid of you, personally--although you did threaten me, as well. I'm afraid what your ideas and hate-words enable others to do. Here's an example:
Some young skinhead gets on the board, reads your little rant, and goes out and beats the living shit out of a random gay person.
Nicely done, Retarded! That's the main issue here, really. Hate-speech has no place here. It's the same thing that was done throughout the civil rights movement--exactly the same--and it has no place in our society.
It's based on fear and hatred of the "other," and maybe one day you'll stop seeing red against gay people long enough to understand that everyone has a right to live in peace without fear of violence from people like you. You say you're a Christian. No. Jesus didn't preach hatred. That's your twisted version. Ironically, there are other people who twist religious texts into hating gay people--Islamic extremists...
No one talked about touching your child. No one even remotely mentioned it. You went into a rant about your kid's second grade teacher. Dude, that's fucking unstable, and you have some serious psychological issues to sort out.
You need professional help.
Never said my kids teacher was teaching him anything I didnt approve of. You, read hate and violence ito it because you are afraid, that when you break the law, there will someone like me on the other end. You are afraid that when you reach down to take the panties of that little girl, that her daddy is going to put a bullet in your brain.
Oh no.. nothing violent from you at all here.
You know what.. Gays are not bad people. Until they try and push it onto the children. The minute they violate the innocence of a child, they are no worse than a pedophile snatching a kid and raping them.
So you see me as being some fucked up individual because Istate I would kill anyone who tries that on my child?
Go ahead... You think that because I am sick of gay and lesbian crap on TV and Movies, that I hate gays.. no.. and make no mistake, i do not fear gays. What I fear is what I would do to someone who touches my child.
Ill tell you something.. my very close friend was raped when we were 16, by another friend of ours. In the very house we were all camped out in. When the rest of us woke up that morning, she almost dead, he had damn near killed her.. You know what we did? We tracked him down.. We knew his haunts. When we found him, we tied him to the ground, and nailed his dick to the floor, and then called the cops. You know what they did? They arrested him, and congratualted us on taking care of the matter. The girl was the police chiefs daughter.
I will say this now, as I did then.. if you think for one second, that violence is not a nessesary solution in times like these, than you are sorely mistaken. Oh.. MR. Skinhead.. I have 2 questions for you.
Retard, you did miss the point; it’s not about been anti-businesses but the unethical manner in which they do operate. Yes, capitalism is good but doesn’t have to vicious.
Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit, usually in competitive markets.[1]
That being said.. the owners of a usiness, whether you like it or not can run it the way they want, so long as it does not violate the law. You want it to change.,.. Change the laws.
I do agree to a certain extent as far as capitalism goes; there are some versions out there enough to confuse anyone. What version of capitalism do you think we should have? One thing is certain; we (humans) are always at the center of this philosophy been manipulated by the State, by the corporate world, by the free-market system because we (humans) are the capital and the currency and the labor force and we are the one’s slaving ourselves.
So you want to Blacklist us? You want to create another red scare?
If you are communist or have communist ideals.. YES and inprissoned and more since this a time of war.. Treason charges in time of war are punishable by death. Being a communist, and trying to ursurp the Republic of America.. is an act of treason.
I actually don't think you meant this. After all, didn't you earlier talk about us being a "democratic republic" that is intended to limit government and protect the minority from the majority, yet now advocating imprisonment for someone's views because of a "war" that ended with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
No.. We are NOT a Democracy we are a republic.. There is NO such thing as a Democratic Republic. Treason : In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's sovereign or nation. Historically, treason also covered the murder of specific social superiors, such as the murder of a husband by his wife. Treason against the king was known as high treason and treason against a lesser superior was petty treason. A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitor. When one tries to ursurp the founding Government of the US.. The Republic, with "Democratic, or Socialist" views.. they are being Treasonous.
A Republic is the idea of having legislatures vote on laws. A Republic does not have to be Democratic, if its leader chooses to appoint these legislatures directly. A Democratic-Republic is one where citizens get to decide on legislatures. Pure Democracy (citizens vote on all laws, no legislatures) is what Thomas Jefferson was afraid of, which is oppression my the majority.
Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as "...[a]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavour.
OK. What is not being advocated here is treason. In fact, I see people here with differing views, most of whom by the way, support a true capitalist, free market economy that is not dominated by 400 individuals that own 40% of the wealth in this country, and who seek the constitutional and legal means to change it.
Then effect it and change it the legal way.. elect the RIGHT PEOPLE FOR ONCE AND NOT WHO LOOKS BEST ON TV.. Think about the issues you want addressed and VOTE accordingly. If The state representative and Senator from your respective State refuses to address your concerns, then Fire him/her. YOu assume that we have no voice unless we protest. That is wrong, and protesting in its self is NOT the answer. You have to do it the right way.. Get in there, file injunctions against you elected officials. Get petitions signed and counted and deliver them to your representative and the courts. If the Judge won't hear you, remind them they are ELECTED to sit in the chair by showing the Petitions to have them removed. This is the proper way to effect change.. Not screaming nad chanting like a bunch of Hippies walking up and down Park Ave.
Yes that is one way to do it. However not the only way, that's why we have the first amendment. After all the Tea Party started out by doing what OWS is doing.
Yes, protesting in itself is not the answer, intelligent and well thought out action that is non violent will be required.The problem is that when you do elect people and send them into power they are then swayed by lobbyists and special interests once they get there. The lobbyists have the money and they are there all the time, we do not have the money and we have jobs to attend to. In fact I can't be at the demonstrations because I work 2 jobs and need to work to support my family.
In case you haven't noticed, and because I actively monitor Tea Party activities, most of them have decided to distance themselves from NYC and OWS as far as they can.
Then we must eliminate the special internets groups.. Starting with Racist groups like the NAACP
Perhaps. That is their right. However, they also had the right to protest in 2009 ans 2010, and they later supported candidates, some of whom got elected, some who did not. Of course, if I remember, some of those protestors brought firearms to rallies and one of the candidates they support, Sharron Angle talked about "Second Amendment remedies". Wasn't that treasonous?
No more so than Hillary trying to remove the "Small Arms" according to UN dictates. Or the Brady Bill was. Or even having to carry a permit. It is the RIGHT to bear arms, not the Privelage. So when the goverment decides to eliminate a constitutional order, without first creating an amendment in the Constitution, than YES it is treasonous.
There has been a general consensus in this country that the Red Scares were a BAD thing
Only to the Progressives and liberals who thing Communism is a good thing.
Thank you PoliticallyIncorrectBenjamin and RetardedProfessor.
I am going to screencap this thread and show this to every person pampered enough to still think that "free" trade is actually free and a good idea.
"Land of the Free and Home of the Brave"
We MUST take back America!
The only thing you are "Free" to do in America.. is starve to death..
You either get off your ass, and get to work.. either for yourself or someone else, or you die.
I suggest all of you read "The Gods of the Copybook Headings"
"In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all, By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul; But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy, And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die." Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man There are only four things certain since Social Progress began. That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire, And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins, As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn, The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return! :)
This is an honest expression of the philosophical problem at the core of our current troubles. The wealthy own the resources, so they say the poor must do as they say. In an apocalyptic scenario, RetardedProtestor would be the farmer barricaded on his land blasting away at the starving refugees lured in by the eggplants and the apple trees. But in an apocalyptic scenario, we know the shotgun wouldn't be enough in the end, because people aren't really willing to accept that the property line on a map is more important than their survival, and they'd do what they needed to do. The reason is that, as our wise forefathers recognized, people have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - positive rights, rights to survive and to have the opportunity to advance, which are more important than the dogmatic enforcement of property rights.
In fact, the concept of property changes over time - for example, the Bible describes a system in ancient Israel where people could walk onto a farm and freely eat grain without permission of the owner, provided they didn't take it away in containers, and didn't do it on the Sabbath (which landed Jesus in court, incidentally). Or to consider more modern examples, in just the past few decades human genes and genetically modified animals and software algorithms and business models and (perhaps) the right to burn carbon-containing fuels have all become "property", though they never were before.
It is the role of the 99% to decide on viable rules of the economic game. That doesn't mean Karl Marx - it doesn't mean ending business or markets or competition - it just means that if our society can't provide jobs, we have the right to make it provide jobs, even if that means taxing away the valuable property of business owners. We have the right to make sure that everyone has access to sufficient food, water, clothing, shelter, and medical care for a spartan but safe existence - without needing to commit a crime and sacrifice their liberty in order to do it!
We don't need you to make money off of us. We may need goods and services, but we do not need you. There is always another person looking to make a buck, so if you don't like my attitude, post the name of your company, so we do not have to deal with you. Go make money off of your Atlas Shrugged Islanders or whatever you want, but stop being a phoney and hiding your name and company. My name is MJ Morrow and I don't need you for anything. So what is the name of this company of yours, so we may show you how much we need you? MJ Morrow
I have nothing to hide. I am a small business man too. I make less than 30k a year.. You want to boycott me.. FINE!!!!! My name is Daniel Strickland, my company is Dan's PC Repair. You are right, I don't need to make money off you. I don't. I make money off every computer I repair. I also run my business with pride. I understand that without people like me, people like you would be stuck in the dark ages, and the moment your computer stoped working, you would be lost. Don't assume to threaton me.. YOU need to realize that by protesting Businesses, the BIG ones, you also are slapping the face of major employeers.
To everyone in this thread - learn how to reformat your computer and replace defective supplies yourself. Also - make backups.
If you rendered good and prompt service at a reasonable price, I would use your services regardless of whether you agreed with me on political or economic views. It's nonsense for people to politicize everything.
I actually think that you may have reason to support what is going on, as long as what is advocated is reasonable and intended to give people the opportunity to be entrepreneurs and use their talents to provide for their families, give their kids a better future and contribute to their community in a way they choose to do.
That is the over all point. When those who can go out and blaze the trail and work for themselves, instead sit back and bitch about others, than there is no growth.. only stagnation.
In that case, there needs to be access to venture capital and credit. I'm sure as a small business owner how hard it is to get credit as a start up or small business.
Dan, I've actually worked for many of these big employers. I've actually known many wealthy people-including some folks you probably have read about tin the papers. A lot of them are really, really sick people. I don't expect you to know this because you have never had that kind of direct contact.
Steve Jobs BTW lied to his college room mate about stock distribution of Apple(i.e. promised him stock that never was distributed). Jobs died with few big friends.(watch the film pirates of silicon Valley for a portrayal of this. I actually knew the guy that hauled off and punched Jobs out from Silicon Valley.
These folks are NOT protesting you. You are NOT anything like the folks in the high level of finance that I've worked for.
oh yea.. they are, and can be huge dicks.. but seriously how did they get there? We bought from them thats how.
RP: I suggest you look carefully at how you use "we" here. One of the main ways that sociopaths con people is by getting them to identify with sociopaths. Malcolm X described this as "the slave mind". People literally get more concerned with the slave master than they are with their own families and own interests.
Think for a moment of how much attention people pay to various celebrities-including the very rich. It is easy to see this as utterly absurd in other people-but it is hard to see it in ourselves.
RP: I suggest you look carefully at how you use "we" here. One of the main ways that sociopaths con people is by getting them to identify with sociopaths. Malcolm X described this as "the slave mind". People literally get more concerned with the slave master than they are with their own families and own interests.
Think for a moment of how much attention people pay to various celebrities-including the very rich. It is easy to see this as utterly absurd in other people-but it is hard to see it in ourselves.
In the case of Jobs, he made a lot of promises to a lot of folks that he left high and dry-but once he had gotten work out of those folks, he didn't need them any more.
This is a VERY common story in computer start ups.
That said, often it is not us doing the buying-but people with money.
Check with the FBI. I am sure we are all on a list, by now. Can't have freedom and democracy, in the USA, now can we? [Covers eyes, awaiting pepper spray] Speaking of lists, how about a list of all of the business owners, unwilling to meet our demands, so we may destroy all of you and replace you with new businesses that meet our needs? MJ Morrow
I have been on the FBI watchlist several times due to my disgust in American Politics.. Oh.. and the fact that I carried a top secret clearence in the service.
Check with the FBI. I am sure we are all on a list, by now. Can't have freedom and democracy, in the USA, now can we? [Covers eyes, awaiting pepper spray] Speaking of lists, how about a list of all of the business owners, unwilling to meet our demands, so we may destroy all of you and replace you with new businesses that meet our needs? MJ Morrow
I own a business and I would never fire someone for the political beliefs. I have a small business with about 14 employees at any given time. They are not just employees they are friends.
We talk about everything your not supposed to talk about. Politics, religion, sex, whatever. We are a very diverse group. White, black, Christian, Jewish you name it we got it.
I would say half of my employees voted for Obama in 2008. I think it's safe to say that none of them will be voting for him again.
It's our open and frank discussions that I believe has taken about 7 votes away from Obama next year.
I would love to work for an employer like you if I get to work.
we need more business owners like you
Apparently with all these businesses people are out of jobs and homeless. Great argument.
People have always been out of Work and homeless. Is this some new concept? Have you never seen poverty and homelessness before? The population of any civilization anywhere in the world, usually teeters at about 7-10% unemployment or Homlessness. The issue isn't that there isn't business hiring, there are. It is whether or not you will do whatever it takes to make money. Frankly, I would sling burgers and clean up elephant shit after a parade, if it meant that I could put food on the table. I would never except there is no work out there to be had.. I would make work. Hell, you can get some cans and cardboard, and walk around charging 10-15 dollars to repaint the street addresses on curbs in suburbs.. I know a few making thousands a month doing that. No, I find that those who remain Homeless, are those who have no desire to work. I have been a homeless 4 times in my life due to various reasons. I never stayed down for more than a month.. .I would never assume that the reason I was homeless was the responsibility of some rich prick that wouldn't pay me more or hire me. The reason I was unemployed was because myself. Those who blame others, are to self-centered to blame themselves. The reason I am poor? Because I haven't figured out how to be rich. Simple.
If you were worth your weight as a boss or business, you would respect the concerns of other people... even when they differ from your own perspective. Great leaders such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg go to great extremes to build a diverse employee base-- because great ideas and problem solving emerge from a creative, diverse culture. Nobody wants to END business here. We just want Big Business OUT OF POLITICS. So, we all just put you on OUR list of people we don't want to work for. Maybe you should change your name to RetardedBoss.
I want Big Government out of Business.
And if we BOTH had our way... the world would be a better place.
Yes it would
Bill Gates -- hmmm., makes more money in 10 minutes, than most of will ever see in a life time.. and just fyi, he pays his employees crap, especially those who do the real work of maintaining Microsoft computers and assisting employees and vendors. I know from experience.
A business is a construct, an organizational concept. It has no substance.
People create. People produce.
There were people before business.
There is no business without people.
People love! People live! And life will always finds a way.
Perhaps you should focus less on 'business' and more on people.
I am the 99%!
You are? Crap the 99% is smoking something.. POLICE!!!
I hope you realize, as you throw out your flame-bait, that many people in this movement are conservatives. People here, of all stripes, are trying to build something to make America better. What you're doing is fun on one level, but all you're doing is hurting everyone in the long run... including yourself. You can continue, I can't stop you. I just ask that you think for a moment. Do you want to be the type of guy that people look down on, or do you want to help make your world a little better? Let me remind you again, there are all stripes here. This isn't just a bunch of liberals. Yeah, they're making a lot of noise... but so are you. Be better than this.
you don't owe a job and we don't owe you production. see :)
agreed if you would modify it to Congress, not Obama (or the Presidency).
Corporations/businesses answer to their owners, shareholders with a focus on ROI, the bottom line.
Government is supposed to answer to "We the People" and tell Corporations/businesses things like "while you're focusing on your bottom line, you CANNOT pollute that river out back because that belongs to "We the People".
Basically this fight is about Government answering to Corporations/businesses rather than to "We the People"
It should be OC (Occupy Congress) not OWS - or maybe both?
It should be OC.. It is the Government that is allowing this shit to continue.. focus the protests on that.. and yes.. Obama is to blame too.. or is his Millions of dollars not included?
I will always respect any persons view but the reality is that there are a LOT of families out there that have nothing but what they can grow or get through welfare. Extremely small towns are getting hit hard and we are surviving without jobs. Families are banding together and pooling resources just to have something to eat. Jobs you say ? What jobs? There are none to be had. You bet your butt we are protesting but why should you care ? You have a business and the ability to feed your family. Do you have to keep a garden to feed your family? probably not but we have to or we go hungry because food prices have sky rocketed. Hunting season has taken on a whole new definition to us. Believe me it's worse than any of you think out in rural America.
look in the mirror thats where the problem starts, wouldn't want to work for a jerk off like you..I love my life, u would only make it miserable..More Life & Happiness "occupy wall street"
I think you misunderstand the situation here. We are firing you. I know it might sound harsh, but we must face the facts. You screwed the pooch. You fucked up. You toyed around, you avoided responsibility, you sat on your god damn butt, with all the money rotting underneath, and you let the economy go to hell.
So you're fired. No bonus. We'll find more competent bosses and legislators. I mean, we'll differentiate. Some actually did and are doing a good job. But you clearly fall in the asshole camp.
We are not against businesses. We are against unfair business practices. We are against predatory businesses, who take the 99% of American people as their victims. We are against business executives that destroy the fabric of American society, only to get bailed out and go scot-free, with reckless disregard for the lives of those they destroyed. We are against business crimes against American society.
No, we are not against businesses, in fact we wish your business will succeed, but clearly you have a personality problem which will translate into reputational risk for your firm.
Your comment is too small for the house. No one in his or her right mind would work for you in the first instance so your problem is solved.
Wow you must be scared, about what is coming your way. And, thanks for posting your poisoned demand to refuse the hiring of 99% of Americans.
Where does it say we want to shut down particular businesses? I would be happy with an investigation in the corruption of the mortgage crisis. That is not saying we should get rid of banks, but make bankers accountable when they sign-off on transactions.
We would like to know the name of your business so we can not do business with you. If people didn't stand up to the government (taxation without representation) we would not even be the United States of America.
Congrats on getting so that I can't create new posts.. lmao
Without workers you wouldn't have a business Retarded
I think you are lying anyway. I don't know any business people as stupid as you that have been successful
Hello I'm Quanzo Pfter, Chief Executive of Ramon Film Productions in Uganda. I make over 9000 thousand US dollars every day, and my corporation spans 1000 workers over seven different oceans. Here is a trailer to a film that I've personally had a hand in:
Anyways, I just want to say that I'm really rich because of all my hard work and it had nothing to do with my willingness to take risks with my family and the general lottery of life. So all of you "99%" communist nazi bangers should just get a job and stop smoking weed like they said on Fox News. So what if I can make unlimited contributions to my representatives? So can you!
Don't believe me? Here's a picture of me with my latest invention:
Anyways you guys should know that Democratic Socialism breaks the Second Law of Thermodynamics, so there's no way it could work in our Capitalist system.
Quanzo Pfter
I'm actually self-employed. I work a lot. I don't have the millions required to buy my own congress-person, however, and therein lies the problem. My voice should be as valid as any corporate CEO in terms of directing our democracy, and so should the voice of a college student, a janitor, a pizza delivery dude, a soccer mom, a bus driver, a cop, a teacher, a construction work, a house painter, a dish washer... In terms of influencing public policy, every one of these voices should be equal. But they aren't, because we can't all afford to buy our own congress-person or representative. A very small percentage of the population, who are insanely wealthy, well, they have bought up all the congress-persons and representatives, and so their voices are heard, while the voice of the people is ignored. This is the problem. I am self-employed, a small business owner, and I AM the 99%.
made one myself bud...
whose protesting businesses in America? The protest is about Wall St. money influencing politics, it wouldn't hurt for you to do a little research before rushing in to look like a dumbass!
And, I wouldn't work for you.
THANK YOU! I would suggest sending all of the protesters to their own state without businesses or a central banking system.
Thank you all for making this the most popular thread on this site. HAd a blast
Share with each other. Make them ourselves. Love and kindness.
Sounds like a Borg collective.. Sorry prefer independance, not Socialism.
Sounds like a happy world to me. Did your parents raise you to share? and be kind and giving? Independence is kindness and love.
Right now there is HUGE dependence on companies to provide everything for us. Food, clothes, shelter... we are humans we can do that all ourselves. Independence is when we support ourselves, get our own things ourselves, and share. It makes us independent of a system that is out-dated and destroying the future of our species.
Parents taught me to share, but they also taught me how to give. I give when I can, I share when I am able, But I do not give out handouts to those who refuse to work.
I also do not buy products that are not Made in America. If you want me to be peaceful, fine I can.. if you come begging at my door than be expectedto be put to work for the food/money I am going to give.
If I needed the help, and my neighbor offered, I would be helping them reroof the house, wash the cars, mow the grass, anything I could do, but I would not be a leach.
Congrats on not getting arrested and standing your ground.. the next step is finding a company and getting some mobile toilets out there.
This is true but also we need change in our country!
Yes we do.. We Need to rid ourselves of both Corrupt parties in Washington, and replace them all. I agree.
Take a look at "These Beliefs Occupy Us". That's something worth pondering over.
ok.. will look it up.. thanks
I love this:
Then I suggest by starting with this......
I created this little thread here to get you all to wake up and unite. To get common sence and logic flowing. I would rather be seen as a bad guy you can unite together against, then stay divided and quarrel amongst yourselves.
Many good, and valid points of view have been expressed here in this thread.
From creating our own banking systems that effectively would eliminate Global banking Monopolies, that want to control the world, to eliminating the mass conglomorate companies like Walmart, that buy crap from other countries, and force down our throats.
I see that we need to create a system , where, united principles and foundations beyond simple proestation of coorporations, can be designed and implemented that the majority of us can all believe in and have influence over.
We have seen that people are still very petty, and need to grow up. Name calling, ridiculing over bad grammar or spelling, instead of attacking the true issues, becomes the scapegoat for the less educated, and an example of one of the things that needs to be weeded out of a change we need. Making money and creating busineses are not bad ideas, but using that as a weapon to keep people purposely down trodden should be evoided and discouraged. Regulations set in motion to prevent handouts, and Workfare are needed at a Federal level, and the United States of America can do without getting involved in supporting businesses like that. There would be more inventions and better competition, hence lower proces, if the mom and pop stores had a chance to compete on the global scale these other businesses get to. Employers, like Microsoft, Unisys, Enron, Apple, Banks, and other super large businesses that employee tens of thousands of people all around the world, should still have to abide by American standards here in the US, as they do not in other parts of the world. They should provide affordable health benefits, and stock options. Enrichment programs for success, and never ever freeze wages. A company that does not allow growth from within, and denies raises, is one destined to fall. There are 2 sides to this issue, and protesting big business alone, is not enough. What about the millionares who, because of their fame, use their jobs to promote anti-American agendas, and continue to divide us down racial lines? (thanks for that one Morgan Freeman).
Big businesses, coorporations, global companies, Governments, will not allow change if all we do is walk around with picket signs and cry about how unfair it is. To effect real change, we must reinvent the wheel, we must look at ourselves and determine where the true root of the problems lie. If we, the consumer, continue to buy products from thos companies, we are instigating them to continue. they only way to change a rich man's perspective, is take away his riches. Jesus had that right, the only way for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven, is to give awayh all his wealth, and follow in the faith. Now that can be constued an many ways, and let me tell you this is not a religious sermon, but a fact. The only way for true happiness is in the giving. We must do something immediatley about the US Government officials. We have allowed them to get so out of hand, that we, as individuals, and collectivly as Americans, have had no choice but rise against the destructive and over bearing rules and corruption. A complete revamp of our political system, our laws and regulations, our monies and taxations, must be balanced and fair for all people.
Until we can unite and create a foundation of plans that can move us toward independance of, and elimination of, corruption in politics and in business, what we do here, in protest, is nothing more than children crying out how unfair mommy and daddy are being when we say no.
Today, you all have proven one major aspect.. We are still too divided to create real change.
Lets do something about that.
I suppose your belief lies within a central banking system also... How about you give your name and your business's name so that we know not to apply at your business or be one of your consumers. The thing is Business in America needs the 99%. If you don't have us... then you don't have business.
Then I suggest by starting with this......
I created this little thread here to get you all to wake up and unite. To get common sence and logic flowing. I would rather be seen as a bad guy you can unite together against, then stay divided and quarrel amongst yourselves.
Many good, and valid points of view have been expressed here in this thread.
From creating our own banking systems that effectively would eliminate Global banking Monopolies, that want to control the world, to eliminating the mass conglomorate companies like Walmart, that buy crap from other countries, and force down our throats.
I see that we need to create a system , where, united principles and foundations beyond simple proestation of coorporations, can be designed and implemented that the majority of us can all believe in and have influence over.
We have seen that people are still very petty, and need to grow up. Name calling, ridiculing over bad grammar or spelling, instead of attacking the true issues, becomes the scapegoat for the less educated, and an example of one of the things that needs to be weeded out of a change we need. Making money and creating busineses are not bad ideas, but using that as a weapon to keep people purposely down trodden should be evoided and discouraged. Regulations set in motion to prevent handouts, and Workfare are needed at a Federal level, and the United States of America can do without getting involved in supporting businesses like that. There would be more inventions and better competition, hence lower proces, if the mom and pop stores had a chance to compete on the global scale these other businesses get to. Employers, like Microsoft, Unisys, Enron, Apple, Banks, and other super large businesses that employee tens of thousands of people all around the world, should still have to abide by American standards here in the US, as they do not in other parts of the world. They should provide affordable health benefits, and stock options. Enrichment programs for success, and never ever freeze wages. A company that does not allow growth from within, and denies raises, is one destined to fall. There are 2 sides to this issue, and protesting big business alone, is not enough. What about the millionares who, because of their fame, use their jobs to promote anti-American agendas, and continue to divide us down racial lines? (thanks for that one Morgan Freeman).
Big businesses, coorporations, global companies, Governments, will not allow change if all we do is walk around with picket signs and cry about how unfair it is. To effect real change, we must reinvent the wheel, we must look at ourselves and determine where the true root of the problems lie. If we, the consumer, continue to buy products from thos companies, we are instigating them to continue. they only way to change a rich man's perspective, is take away his riches. Jesus had that right, the only way for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven, is to give awayh all his wealth, and follow in the faith. Now that can be constued an many ways, and let me tell you this is not a religious sermon, but a fact. The only way for true happiness is in the giving. We must do something immediatley about the US Government officials. We have allowed them to get so out of hand, that we, as individuals, and collectivly as Americans, have had no choice but rise against the destructive and over bearing rules and corruption. A complete revamp of our political system, our laws and regulations, our monies and taxations, must be balanced and fair for all people.
Until we can unite and create a foundation of plans that can move us toward independance of, and elimination of, corruption in politics and in business, what we do here, in protest, is nothing more than children crying out how unfair mommy and daddy are being when we say no.
Today, you all have proven one major aspect.. We are still too divided to create real change.
Lets do something about that.
=) I can't disagree with unity and organization. That's why they decided against raiding the Wall St in New York and in Atlanta. They are hoping this movement will diminish. They will sit back and say "See we gave them freedom of assembly. They never did anything with it. This proves that they just are against business and the rich" when that isn't the message at all.
Think independently. Work collectively. We must enact change from the bottom up.
Thank You!!!!! I agree
Here's an idea: How about we do what YOU the business owner did? How about if we start our own businesses? How about we become SELF RELIANT instead of depending upon the fat money grubbers of the world to feed us scraps while they feast on the fat. Then those of us who are successful (which our company most certainly looks like it will be), will hire our brothers and sisters. Because a real American doesn't use homelessness, hunger and poverty as threats to force other Americans to obey. A REAL American doesn't try to frighten other Americans into doing what they are told. A real American lifts his fellow Americans up, taking the ideas they have which he likes, and ignoring the ones which he doesn't.
We are FREE, and we are BRAVE..I'm sorry you live your life in such fear. You're in America now..step up to the like the LAST WORD IN OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM. Be brave. Thank you.
Good reply .. here here
That's good, cause I would be ashamed to work for you.
and yet you are not ashamed of the way you have stood by and let business get out hand?
You are as guilty as the rest of us.
How about we stop buying from you, so you will be out of business. The Tea Bagger trolls are in attack mode, here in this new forum, we actually ban these trolls:
Tea baggers? you actually like to have smelly balls in your face?
Tea Party members are everyday 99% who want to make the government be accountable for their actions.. and yes.. most are Christians..
So prove to me at all, with facts, that tea party members are bad.. No.. you are the real trolls.. on society.. not just on forums.
Tea baggers are fools who drank the Koolaid made by Koch brothers and Faux news and are too clueless to know that they are working against their own interest, unless of course they get paid for their "activism"
wow.. you really are confused are you not? I mean all the but kissing and idol worshipping of the liveral left has left you with no common sense.
if anyone wants to see the NeoLiberalism in action, please watch the movie "The weight of chains". This is the real story about my country and the way in which we stayed out of jobs and nice future.
NeoLiberalism sounds as bad as NeoNaziism.. IS there any way they are the same?
If you analyze period after WWII you are going to see who and where continue with Nazi ideology. The main part of that trend was implemented in big multinational corporations.
Based on your grammar and typing skills, I seriously doubt you are in any position to actually be able to hire people.
based on the fact that you have not read any of the other posts, I see you are not in the position to apply.
These trolls need to be banned from the discussions so they do not waste people's time, try a more sane discussion here without these asinine trolls budding in at every step:
Yes.. ban laguy
Retarded by own admission, nuf said.
if you would stop the free flow of ideas when they are not your own, than that is sencorship. By your own admition you ban people like me who think opposite of how you do.
Who;s the Commy now?
There is a difference between trolling and having a serious discussions. No one is objecting businesses or free market, but corporations who have undermined US national interest with their corporate welfare are running this country to the ground, which you seem to be in favor of. So I would suggest coming up with a better topic of discussion than the one you have. This is misrepresenting the movement and what it stands for.
An asshole by any other name...wouldst still smell like an asshole
yes.. but why are you sniffing my ass?
Biggest idiot of them all.. Obama.
taking down one guy won't change the system
Many people ARE as you say "out of a job and homeless" yes, some of them are cronic jerks who dont want to work, BUT the majority of them are working class/ 9 to 5 types that WANT to work and pay bills etc in order to be part of the great experiment we call America. Please try to see these people as indivduals, some weird some not, they look like your neighbors in some cases, you too could be laid off, lose your home and wonder "WTF? I worked so hard all these years!" The really big $ guys will eat little children to gain more $, beware them, they want your ass too.
Many people ARE as you say "out of a job and homeless" yes, some of them are cronic jerks who dont want to work, BUT the majority of them are working class/ 9 to 5 types that WANT to work and pay bills etc in order to be part of the great experiment we call America. Please try to see these people as indivduals, some weird some not, they look like your neighbors in some cases, you too could be laid off, lose your home and wonder "WTF? I worked so hard all these years!" The really big $ guys will eat little children to gain more $, beware them, they want your ass too.
Many people ARE as you say "out of a job and homeless" yes, some of them are cronic jerks who dont want to work, BUT the majority of them are working class/ 9 to 5 types that WANT to work and pay bills etc in order to be part of the great experiment we call America. Please try to see these people as indivduals, some weird some not, they look like your neighbors in some cases, you too could be laid off, lose your home and wonder "WTF? I worked so hard all these years!" The really big $ guys will eat little children to gain more $, beware them, they want your ass too.
Many people ARE as you say "out of a job and homeless" yes, some of them are cronic jerks who dont want to work, BUT the majority of them are working class/ 9 to 5 types that WANT to work and pay bills etc in order to be part of the great experiment we call America. Please try to see these people as indivduals, some weird some not, they look like your neighbors in some cases, you too could be laid off, lose your home and wonder "WTF? I worked so hard all these years!" The really big $ guys will eat little children to gain more $, beware them, they want your ass too.
IF the big Corps wanted my ass, they can take the shit too.. matter of fact, where's the flag again? I need to take another dump.
Oh.. btw.. Would like to see more press like this
We're not protesting business. We are protesting Wall street.
OK.. Are you going to protest Elm Street and Main also? Just need to know where I can drive without the traffic jam.
take the day off
I did.. i ate something at the protest yesterday.. now I am home with the shits. Need an Anerican flag to wipe my ass.
Do you have a business? if so did you buy any soap on a rope? Because the way you talk down to us like we are scroungy mutts and you do not even know us or more importantly know what we are about, i can almost guarantee that you exploit people for personal greed.
To be fair, you have just assumed something about him ALSO without knowing who he really is or what he is about.
If you do not pick yourself up.. and do something about yourself first, and sit and bitch about others, than ya.. I will talk down to you all day.
You really have no idea what you are talking about do you? All your doing is showing your ignorance and your " i am mightier than thou!" attitude.
That is why many like you are out of jobs and homeless. I wouldn;t want your attitude in my pace of business either.
What's your business?...just out of curiosity.
I actually have 3..Landscaping, Computer repair, and Private Contractor for Microsoft.
how many hours a day do you work?
from 1 AM to 930 am with Microsoft, from 10 30 to 5pm on my computers, and then weekends on construction.
Do you have any time for recreation?
lmao off.. recreation.. this is my recreation.. having time between calls to chat here.
I took a vacation a few months ago.. ended up remodeling the house.
That's a lot of hours
sleep about 3-5 hours a day.. mostly work.. never get too far ahead though.. paying over 1500 in rent and bills. over 3000 in hospital bills. Have sold off or pawned everything to cover the cost of radiation treatments.
A lot of hours.. and still have bare cuboards.
I work, or I die.. simple.
That's awful. Are you terminally ill? I'm very sorry to hear that. 3000 each month? You have no health insurance? Have you considered moving to a cheaper apartment? I used to rent this place in Philly for like 590 and it was OK.
Wife has cancer.. cost of living increased, wages did not.. gas got more expensive, work gets further away.. Cannot afford health insurance.. every spare dollar I have goes to food. I am luck to have 50 bucks a month in food for 3 people.. And no.. I make to much for assistance.. So here it id.. you all want to know I am so pissed off?
Why the fuck do I have to work my ass off all the fucking time, when all these promises by the Government go out the door for someone in my position?
I can't afford Obamacare.. being forced to pay for health insurance.. that takes away from my son eating.
As long as obama policies prevent the drilling of oil in America, the prices of gas continue to rise. Soon noone will be able to afford to go to work.
Where is my pension for my duty in the service? I don't qualify due to a technicality created under Clinton.
Move to a cheaper place? Where.. I cant afford to take time off to move.
I use to be a contractor/ carpenter. till the bubble burst and all the contractors had to compete for a very few remodels. I went from competing against 2-3 contractors to competing against more than 10. Everyone slashed prices. I went from making $200 a day on average( personally) to making $20-$75 a day a few days a month. In winter, i will get nothing at all. The g/f works about 20-24 hours a week in 4 shifts she has to drive 25 miles too. She has 2 degrees one in graphic design and one in accounting. She works min wage taking care of people in their home.
You are mad at the wrong people. You should be mad at the crony capitalist because capitalism does not work for the bottom 99%. They altered the system so it only works for them.
And that is what we want to change. We don't want handouts and freebies, we want the corruption out of the system, we want politicians who dont tell you what platform they are running on but are told by the people what they are going to do. We want corporations and banks held responsible for their actions.
We are here to make them fix the system. Instead of being nasty and talking down to us, you should be holding a sign.
I'm sorry about your wife. It's not right that you should have to pay out of pocket for radiation treatments. Have you looked at There are plans as cheap as 100 a month. Sure, they're not GOOD plans. But you can at least have 80 percent of your medical bills paid after a certain amount with some of these. I don't think Obama is to blame for gas prices. But I don't know why you can't have your pension. That's bullshit. Anyway, sorry life is so hard for's not fair, you've put your time in doing the right thing and your family deserves to be taken care of. Not to be obnoxious, but it seems that you land squarely in the 99% as a disenfranchised, working American who is getting the shaft on the health care end...and others.
Firstly I would say we ARE out of jobs...many of us ARE homeless!
In the interest of real dialogue I would further respond by saying that it is overly simplistic, indeed incorrect, to say this action is about "shutting down" anything. "Business" is what built and will maintain America, that is not in dispute....Rather this movement seeks to temper the raw and savage nature of unfettered capitalism, which is a cruel and heartless thing, with the balancing force of a true, robust and honest democracy. THAT requires the people be EQUAL players, that the rules be just and fair and equality OF OPPORTUNITY exists for all. NO ONE is asking for freebies...only a fair chance at life within a fair system,where, in lieu of corporate buying of influence, ALL our voices carry the same weight.
Im sorry, but I agreed with you until you used the word Democracy.. We are not a Democracy, we are a republic.. Understand that. Democracy destroys the minority, it does not give the Minority a chance or voice. It is mass ruled by MOB force. Only through Republic, is everyone equal. Where the minority is protected from the mob. It is the veryh reason you all still are not in jail. Mob rule, democracy could say.. ok 99% of the rest of America is ashamed os the crap going on in New Yotk. People protesting crapping on the American flag .. And I do mean using it as a toilet. So we, the majority, have all of you slienced. Now, what allows you to keep doing things that disgrace us, is the very fact that our Republican laws protect you too. We all cannot carry our own weight, some of has weak upper bodies. To have a system of Equal Players means no more inventions. No more competition whch drives new creations. We all have the Opportunity, we may not always have the means. The man who created the Frisbee.. was a great man.. accident the Frisbee was.. now its all over the world. Made him a Multimillionare. Guess he should have shared that idea with the rest of us, so we could all have shared in that.. thats about $.75 per person. OK.. so if you have a dollar in your pocket, you made more than the rest of us did on that.. You should be stopped/
??? 522 comments... I can't read that good .......
for a thread.. this is pretty active
And you sound like one of the sheeple if u think obamas the problem
Don't get me wrong.. Obama has merit.. real life Mickey Mouse comes to mind,.
Not THE problem.. but a very big part of it.
U really have no idea what ur talkin about our last actual president was John f Kennedy everyone else has been a cover up...know ur role and shut ur hole sheep
LMAO.. I suggest you better pay attention young man.. your role is to get a job, or create your own.. Not one person in this world OWES YOU A DAMN THING.. So either get off you ass and go make a living, or STFU
I'm working right now as I type this and was informe 3 days ago my company was sold and we will have no jobs in January...and im an army vet with a family...the more you know you ignorant sheep
I also am a vet.. and I am a sheep.. of God! Then go make yours. I was in a very large construction company until the markets crashed 5 years ago.. I watched our Million a year company go bankrupt in 3 months. I was stranded in a different city, with no check, no money, and they came and got my work truck while I was sleeping. I had to walk 70 miles home.. I had no money, lost my house, had to give my child to his grandparents so they could watch him and feed him, while my wife and I struggled to eat. We slept under bridges, in drainage ditches. We slept at RV parks or in the hills. We lived of the Walnuts from the trees, and when I could get enough together for meat.. we ate spam. Food stamps didn't help, I made too much money the months before.. so they denied us.. and as we were walking out of there, some Mexican Illegal in a brand new escalade got 3000 in food stamps.
I will never be in that position again.. I work my ass off, for my self, and for my family.. You don;t just sit there and bitch about life, you grab it by the balls and you make it into what you want it to be. Sitting around scared and crying about what you think is owed you.... it gives you nothing.
How about you give us your name and business name so we can report you to the better business bureau for discrimination how's them apples asshole
I wouldn't want to work for you any!
0/10, OP
Don't worry, we will replace you. We 18-40 year old represent 120 Million; that's $2.3 Trillion that you count on. We will boycott you, create our own replacement companies to pay ourselves, and reinvest in communities in lieu of hoarding the money. How will we not be greedy? Open-Book accounting, every dollar is traced to a better place than a Boomer's pockets. What's your name so we can Not hire you when your company is crushed by 50% of your current expected cash flows...
This fantasy thinking, is just too funny.
By running the business's for ourselves, of course.
run them then.. what is stopping you? Are you to busy protesting someone else? Get out and run your own..
We don't own them, that's what's stopping us. We'll get back to you after the revolution.
RP it is not about protesting business in America it is protesting business running government...who is the idiot in this conversation? stick around and do not voice your contempt before investigation.
RP it is not about protesting business in America it is protesting business running government...who is the idiot in this conversation? stick around and do not voice your contempt before investigation.
Take it up with Washington.. YOU elected the them , your lil Gods Obama and Pelosi.. Take it up with them
This is a problem started long before Obama... and will continue long after Obama
The U.S. is the Most Overworked Developed Nation in the World – When do we Draw the Line?
WOW.. ask your grand father, great grand father's what real work is.. That is the LAZIEST bunch of crap I have heard.
GREAT ARTICLE - tell people to talk about this!!
If we don't stop Corporate America - there will be 1 day weekends;
and 70-80 hour work weeks!!!!
I don't think that the intelligent protestors want to shut down all the businesses. I think they want rich people who hold vast sums of wealth at the top of the pyramid to feed the bottom of the pyramid a little better.
I have a job. And a basic understanding of the English language and syntax, as well!
Just keep up with facebook posts....we all are taking notice.
everyone needs to see this ...
There is nothing helpful about Progressives.. it another word for Communism and Genocide of unborn babies.
Because of the "Progressive" movement, there have been more abortions in this country than deaths in Vietnam, WWII , the Civil War, Nazi Concentration Camps, and the Modernization of Russia by Stalin ALL PUT TOGETHER. DO NOT tell me what "Progressives" are really about.. The truth lies here!
actually, YOU are the biggest idiot. if trends continue, your business will fail, too. we are fighting for you, you moron.
Just like in the old days, before the worker's union- without that rich cat and his business you would be out of a job and homeless. Well, Mr Rich Cat, you are obsolete. Welcome to the upcoming reality of worker control.
On a second note- if you want to troll, dye your hair green and stick a plastic jem in your belly button.
First, this is my post.. no trolling, second.. IT is very obvious you NEVER read any of the posts.. I am not rich, and lastly.. your attitude proves that you are not worth the air you breate. Stop polluting my air with the stench of your insanity.
Fxxx you. You go bankruptcy, more small business will grow.
Thank you for your ignorance.
Far from you.
What the hell are you talking about? Most of the protesters believe in the free market system. Stop believing everything you hear on TV. We are sick and tired of the government being in the back pocket of the biggest campaign contributors. That's not the free market system, Capitalism, and certainly not Democracy. It's Oligarchy, or rule by a small cabal of media, banks, and multinational corporations. Right now they are using the government as a tool to consolidate the wealth of the middle class into fewer and fewer hands (theirs). It's corruption at the highest levels. BOTH PARTIES SUCK! Obama, Bush, every damn one of them except for a tiny few.
Now get your butt down to a protest! See for yourself instead of letting the corporate media brainwash you.
I do not happen to disagree with Big Business or how they are ran.. I think the protestors, if there really any of them that pay taxes or that are truly owed a damn cent, need to stop looking like idiots. Listen to the Tea Party and understand the reality of the US.
Nobody here is after the small or big business. If your shipping your jobs overseas. Then gtfo out of my country and quit using my fellow citizens. If your paying off government and donating money to organizations that back your financial hold then using it as tax write offs in order not to pay your dues then gtfo and stop abusing our system. If your an honest working business owner trying to compete with the very establishments we are out to destroy. Your on the wrong side of the fence.
You obviously don't really know what is going on there. I have more than 50 news clips from morons out there yelling "Give us back our Money" as if you gave them money without purchasing anything. I see people yelling for the collapse of Big Business and the Globalization of America. I see people shitting on the Flag of our Great Nation, and you want to tell me this is movement to better America? This is a movement meant to destroy her.
You are no worse than a Military invasion that would topple our goverment. No worse than the terrorists that bombed the WTC. When you disgrace AMerica on American Soil... you should be shot for treason. You want respect? Protest the Government officials YOU elected that are coddling the bad behaviour of these businesses. For crying out loud.. If you hate America so much, get the hell out.
My only competition are others in the same field locally..
You clearly don't know what you're talking. Our world would be som much better with out you. I don't know why you self-proclaimed, delusional corporate deities believe you've saved the world or that we need you. First of all, we're protesting big businesses, not small, which exploit whatever workers they do have and they are not sustainable. Corporations have dissolved whatever last drops we had of honesty and courtesy in business affairs to the point where it contradicts our very values as a nation, and it's even more frustrating that people are too blind to realize it.
Not a corporate deity, The world is never better off without anyone.. The same could be said about you. Never thought I saved the world. Nothing wrong with Big Businesses that are ran with moral codes of conduct, Many many large businesses out there are more sustainable than you think. For instance, Microsoft is not really a very big company. It is a coalition of 1000s of companies world wide. Not all companies Big companies have fallen down this "eveil" path you tirade on about. Johnson and Johnson, Nabisco, National Paper, Coca Cola, Pepsi, etc. etc. all in the super large company lists, that employee 100,000 plus people all over the world. Treats their employees with respect and honesty. Values of a nation, the people in large, has nothing to do with how a business is ran. You should read up on Business management, and economics. If we ran a business the way you think we should, it would crumble in hours. Oh not blind, and I see a lot of corruption, but I see it coming from the white house, and the Congress. As long as they continue to spend the country into poverty and bankruptcy, as long as left wing nut jobs do not wake up and realize that this government is is destroying us, that Obama and Pelosi are criminals, and should be IMPRISONED, and the special interest groups need to be run out of this country, the faster we can recover from this and get Americans bac to work, and get businesses back on track.
Do you guys get the feeling that the people who post things like this aren't even 1%ers? I feel like a lot of them have a masochistic urge to belittle themselves and most others while carrying water for the super rich.
And I take it your favorite lyrics from any song is" I don't Mind Stealing Bread, From the mouths of Decadence."
IF - you do not make over 50k per year... YOU are NOT a taxpayer. You are not entitled to one cent of anyone else's earnings. Unless you have worked for an agreed to amount of money, and not paid that agreed amount, than you are not entitled to a penny.
When you go to work for someone, they present you with a package they are willing to give you in compensation for your time and expertise. If you agree to this, than you have no rights to bitch about what you do not get, as you did not have to choose that line of work. Or to work with that company. What exactly are you protesting? How is it that what that CEO does, effects you at all? How is it, that by regulating Business A, will effect small businesses a,b,c? What point are you truly trying to make here? You realize that if its about how much they pay to or do not pay to taxes.. than you have to protest the Government Businesses do not control the tax rates.. Our government does. Make THEM answer those questions. I see nothing in these protests, other than a bunch of people who want to get something for nothing.
Get real.
You are way off in your claims about taxes buddy. The poor and middle class pay about the same as the rich when you factor in state and local taxes. Not to mention, the vast majority of most rich peoples' wealth is in stocks. This means that while middle class people pay 25-28% on their income, the rich pay 35% income tax. The majority of their net worth however, is taxed at 15% which is the capital gains tax rate. When you consider taxes as a percentage of a person's net worth, the middle class pays MUCH more in taxes.
Nice try. Derp.
You can't refuse to hire people based on their political believfs. So, in that case, I encourage more people to protest.
You can refuse to hire anyone based on anything.. You don't have to tell them why you refuse to hire them..
I guess that's a problem in society.
Watch out history tells us you could be replaced
History tells me that you have no idea how much your actions here will destroy America. You are playing right into the hands of the Communists and Jihadists.
Radical Islam - How to destroy America.. (Insite Riots)
Title - I wouldn't buy from any of you.
I want a list of all the people spitting on Americans.. That way.. I can refuse to do business with you.
Idiots.. without these customers, you would be out of a company and homeless.. how do you expect to get profit if you displace the customers that provide them? You should be displacing the biggest idiot of them all.. Obama and his three pending FTAs.
RetardProtestor. The more than 85% percent of the people have jobs.A good many have part time jobs. Many of the 99% are tired of working for nothing. We get taxed the most...more than 30% of our income. Out of that we have to pay,the mortgage/rent.Buy food. Pay utilities. Have transportation funds to get to work. Buy clothes. Feed and clothe children. Some are caretakers for sick/elderly relatives. Many pay for tuition for self or family members. However,if I had to ask for a job,you'd be the LAST person on earth Id come too.
Beg your pardon, but I think you are a wrapper.
I do suggest that you all watch this video.. Real unting forces out there..
Another example of how we've failed in our public schools. The protesters are not protesting businesses per se(maybe the real big ones). The banksters are the ones who are being targetted. And many of these people are already without a job and homeless WITH these so-called businesses you refer to already in place. Alas, another Republican kool-aid drinker.
And yet you posted without reading below.
Then I suggest by starting with this......
I created this little thread here to get you all to wake up and unite. To get common sence and logic flowing. I would rather be seen as a bad guy you can unite together against, then stay divided and quarrel amongst yourselves.
Many good, and valid points of view have been expressed here in this thread.
From creating our own banking systems that effectively would eliminate Global banking Monopolies, that want to control the world, to eliminating the mass conglomorate companies like Walmart, that buy crap from other countries, and force down our throats.
I see that we need to create a system , where, united principles and foundations beyond simple proestation of coorporations, can be designed and implemented that the majority of us can all believe in and have influence over.
We have seen that people are still very petty, and need to grow up. Name calling, ridiculing over bad grammar or spelling, instead of attacking the true issues, becomes the scapegoat for the less educated, and an example of one of the things that needs to be weeded out of a change we need. Making money and creating busineses are not bad ideas, but using that as a weapon to keep people purposely down trodden should be evoided and discouraged. Regulations set in motion to prevent handouts, and Workfare are needed at a Federal level, and the United States of America can do without getting involved in supporting businesses like that. There would be more inventions and better competition, hence lower proces, if the mom and pop stores had a chance to compete on the global scale these other businesses get to. Employers, like Microsoft, Unisys, Enron, Apple, Banks, and other super large businesses that employee tens of thousands of people all around the world, should still have to abide by American standards here in the US, as they do not in other parts of the world. They should provide affordable health benefits, and stock options. Enrichment programs for success, and never ever freeze wages. A company that does not allow growth from within, and denies raises, is one destined to fall. There are 2 sides to this issue, and protesting big business alone, is not enough. What about the millionares who, because of their fame, use their jobs to promote anti-American agendas, and continue to divide us down racial lines? (thanks for that one Morgan Freeman).
Big businesses, coorporations, global companies, Governments, will not allow change if all we do is walk around with picket signs and cry about how unfair it is. To effect real change, we must reinvent the wheel, we must look at ourselves and determine where the true root of the problems lie. If we, the consumer, continue to buy products from thos companies, we are instigating them to continue. they only way to change a rich man's perspective, is take away his riches. Jesus had that right, the only way for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven, is to give awayh all his wealth, and follow in the faith. Now that can be constued an many ways, and let me tell you this is not a religious sermon, but a fact. The only way for true happiness is in the giving. We must do something immediatley about the US Government officials. We have allowed them to get so out of hand, that we, as individuals, and collectivly as Americans, have had no choice but rise against the destructive and over bearing rules and corruption. A complete revamp of our political system, our laws and regulations, our monies and taxations, must be balanced and fair for all people.
Until we can unite and create a foundation of plans that can move us toward independance of, and elimination of, corruption in politics and in business, what we do here, in protest, is nothing more than children crying out how unfair mommy and daddy are being when we say no.
Today, you all have proven one major aspect.. We are still too divided to create real change.
Lets do something about that.
Technically illegal. Discrimination due to association.
And yet in the cour system today, you can be found guilty of inciting rebellion if you talk about things like this in the open. You can be found guilty of accessory to a murder if you drove the murder to his killing grounds, even if you had no idea of his intent. Which is really more illegal? Stopping someone from geting a loan because of bad credit (discrimination of class), or stopping someone from getting a college grant or loan because of his skin color? (Racism) Than I think you need to see organizations such as the NAACP as being extremely racist, as it a group that caters to only one race and not to all.
That is a nice empty threat you have there since most of us are already homeless or out of a job because of these businesses. That is why we are protesting.
That is a nice empty threat you have there since most of us are already homeless or out of a job because of these businesses. That is why we are protesting.
I'm an entrepreneur who hates BUSINESS CORRUPTING POLITICS.
Let me know what your business is so that I can inform my business network to boycott it and to publish against it.
Idiot. With business corrupting politics, everyone is out of a job and homeless, the currency is inflated and the people are overtaxed to support foreign wars of aggression that break the backs of the tax payers, and we have an anti-competitive aristocratic oligarchy that monopolizes the industry so that startups won't get into the market.
Oh wait, we're already there.
First, I wouldn't work for you and trust me, that's your loss. Secondly, how do you suppose we got food and products before giant corporations. There used to be corner stores, local clothing outlets, hell, my grandmother (an immigrant) worked in a textiles plant, that's right "Made in America". We got along before giant corporation came in and shipped out all our jobs in the name of profit.
I noticed a product tagged "Made in Pakistan" in Wal-Mart the other day. Seriously? Harbor Osama bin Laden and we'll put your people to work and sell those products to Americans?
Giant corporations are treasonous and anti-American! We'll get along just fine after their gone.
Businesses only exist because they have employees to provide productivity, otherwise, you'd be out on the corner standing on a soap box selling your products yourself. No one wants an end to business, what we want is justice. Equal protection under the law, no special skimming off the top for the "more equal" 1%, and equal prosecution when their scams hurt everyone.
Business does not exist through ideas alone, but by hard work to create viable products from ideas. The 1% are hardly the only people capable of ideas, but they may be incapable of honest work.
Anyone who thinks this is a referendum on capitalism is clearly missing the point, or only believes the talking points the Republican pundits spew out. Read some history and some economics before making comments that are so asinine.
Awesome.. So bring this up with ones you pay to listen.. Your Congressmen and women. They are the ones that are cowing to Big Business.
You are absolutely right, and occupying Wall Street and other locations across the country sends them to message that no one is going to put up with business as usual any more. It's not like anyone is thinking that the constant angling for a special deal or vest-pocket interest benefit won;t go on and on, after all, corruption is a long-term fact of life in America as all over the rest of the world, but then, we claim to be a democracy, don't we?
I never make that claim.. We are a Republic.. it is very different
True, but a democratic one, not an oligarch-controlled federal state. The "New" Russia comes to mind...
Both parties are evil, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to support a Presidential Candidate at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
EXCELLENT POST!!!!!!!! and I am already on the page reading. Thank you.
Seriously that is an amazing idea.. a Coop bank system, where we, the people create and manage our own banks
That is the first trully awesome idea I have heard from anyone on this site yet.
Thanks. Unfortunately, so many of them people on this site function on an emotional level, as opposed to a logical level, that it's difficult for them to think critically, and so they don't join the group. You can have the most awesome idea possible, and take 10 years of life to create it in service to the Bottom 90% of Workers, but it takes those workers, in a military internet formation, to make it a reality, but alas, thinking militarily, strategically, and logically is something I've found difficult to reason them into because they're not used to using reason. They just blurt out whatever comes to their mind instead of pausing, thinking, and then ACTING as a coordinated group in a military manner. In a way I'm at my wit's in trying to figure out how to make an emotional argument to them that will inspire them to THINK logically instead of emotionally.
Hence the reason I created this post.. get them angry enough to comment, and then shock them with reality.
It just might make them wake up a bit, grow some balls, and act like men, if you will.. Instead of crying to mommy.
People aren't protesting "businesses" in America. Most people don't have a problem with making money. Most people don't have an issue with capitalism.
It is unchecked and corrupted capitalism that people have an issue with. The protest is about stopping our politicians from recognizing corporations as citizens and serving them rather than the people of this nation.
The businesses being protested against have rigged the system against the people of this great country. Republican and Democrat politician alike have squandered our goodwill and attacked the very nature of our own political system.
Again.. this needs to be taken to our Political Leaders in DC.. thats is where the corruption really begins.
@RetardedPoster - I believe the protestors ARE bringing it to our political leaders.
The problem is multi-headed and it's near impossible to rally against all the heads at once. Ever notice the strategic placement of the camps near the Federal Reserve institutions?
Trust me, this movement is both conservative and liberal. It's not anti-Ameirca or anti-government or anti-capitalist (even if a few misguided individuals want to espouse these notions) but it is anti-current establishment.
From what I've seen - this movement is a unique amalgamation of liberal and conservative notions. Advocating smaller, more direct government with more personal representation for the people rather than representation for the corporations. This is both conservative and liberal.
This is a very interesting time, my friend. Help define what the mission is rather than outright attacking it. These are some good people here and you can be part of the solution to the corruption that robs our nation from us.
I understand the movement, but not the means. We effected change with the Million man march on DC.. what happens to the Government when we have a 100 million man march against the powers there.
The one major thing people like Pelosi do not want you to focus on, is they are scared. Americans are getting invovled. For the first time in American History, we are demanding from our Representatives as a collective. We are stating our woes, but we are not all united. There are too many factors that devide us.. Race, sex, political affiliations, money, etc. In effect, it fuels them to come against us even stronger, and use race baiting and race card shenanigans, and whatever other means of division they can create to stop us from uniting against them. The Tea Party tried to do this, but they are to divided themselves, so what is really left? Chaos.
We have to stand together regardless of our differences and force this government to obey the law, remove the lobbyists and earmarks, eliminate spening our Grand children into the poor houses, and face indictments for fraud and treason (not all of them, but there are many).. Would you ever sign a contract without reading it completely? Pelosy straight out told everyone to sign the Healthcare Bill first, read later. Sorry.. time to take out the trash, and the ones spewing that filth as well.
RetardedPoster - In this we agree. I think most movements start out disorganized and rabble rousing. I don't think our founding fathers walked out the door knowing what they were going to achieve and how to do it. At that time, the majority of people were content with the system -- but it grew in power as the people who didn't think they were disenfranchised looked in the mirror and realized they were being sold out to corporations.
With any movement one of two things happen - it fizzles out or it congeals into something solid.
What we cannot do (as you said) - is allow them to divide us into separate us into unique tribes that fight amongst each other. We must find the non-politically dividing concepts and hammer them home. All sides want the same thing when it comes to our country - success.
Like I've said before - these are very interesting times.
Then I suggest by starting with this......
I created this little thread here to get you all to wake up and unite. To get common sence and logic flowing. I would rather be seen as a bad guy you can unite together against, then stay divided and quarrel amongst yourselves.
Many good, and valid points of view have been expressed here in this thread.
From creating our own banking systems that effectively would eliminate Global banking Monopolies, that want to control the world, to eliminating the mass conglomorate companies like Walmart, that buy crap from other countries, and force down our throats.
I see that we need to create a system , where, united principles and foundations beyond simple proestation of coorporations, can be designed and implemented that the majority of us can all believe in and have influence over.
We have seen that people are still very petty, and need to grow up. Name calling, ridiculing over bad grammar or spelling, instead of attacking the true issues, becomes the scapegoat for the less educated, and an example of one of the things that needs to be weeded out of a change we need. Making money and creating busineses are not bad ideas, but using that as a weapon to keep people purposely down trodden should be evoided and discouraged. Regulations set in motion to prevent handouts, and Workfare are needed at a Federal level, and the United States of America can do without getting involved in supporting businesses like that. There would be more inventions and better competition, hence lower proces, if the mom and pop stores had a chance to compete on the global scale these other businesses get to. Employers, like Microsoft, Unisys, Enron, Apple, Banks, and other super large businesses that employee tens of thousands of people all around the world, should still have to abide by American standards here in the US, as they do not in other parts of the world. They should provide affordable health benefits, and stock options. Enrichment programs for success, and never ever freeze wages. A company that does not allow growth from within, and denies raises, is one destined to fall. There are 2 sides to this issue, and protesting big business alone, is not enough. What about the millionares who, because of their fame, use their jobs to promote anti-American agendas, and continue to divide us down racial lines? (thanks for that one Morgan Freeman).
Big businesses, coorporations, global companies, Governments, will not allow change if all we do is walk around with picket signs and cry about how unfair it is. To effect real change, we must reinvent the wheel, we must look at ourselves and determine where the true root of the problems lie. If we, the consumer, continue to buy products from thos companies, we are instigating them to continue. they only way to change a rich man's perspective, is take away his riches.
Jesus had that right, the only way for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven, is to give awayh all his wealth, and follow in the faith.
Now that can be constued an many ways, and let me tell you this is not a religious sermon, but a fact. The only way for true happiness is in the giving.
We must do something immediatley about the US Government officials. We have allowed them to get so out of hand, that we, as individuals, and collectivly as Americans, have had no choice but rise against the destructive and over bearing rules and corruption. A complete revamp of our political system, our laws and regulations, our monies and taxations, must be balanced and fair for all people.
Until we can unite and create a foundation of plans that can move us toward independance of, and elimination of, corruption in politics and in business, what we do here, in protest, is nothing more than children crying out how unfair mommy and daddy are being when we say no.
Today, you all have proven one major aspect.. We are still too divided to create real change.
Lets do something about that.
Well said and well articulated. I could read this a hundred times and still find very little fault in almost everything you said - whether I agree or disagree with the individual points.
But what you truly advocate is revolution. Those in power aren't going to give it up without a fight. If this is the direction this movement takes - these people from the politicians and those that own them will have a vested interest in the movement's destruction.
Look at Bloomberg. He knew that ousting the protestors would only ignite the wick of a very dangerous explosive -- so rather than face the wrath of the people and give this movement it's first true martyrs ... he opted to let them stay and let it fizzle.
But your original post seems more defamatory to the movement rather than decrying a subset of the movement. Now that I understand what you are truly saying - I agree. The movement is good and needs direction, while the people within the movement that are out-and-out calling for a destruction of any sort of capitalism or business are pulling the movement down.
In that I agree. But I think rather than attacking them for their ideology - well-formulated discussion and logical talk will do more to unify than derisive behaviors -- don't you?
Thank you.
Sometimes, you must provoke them in a way they can understand. So that when you have them at attention, you can educate them with reason.
Fair enough. This dialogue wouldn't have taken place without me taking offense to your initial post. Although I thought you were absently waving off the protesters like rabble rather than trying to agitate and motivate.
There is someone that just started another thread about marching from NYC to DC. Maybe you should make your voice heard there as well?
i don't think you are hiring anybody ... except an English teacher! You would need one ... might be a good investment! :-D Just in case you might have to look for a job yourself.
Aqui, en Los Estados Unidos, Nosotros Puedemos hablar que queremos. Si tienes una problema con migo, aqui estoy puto.. chumpame.
Aha ... ein Spanier ... sehr schoen! Ich kann auch mit Fremdsprachen brillieren! Deutsch ... sehr schone Sprache!
By the way ... no need to be obscene ;-)
no.. lol but it was funny.
By the way German is great language.. can't speak it though. but I do excel in the Latin languages.
Got a job! And my own small business! I still think that OccupyWallStreet has the right idea.
yes.. but at the wrong venue.. they need to be down in DC
I disagree. It needs to be at both/all. Geography doesn't matter as much as getting the message out.
Yes it does.. but as long as we protest in New York, and not in Washington, it does little to nothing in the eyes of the representatives. The only way to trully effect change, is to take out the trash. Clean the House and Senate, and Sterilize the White House. This corruption in Government is so bad, that the well intentioned like Obama, means nothing. Why target him.. For the same reason we target the CEO's of large companies. He is the Chief Officer. And we should have done the same with Bush too.
Hey RETAREDPROTESTER, I wouldn't work for someone like you anyhow - you're a classical bigoted bully.
No arguments there.. but if I was a bully, I'd go beet the shit of you now, but I think my presence alone would make you cry. Grow a spine and grow up.. Face the main fact.. I do not have to tolerate you for one second, and I can also do the one thing you hate most.. Preach... Homosexuality is a sin.. its an abomination. Not in My eyes, but in the eyes of GOD.. LMAO .. is that a tear?
Wow.. I was wondering when the Gay parade was going to show up.
I have an idea.
We should make a law that forces people to kiss the feet of business owners. That way we can show them what a bunch of dirty peasants we are.
I care? I wouldn't want to work for you. I want to work in a co op, where I have a voice.
Working with me makes you an equal partner.. yea.. you wouldnt like that
How are we "equal partners" if you have the ability to hire or fire me?
I wouldn't work for a retard who can't use proper capitalization & punctuation.
Flip burgers at McDonald's then
Ell Oh Freakin Ell, you have no idea, brah.
I am tired of seeing my lively hood being outsourced because of cheap bastards like RetardedProstestor. Because of this guy... he would stoop to the lowest level and out-sourced a San Fransicisco bridge to designed and built in China. Where the steel workers are hired at $12 an hour. That 7.2 billion all was sent to China and NOT to the USA ecomomy. USA steel workers - USA engineers - USA homes and lively hood... It is a huge 7.2 billion sink hole sent to China. Because of assholes like RetardedProtestor I can not work as an USA architect/designer.
Because of people like me? LMAO no I hire Americans, just not union
I am tired of seeing my lively hood being outsourced because of cheap bastards like RetardedProstestor. Because of this guy... he would stoop to the lowest level and out-sourced a San Fransicisco bridge to designed and built in China. Where the steel workers are hired at $12 an hour. That 7.2 billion all was sent to China and NOT to the USA ecomomy. USA steel workers - USA engineers - USA homes and lively hood... It is a huge 7.2 billion sink hole sent to China. Because of assholes like RetardedProtestor I can not work as an USA architect/designer.
I want a list of al lrepublicans who can't spell but think they should be able to hire and fire everyone.
Typical of blind follower of Mesiahbama
There is no connection between your response and what I wrote...
btw you are troll, we are having fun mocking you though!
You automattically assumed I was a republican... Hence you are the "troll".. Your comment puts you on the side of Obama.. making you a worshiper of that moron.
One of your strongest skills is clearly reading. I said I wanted a list of all republicans who couldn't spell like you, I didn't say you were one of them, or even imply it!
You sure do know how to find ways of making ad hominem attacks against obama when the topic is unrelated! Sure, the moron graduated from harvard and was the first black person to run the law review there! He must be quite dumb! It's the only explanation!
George F. Will is a terrible writer!
See how that fits in there?
You should get a job observing things because nothing gets past your watchful eye!
That is not how it was implied, from my point of view.
Glenn Beck got a D in science class in the 7th grade! Fox news is a propaganda channel for delusional psychotics! Obama makes rainbows! Legos are fun! Panda bears remind me of carrots! The previous to the third of these assertions is the only that is true. Unless it is opposite day of course. But is it? I am making fun of you and it is the kind where I am not laughing with you. You are wasting your time here, you can't even tell what I am implying. Going through life like that must be a very difficult. Always missing the point and stuff. I hope you pull through.
The purchase of retail products does not benefit most of the population. The vast majority of what is available is made overseas by now, so putting Chinese factories on overtime doesn't help. And, being that many of the "service" industries deal in "smoke and mirror" products, like most of what the financial "industry" provides, maybe it is better to keep our money in our wallets until things change. Until then, why should we stand in the background and keep our mouths shut. Now is as good a time as any to raise hell, and demand a change in how things are done.
Great! I'll be hiring the 99% than. I am pretty sure we'll compete you out of bunnyness over night!
Your basic premise is wrong, because you haven't done your homework: This isn't a protest against "Business in America," it's a protest against inequality in America. There's a difference, and it's not a subtle one.
But hey, use more ad hominem attacks against those you don't understand. I'm sure people will come around to your way of thinking...
You really should read the posts.. you are missing the point.. but thats ok.. it got you in here, and it got you to leave a comment.. thanks
Thanks for your civility in responding. In future posts, you should avoid using personal epithets to interact with people. If you want people to take you seriously, it's often best not to call them idiots first. --at least in my experience.
In most cases no, but in this case, it hase fueled the debates better than anything else. Besides, if I wanted to be Politically correct, I would have been a liberal.
Nice. In my experience, people who call other people names have some serious self-esteem issues.
Or just completely fed up with people trying to dictate how I am "supposed to live." I don't watch TV anymore because I am sick of the Gay agenda, the Liberal news and the constant hate talk of Christians. Its in the TV, Radio, advertising. Sick to death of it.. I do not go forcing my religious views, which are not Christian, down anyones throat, I am sick and tired of seeing and hearing it on every freaking channel on TV and movies. I boycotted every company that advertised with Will and Grace, and continue to do so, with all the others. And if for one second you think that shit will happen in my son's school, I will have to be arrested because I will kill that son of a bitch who thinks my 2nd grader needs to know about alternative lifestyles. Only I have the right to teach my child about that.. So sick of all this.. I seriously hope God does come down and do to the world what he did to Sodom and Ghamorrah.. We could use the peace and quite.
Um, you're one scary dude, and I'm pretty sure you need some help.
I don't think you belong in this movement. You just threatened violence on a public board, whether you know it or not, and not only is that not cool, it's the opposite of what this movement is about. And you could potentially get arrested for this. The Forum needs to terminate your account.
so you would allow someone to come into your childs school and molest them.. They dont have to be touched to be molested. They can be taught how to be gay from an early age.
Threatening violence is when I try to go to work, and you try and shut down or cause hell at my place of work.. Try and get me arrested.. watch what happens... nothing.. lmao
Retarded... hmm strange use of the name.. So whats all this about? How did you get to this point?
A father should protect his child from all threats .. percieved or not..
I feal that teaching my child about gay sex is a threat, and a perversion. But yea.. this was not supposed be like this.. and all that ass can do is bring this up.. it appears to me.. that he wants to touch children.. I would die to defend my child.
Thats fine.. but you got everyone in an uproar because you used the word kill.
I have read alot of what you posted here.. I do not see you as violent, but you need to curb this..
You have the crybabies bithing to have you arrested,
it is apparent, that you cannot reason with Child Molestors.. I see no other recourse, if they get near my family, in an attempt to harm them in any way, I will defend my family with force.
Instead of calling them idiots just educate them. I think you can agree with me that there is a ridiculous amount of misinformation and confusion out there.
yes.. but they don't respond back to you without first catching their attention.. How can you educate anyone if they refuse to listen.. ?
Cannot say that I didn't get their attention now.
haha, very true. I guess it is my own personal nature to shy away from that - it has just been my experience that any sort of devaluation of a person's character usually gets an emotional response before a thoughtful response.
You know which youtube vids get the most hits? The ones that look like you will see someone naked, then boom,.. something else..
You miss the point entirely . . . "There are many confused people at "Occupy Wall Street." They know they were robbed, financially raped and serially abused by banksters and politicians, but they're not exactly sure how it happened. . . After all, it's not difficult to figure out that your job got offshored to China and you're standing in the street after you are foreclosed upon. You might not understand exactly why it is that your home went down in value by half or more, but you sure understand that you're broke. . . . read the rest here....
Seriously, though, who are you anyway? Why would anyone want to work for a spiteful, arrogant person like you?
I am a simple hard working American, trying to keep America free, and Americans from making stupid choices and destroying what our forefather's created.. My grandfather didn't fight and die for this country, I didn't fight for this country to watch ait fall apart be idiocy. Yea you got screwed over, it happens in business all the time. You want to effect real change, got take care of the politicians playing "I love America" while playing footsie under the table with big business. Clean house..
See my previous response. Fine, you're a hard-working American, that's great. But please don't deride people as idiots. Again, that's just puerile and condescending. Your premise is that this is idiocy. It's not idiocy. Actually, it's brave. These people are fighting for this country--it's just not in a war that shouldn't have been fought, like, say, Iraq. It's in a war against inequality and the increasing influence of corporate money--leading to a corporatocracy.
I didn't get screwed over. You don't know me. But to set the record straight: I'm 52 years old and live in a big expensive house. I make great money. You presume far too much. But that doesn't mean I don't understand what's going on here. I do. I worked in DC for 25 years until it made me sick. I've worked in Congress, in the fed government, for a corporation, and for my own company.
This isn't about some people getting screwed over and deciding to march around. This is about people seeing a failed system. This is about a minority getting preferential treatment fiscally and politically.
I do believe this movement wants to do what you suggest in your last sentence. There are specifics, if you take some time to look at what they're putting together here:
The last vestige of intelligence is name calling. Too bad. If you listened you might actually find some elements very favorable to small businesses. How's your bank treating you? Happy about the bail out money going to pay bonuses and other debts. Credit cards to your liking? How about a little pollution in your back yard? Any of your family got a student loan? Wake's not about killing business, it's about accountability and fairness.
Capitalism has benefits but screws a lot of things up too. We wouldn't even be that pissed off at the system if you guys were willing to clean up your own messes. Short sited greed and corporate funded politicians who can never seem to get the votes when its time to do something good for the people have brought us to this point. The private sector started this fight.
My bank was fine until a they pulled out of the state.. Time to change over to the Credit Union.. Bye bye BoA.. Good riddance.
Be favorable to small business.. effect change in Congress.. where it matters.
Bad Cop No Donut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you do realize that most of the folks on here are making fun of you, don't you?
You do realize, that the rest of the US is laughing at and making fun of the Protestors? Right?
OK, that takes the cake.... when you wrote "the rest of the US is laughing and making fun of the protesters" I had to laugh. You mean the bubble-headed, brain-less masses who are content to "watch life go by", including the protests, on TV? Who cares about people who are content to believe the shit-box? Even more pressing, in your case particularly, who cares about the "rest of America laughing at the protestors"? You see RetardedProtestor, we are dealing with right here and now, on this chat board, regarding your posts, real-time- and from what I can see, "the rest of the US laughing at the protestors", is not gonna change the fact.
they're sure are paying attention, aren't they
Makes for great comedy
they're watching
Bad Cop No Donut!!!!!!!!!!!
but then what do with my Coffee?
Obviously, none of us are protesting buniness. Just ignorance.
Now why would we protest bunnies?
Hence the reason why some "urban" environments must be purged.
If you think they are protesting businesses, you just haven't really been listening. That's not at all what it's about.
People are not protesting business in America. They are protesting unregulated, unmitigated greed and malfeasance in the financial sector, coupled with the unfair advantages granted to large corporations who can make large monetary donations to campaigns. By the way, if you're going to call the President of the United States an idiot and would not like to look like an idiot yourself (something which you clearly don't care about), you should mind your spelling. Last time I checked, "Biggest" was not a proper noun.
Need a spell checker.. don't have time to keep going back over typos. THe POTUS is not an idiot, he is a con-man.. and he has defiantly duped the masses.
OK we're making progress. But let's be fair. The POTUS is not a con-man, he's a politician. I agree, he is as responsible for coddling wall street as any other president. I also agree that he engendered hope in the masses and let us all down by catering, once again, to the financial sector instead of the American people. OWS is non-politically affiliated. They are fed up with politics as usual, as apparently so are you. So, as I've posted before on this forum, it seems as though you may have more in common with OWS than you previously thought. Those who hate all rich people are no better than the trollers who say ignorant things such as "all OWS protesters are lazy hippies and idiots." My suggestion: be part of the solution, not the problem. Say what you think with regards to policy and we will all benefit from your viewpoint. By just making remarks off the cuff which are clearly designed to get a rise out of people, you're not helping're further denigrating the political process in this country which is already in DESPERATE shape.
true.. but making the point that it is not always the busines at fault. its the rich man behind it.. Look at Enron. The company was actualy a very good energy company and very profitable. It's employes were well treated and loved working there. I know because I have family that worked for them. Then the CEO up and embezzled all that money and yanked away their retirement benefits, etc. It was no the company that destroyed them or caused the issue, it was the corrupt CEO.. If we are going to effect positive change, than we need CONGRSSIONAL Inquiries and Indictments on these Business Owners and CEO's.. and if our Governement is too weak to do this, then we replace them.
I agree with you one hundred percent. So I'll say it again, we need to stop arguing with each other, get together and figure out how we can reform the election and campaign process so as to elect a congress which will actually act in the interest of the American people. Have you seen this website? Another way to do it is to vote third or fourth party. The real shame with this whole thing is that people don't vote. They get frustrated and give up on the whole process. Well, the pricks who want to hold the power in this country will never give up, so neither can we. The only stake we hold is with our votes. We need to be better.
The problem with that is also this.. Most states do not have a means for a 3rd party to even exist. Is voting for another party realy "throwing away our votes?" Can we get enough people to do this to effect change? That's where the real debate lays.
Yeah the odds are kind of stacked against it. But If someone truly says that the two party system is rigged, then they have no other choice than to vote third party. A vote of abstention is just ignored. The individual need not be concerned with the behavior of the masses because voting is an individual act. It is these arguments that hold back change. I know many people think that it's true that if they vote third party they are robbing votes from one of the other candidates, but it's sad that thought should even cross their minds. People said the same thing about having a black president...the American people are not ready and so forth...but people didn't give a damn, they were fed up with Bush. So maybe people are pissed off enough this time.
Thats why I like Cain.. 999 !! 9% flat tax on everyithing.. Pelosi doesn't like it.. wonder why? Too much money? They all need to go.. Cain for President!!!
Oh my lord. Cain? The black walnut ice cream? Pardon, but won't adding a 9 percent sales tax cause people to want to buy less? What is "the zone" with regards to empowerment tax? Ending the capitol gains tax suggests that the economy will be spurred by the old "trickle down" method. Do you believe in trickle down economics?
lol.. you are reading too much into this.. I propose a flat tax on everything. nothing more. No adding is not what would be done. You already pay 53 % tax or more at the gas pumps. You pay upwards of 11 % sales tax on products. Ending Capital Gains can very well be beneficial if it means that all sectors, including the very elite must pay 9 % income tax, etc. Right now, they pay MAYBE 1% to 3%.. That would increase revenous across the board, and help to pay off our nation debt. That, mind you, has doubled since Obama took office.
Cain talks about the 999...the first phase in a procession to the "fair tax". In the first phase, he proposes a 9% sales tax along with business and income at 9 percent...thus the 999.
You're advocating for the income tax as a method of making tax fair...but the aim of a "fair tax" is to eliminate the federal gov's ability to collect income tax and replace it with a sales tax of some kind.
I'm also confused at where you're getting these numbers. 53% at the pumps? 11% sales tax? I mean I know in PA the sales tax is 7%. I'm not sure where you're getting 11 from.
I see that the fair tax advocates for a "progressive national retail sales tax"...are this the empowerment zones Cain is talking about? It's all very confusing.
If you go to the pump.. here.. next time you fill up at the station.. they have those stickers on the pumps themselves. According to the free trade agreements, they have to post what is being taxed. On the pumps outside my local store: Gas Price is $3.41/gallon State Tax per gallon: .51 Federal tax per gallon: .965 Clean air act tax: .11
That alone is +30% tax on gas alone, and thats just in this state, in may others, it is so much more.
oh.. 9 % tax means no more sales tax in my book. Fed income tax, etc.. state tax, etc.. 9%
Do you mean to say that you thought that 9 percent tax meant that all the cumulative taxes you pay would be 9 percent of your income?
I mean that there would be only one main tax.. 9% flat tax of income earned. No sales, no "sin" tax, nothing like that.. Property taxes gone.. What pays for everything, is 9% tax rate on earned income. This would effectlivly eliminate State tax as well.. 300 million Americans pitching in 9% tax off of every paycheck would account for billions in revenue every month. Trillions within a few short years.
Ok, you know that's not what Cain is proposing right? What do you think of Ron Paul? I like some of his ideas.
I have always liked Ron Paul.
Frankly, if he got nominated, I might vote for him over Obama. The government has created a monster and someone has got to slay it.
I'll carry the pepper spray and the sword.
Businesses do not provide jobs as if by some magic sleight of hand.
You seem to be conflating the threat of capital strike with the threat of labour strike.
I think the more pertinent statement is:
'I wouldn't work for any of you. I want a list of all the people operating big businesses in America- that way we can refuse to work for you.
Idiots... without us workers, you would be deprived of your profits. How do you expect to get that vast river of money that you invest in all your idiotic pyramid schemes and other indulgent excesses if you had no workers to run your businesses?'
The same does go in reverse.. Why should I hire a bunch of people who cry about the way i run a business, when there are many who would be just happy to have a job?
This guy is wasting a lot of your time and energy for no productive purpose.
Yes.. yes I am.. I am wasting your time, because you need to be protesting the true people who allow this to happen.. Your GOVERNMENT.. Wall Street is the Ends.. You need to punish the MEANS.
I don't want to punish anybody. I just want my fair and equal representation in government back. 1% buys their representation, 99% are left with the scraps. Please consider.
Nadeem Mazen, one of the main organizers of this group, is CEO of a company that trades on Wall Street. Go figure. People, Wall Street is just the guys who buy and sell the stocks of publicly traded companies like Nadeem Mazen's company. They are not the problem. The term "Wall Street" to identify the enemy is cute, but inaccurate. Our focus should be the corporations that have become too big and powerful and have hijacked our democratic process. Wall Street, per se, is NOT THE PROBLEM. Big Oil, Big Insurance, Big Agriculture, Big Chem, Big Banks, etc--they are the problem. The other problem is letting people with ulterior motives articulate your movement and lead you in the wrong direction.
Anyway, "Wall Street" was a term used by the Tea Party. You need a new buzz word, like "Occupy the Boardroom" or something.
Better yet Grace.. you need to hit them where irt really hurts also.. and that is in Government regulations and taxation. They would never get this big and powerful, WE THE PEOPLE would have had much more say so in day to day workings withen our governement. By not being active until now, we have allowed them to get out of control. This is as much our fault as it is theirs. We need to clean house, and we need to start where it will do the most good. Congress and the WH. You cannot disipline the child if the parent lets them act up.. You have to educate the parent.
In any case, the only demand that will have a long term effect is campaign finance reform. We should demand that all private funding of political campaigns be outlawed. The taxpayers should pay for all candidates' campaigns, and gone will be the day when only the rich can run for office. Lobbying by anyone should be illegal. All candidates should get the same allotment of airtime on radio, tv, or otherwise. Internet campaigning should be illegal because it cannot be adequately regulated. ALL campaign funding should be paid for by citizens of the United States. Corporate entities should not be granted personhood, as they have been in recent Supreme Court cases. This movement is about that. It is not about Nadeem Mazen's racist vision for a Jew-free world.
I don't need u to hire me. I'm self-employed and I wouldn't hire u to clean my septic tank. I wouldn't let u dig my grave. I'd rather rot on top of the ground.
Congrats to being one of the few who gets out there and blazes a trail and a living for himself. You are a great example of what more and more Americans need to do. If we refuse to work for the big coorporations and blaze our own paths, then problems like we see in Congress, the White House, and at Wall Street, would happen. I don't really need, nor care for you to hire me, but thanks for proving a very crucial issue here. We have the right to choose who works for us, and who we work for. We decide what we are willing to put up with or not. Americans need to decide, am I going to allow myself to trampled on by the powers that be, or am I going to make it on my own? Thank you for posting.
Yes. We should be fighting corporate greed. Why has this movement chosen to focus its rage on "Wall Street," "Banks," and the "Media"? Why use the term "Occupy." Why? Because all of these terms are evocative of conspiracy theories that target Jewish people and claim FALSELY that they control the world and that they are the problem. Who in your movement chose this language? If you do not purge your movement of this hate speech now, it runs the risk of losing its focus as a democratic movement. If that happens, your rage, no matter how justified now, will be twisted and used to hurt innocent people by people with ulterior motives. It's called a mob and Hitler used one, and every other dictatorial regime that has ever existed--including the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt today. STAND UP TO THE HATE SPEECH! You are fighting corporate America, not the Jewish people.
I'm employed but thanks... I guess...
If you are out there with the rest of the swarm that should be out protesting the Government, than I wouldn't be suprised if you do not have a job when you get back.
They ARE protesting the government. Just not your chosen scapegoat. There's a difference... and HEY what do you know, I'm still employed!
Doesn't look like it from this end.
Well you've taken your first step. You're here. Some want rather ridiculous demands (To say the least). Some want influence peddling OUT of government. Some want to stop our federal treasury from being raided by multinational packs of shareholders with zero allegiance to this nation (And don't pay federal taxes in the first place). What do those last two have to do with government you might ask. Our government ALLOWS them to happen because they've been bought and paid for. Democrat and Republican alike. Those are just examples and I don't have time to list everything (Ironically enough, I need to get to work here in a bit). I encourage you to stick around, if you can stop the trolling that is, because this thing is growing and those kids raising hell in the streets are but the ones who lit the fuse, NOT what it's becoming.
They need to move it to the proper location.. DC.. the effects here mean nothing.
The effects there mean quite a bit actually. Keep in mind who crashed the economy.
Combination of Bush/Obama, and the Democratic controlled Congress.
No, they're the ones who REWARDED Wall Street for crashing the economy. You're almost there...
Please people, you are not helping the cause any when you engage in belittling and name-calling. Please keep this in mind so we keep this movement going in a positive way:
If we can respond positively and without aggression to people who disagree with us, we will have made an impression and perhaps that will aid in a change in their perspective over time. By making this or that group into "bad" people, we're really doing ourselves a disservice ultimately. We all are interconnected even if the way in which we are connected is not completely apparent. The only way to change people's minds and hearts is to keep talking to them and be respectful and logical while doing so.
Right, unless you are Jew-bashing, then it's ok, right? I was really turned off by the antisemitism I have seen coming out of this movement, the failure of the organizers to address it, and will not throw in my lot with haters. At one time, I was an advocate of the 99% speaking out and taking up the cause against corporate control of our democratic process. Then the Tea Party happened and I lost heart, because it was only posing as a populist movement. Now that "Occupy" Wall Street has stooped to such lows as holding Jews responsible for the world's problems, it has become clear that we are more lost than I thought .possible. People, do you really want to turn to the Arab-world for a primer in human rights and democracy? Really?
I certainly have not been bashing Jewish people. I think that if you look through my posts the consistent message is that I don't really hold one person or one group accountable. It is my belief that our current system promotes corruption. In order to survive and get ahead people need to screw over other people. So I don't find too much fault with people but rather with the system they work under. I don't believe that humans are innately corrupt or "evil". And that is the consistent message I've put out on this site... so I don't know where you get that I'm "Jew-bashing". ???
I didn't say that you are Jew-bashing. I pointed out that there is a lot of antisemitic rhetoric at the protests. Unless I am mistaken, Jew-bashing is belittling. When your protesters partake in antisemitic hate-speech, that is negative and aggressive behavior, and it should not be tolerated. But, sadly, it has been. Why?
It hasn't been tolerated by me... I've tried to police people here and promote non-aggression and I've seen others do the same when people get out of line. I think that we do have a lot of good people here who support this movement but I guess there's always going to be people who are a bit irrational and can't keep their emotions under control when discussing these issues. :/
RetardedProtester, that is an argument that doesn't take into account the idea that the whole system may have to be changed and so your threats would be meaningless. Really all this business/political/economic stuff is game play and has little to do with human survival, species advancement, or sustainability of the planet.
Obama is not the sole cause of these problems nor is he in any position to offer real solutions as the system he works under won't allow real solutions or real change. We as citizens need to create the movement for change and, in so doing, create a system of some kind where we can all benefit and be taken care of. I'm not sure what that system should be but I'm trying to keep an open mind and imagine what could happen in the future.
Please watch these two videos as they illuminate these ideas more concretely and in a much more eloquent way than I could communicate them:
So all you are ready to give up your iphones and smart phones so you can be fed what is crap technology so it doesn't hurt your crap cell phone that you invented, its got to be fair right?
99% of the food in this country has steroids, hormones, pesticides, and a million other chemicals were not supposed to consume, so I don't really care about the food industry all the much. I'd rather every one go back to the old days and farm their own cows and chickens, then worry about malaria cases every year because the food industry is unregulated.
Who are the CEOs in charge of the corporations who control the food industry? NONE of them are Jews. In fact most of the corporate executives and CEOs of the oil companies, most of the media, and most of the banks ARE NOT JEWISH, so why this antisemitism and why isn't Mr. Nadeem Mazen addressing this issue. Surely his vision of an "interconnected humanity doesn't exclude Jews, does it? These antisemitic (I am using the term to mean hatred of Jews in a non-Jewish majority) lies are perpetuated by conspiracy theorists, and from the looks of your movement, it is where most of you get your information and your "leaders" are using it to direct your rage against an ethnic minority. Mazen is silent on the issue because he isn't about anything he claims to be about. Mazen is a one-issue, garden variety hater, and he is about as American in sentiment as Timothy McVeigh or Al-Awlaki. I don't care where he was born, how good his English is, or the obvious absence of an explosive vest--I question Mazen's affiliations and his sentiments. YES, and just because he hasn't called out the mob on their Hate-Speech.
I want a list of people responsible for war, violent domination and oppression.. that way we can reform them when an economy built on peace is established.
Peace? Is that the root of all the hate-speech I see against Jews at "Occupy Wall Street"? Hmmmm, doesn't feel like peace or love to me. Sounds like, well, HATE SPEECH. NO ROOM FOR HATE. I take corporate control over mob rule any day.
If you support Peace then don't try and derail it by giving a voice to hatred and ignorance. Just support peace. Whether you are Jewish or Martian, supporting Peace is where solidarity reigns.
Well for all the retards and haters who think that Jews control the banks, here is a link that proves otherwise. Most of the executives of the major banks are NOT Jewish: Your organizers need to make this clear, or they miss an opportunity for true solidarity that welcomes ALL like-minded people. I am not trying to derail anything. I am urging your organizers to purge your movement of Jew-haters. Of course, you would probably need a change of leadership for that to happen, since they are the ones who chose the conspiracy-theory language to articulate the movement.
I am not anymore an organizer than you are. No one is. There is no leader. Be the leader. Just DEMAND PEACE.
Demanding Peace is INCLUSIVE and makes it obvious that ignorance is a problem that we do not support in anyway. Do not get bogged down by ignorance and hate. Rise above. Promote what you KNOW is stronger and better. PEACE. Demand it without judgement or hate.
Let's do this together! Demand Peace!
That one is easy..
Everyone is guilty
Thank you for your honesty. Time to stand up and denounce what we have been doing and move forward into Peace.
I can agree to this.. but if you can find a way to effect a peaceful change let me know.. all Isee us heading to with things like this, is Revolution.. a civil war.. and it will be the rich vs the poor. And believe me.. they have the money to buy the weapons away from us.
I'd add that the message has to be direct. This isn't a message of praying for peace. It's about calling out the war makers directly. Telling them they are ON THEIR OWN. WE Demand Peace FROM THEM with no compromise. Peace brother!
They want revolution so they can kill everyone. The rest will be sent off into WWIII. RIght? We cannot beat them with violence.
So what can we do? Once and for all the people who truly dominant this world can be revealed if EVERYONE on the side of Peace and Freedom simply DEMANDS PEACE. Peacefully. Demand peace with no compromise. Then those who come out and try and stamp out and kill will be revealed. There is nothing else we can do. We have to try what has not been tried. Standing in solidarity with good people ALL over this world. Demanding Peace in a single voice. Let them kill us. What else is there? This is what is happening. I don't want to die. I don't. I don't want my kids to die. But i no longer accept blood on my hands or children's. I don't agree with killing. I don't agree with war and murder. period. I will shout for PEACE and freedom and the more who do it the more effective it is. The harder it becomes for them to stamp it out or to scare people away from it. We don't have to lay under a tank yet. SO NOW is the time before it gets to that. Now. People need to see and understand this. They are murderers. They kill all over the world. They imprison and torture. It is what they plan to do here. The collapse is engineered as a pretext for war. We have no freedom. There is nothing to reform. The rotten tooth must be pulled. Demand Peace because Peace IS Prosperity. Anything else is what we got, a future of threat and violence.
What do Amway reps get these days
What do Amway reps get these days
You can't even spell and your grammer sucks, so who the hell is worried about you hiring anyone.
Joe.. and here I was going to state that we need to elect Joe the Plumber, and he had to go and say something like this.. Damn ass cracks and all.. Seriously Joe, pull up your pants. No one wants to see that..
I already have 2 jobs, and frankly I wouldn't want an employer who thinks he has the right to decide what I believe in or what cause I support in my own time.
It's clear you don;t believe in freedom for anyone but yourself.
Where is that in my post? DId I tell you that you do not have the right to believe what you want? The one thing in you will not get to do iun my, or any other business, is the right to a paycheck if you refuse to work. I don't care what religion or political spectrum you belong to.. If you don't work, you dont get paid.
The protestors that are out there on the street.. DO NOT EXPECT to have a job to come back to.
Where is that in your post? How about here" "i want a list to al lthe people protesting Businesses in America.. That way.. I can refuse to hire you." I agree, you shouldn't expect a paycheck if you don't work. However, if I should ever choose to demonstrate on my own time, I have the right to do so. Whatever you meant to say, what it comes across is someone who would use their economic power over someone to run their lives in all aspects. Perhaps you didn't mean it that way, but it comes across that way.
We won't hire you, either!
I don't want the job.
Good, because nobody wants to hire a retarded professor!
Protestor - and if you think no one would hire a retarded professor, than you havent visited 90% of college campuses.
90% of the colleges eh? Wow. You like to exaggerate man, to the extreme. How have you come to your conclusions? From what you've written in your previous posts I did not see any mention of you having studied or even been to a college campus for any length of meaningful time. Have you known any professors, either socially or academically? Do you read??!!! Just wondering.
I guess I'd just have to grow my food and build myself a home with my own hands and those of my compatriots. idiot.
Then do so.. Those big businesses you guys are protesting are the ones that buy and sell all our food too. Frankly, I would love to see the farmers and cattlemen say screw the cities and stop sending them food. It appears to me that nothing but spoiled brats come out of cities like New York and LA, always thinking you have the right to get what you want and cry if you don't. It doesn't work that way in the country.. We'd knock you on your ass and make you go plant your own food.
oh right I can't because the capitalists have made land privitized. those big businesses don't buy and sell food, they buy and sell food PRODUCT or food by-product meal packages as though food (ever seen a documentary about food? try food inc or any other documentary for that matter). The farmers are indebt to the corporations, they have no choices, again watch food inc and you will learn this information instead of just voicing an opinion as though it were knowledge. I am getting a PhD in this so... I'm pretty sure if anyone is qualified to have this particular discussion, its me.
and i'm not in NYC, i would never live in that city, LA or any other major city. so I'm totally with you there.
Oh believe me.. if the farmers and cattle ranchers just got together and stopped shipping withen 1 month, they would be controlling America. Not the other way around. and, I for one will be sitting on top of the barn with my rifle helping to defend the rancher.
ranchers aren't in control, corporations are. ranchers can't get together becauuse they'd loose their farms and be homeless and have to enter (gasp) the ghettos. there are plenty of people on the verge of losing their farms and ranches and they can easily be replaced, let alone the fact that corporations can ALWAYS outsource because we are taught to create boundaries around things like states that place us in an antagonistic relationship to those of other countries (even though there are not differences among any of us). there is a reason ranchers don't control politics, they get huge subsidies not because they themselves are lobbying but because huge corporations like perdue, conagra, and philip morris are advocating the production of CHEAP "food" at the expense of those very farmers and people who don't farm.
Watch all the ranchers and farmers band together and tell the rest of the US to FU*( off.. see how fast they are in control then.
evolution is not "survival of the fittest."
Darwin never said that. What he actually said was "the species most likely to survive are the most adaptable to change."
Quite appropriate considering the growing resentment towards the status quo, and the growing trolling that supports it.
The key part always seems to be ignored. Adaptability to change is a key component to survival. Time for a change fat cats.
ROFL they are out of a job and homeless! We aren't saying shut down everything, just corporations that rape small family business. Protesting Obama will get us neither here nor there if the rest of politicians aren't held to higher standards as well.
Oh no.. they all got to go.. not just Obama.. he just happens to be the big eared Micky Mouse on the Boob Tube lying to America, as the Congress sits back and destroys America.
And how do you think your precious businesses could run without workers? Oh, that's right, they can't. Who actually MAKES food and other products? Oh, wait, the workers. Didn't really think that one through did you?
Oh and in case you didn't get the memo, the Occupy Wall Street movement is not supporting Obama or either political party. They are all bought up by corporate America, that is the reason for these protests.
Awesome post retardedprotestor. Can you forward me a copy when you get your hands on one?
Will do when we have all the the angles out
good who would want to work for an ahole like you anyway
As Itell my wife, I am NOT an A-hole, I am the Whole ass.. butt cheecks and all.
seems like a valid complaint.
However the complaint is that the biggest businesses in America are not working for the interests of the people and are using their monetary influence to directly effect the political process.
Bearing in mind the poltical system was put in place to protect the people from the economic system, it seems clear there is a problem worth protesting.
Yes? No?
Mim would like a response.
mim. THat is a very valid point. Hence the reason that this protest should be at the seat of our government. WE THE PEOPLE elected the corrupt politicians, and you are blaming the businesses. Large or small, rich or poor, If you have the means and desire to influence events in your favor, you do. We all do. If you do not believe so, think about this. You purchase a vehicle to make your commute to work, the store, etc easier than walking. You buy food so that you do not have to grow it yourself. You buy clothing so that you do not have to sew it yourself. You purchase glasses and contact lenses to see better. These are examples of things you do to influence and better your life. You argue with police and judges to get out of tickets or fines. You, all of you do things that influence the life around you. The protests are a collective of these influences. I understand that. But if you had even greater means.. would you buy the plane so you wouldn't have to sit in coach? OR the Limo so that you could feel inportant for a while? How about the boat, the yacht, the catamaran, etc. None of these things are required to survive, but when you have money, you can buy those things, and in having those things, you influence those around you. Personally I would love to be able to own those things, and i would hate for some one to start yelling at me because I busted my ass to be able to buy it. The difference between us and the ultra rich, is they have the means to use their money forwhatever they choose, and they choose not to give it away. I understand that. I wouldn't want to hand over all my money (if I had any) to an angry mob that felt like I owed them anything, when I struggled to get to the top. The problem here, the "99%" of us feel like we are owed. We think that the world should give us what we want, instead of earn what we get. If I knew the means, and could accomplish the goals to become a millionare, I would in heart beat.. So would you. I am different though, most of my money would go to take care of my family's medical needs and pay off debts. But if I had more, I would do more. I actually have a plan that, if there was funding, could eliminate homelessness in less than 2 years .. permanently. It would educate, shelter, nurture, and defend the homeless, and give them back their pride and make them marketable to employers, at the same time, teaching them how to develop solid family based, and social based skills so as to help make them become active and solid members of society again. IT would take of their needs, pick them up off the street, give them homes, jobs, educations, food, clothing, and above all, a network of mentors who have been there before and have figured out how to get out of that rut. It would provide detox, alcohol reform, and dependency rehabilitation in real time, while instilling moral, and self-esteem boosts and infact, help oneself "reinvent" themselves for the betterment of their lives, their family, and society at large. But it requires funding, it requires the rich, it requires the government, and it is not going to happen as long as I am in the 99%. So, I will never stop trying to figure out a way to become one of the 1%.
Its not that I think they owe me, its that I don't want them to own me.
Then fight it at the proper lvl.. the government. You have the right by VOTE, and with your voice, to elect and dictate to the represntatives of your State, who, and how you want your money to be spent. You have a voice. If you want to really show the discontent, take it to where you can really produce results. DC
My name is Remington Johnson. I live in D.C. I graduated with honors from GW Law. Don't worry, I don't want to work for you.
Law.. ok.. so you proved 3 things in that short reply Remington.. 1. you are a lier .. All lawyers lie. 2. You wouldn't work for anyone outside your chosen career path, so if all lawyers were to be strung up, you'd die before flipping a burger. and 3. You, internally, assume yourself to be better than all the peons around you.
i wouldn't want to work with or for you...
thats good.. don't collect food stamps off me either
What would we do without greedy business owners? Who would want to become a business owner if all the greedy ones left our country?
The biggest lie being told in America is, we need to cater to business owners so that they will provide jobs. There is great reward for those who operate a business. They don't need additional support. Most business owners live plush lives, and yet, they act as if we should not only pay for their exravagant lifestyles, we should kiss their asses too.
You know what's funny? I'm totally 100% committed to economic justice and the OWS movement, and I just started work today for a client who works at Lehman. The height of irony, I know, but i assure you, I don't need your job. (And this client would've hired me this year even if their bonuses went down to 0 this year.) My point is, we're not all anti-business and anti-capitalist. We're just pro-the fairness that was enshrined in our founding documents.
I'm self employed. Thank you very much. But just the thought of going out and working for some company with people like you running the show, with notions above their station, makes me want to vomit.
As it should be .. Self employement is the truest form of self reliance without the bullshit emposed on us by others.
Congrats on being self reliant.. I applaud you.
I'd like to know where you work, so I can make sure never to accept a job from, or with, you.
When you buy anything technology based.. you are inessence, supporting me.
thank you.
You are welcome, though I'm quite positive you're not really all that important. Nevertheless, always happy to help.
That's ok, I'm a business founder anyway :) Without these businesses, small startups would have a chance. Competition would thrive.
We would have a fucking FREE MARKET ECONOMY.
I am in agreement that some large businesses are destroying the chances of smaller businesses.. Take for example, Walmart. How many thousands of businesses were destroyed when a Walmart moved into a neighborhood? How many mom and pop shops closed? How many people had to go back into the work force because their own shops closed because they could no longer compete? I understand. I also understand, that when a Walmart opens up in a neighbor hood, especially a Super Walmart, growth happens. People move into areas where there is a Walmart. The city grows and expands, and new jobs and oppurtunities develop because of this. Without Walmart, a community would take a very very long time to develop, and people do not like to move out to places where they do not feel there is going to be any kind of advancement. That is why there are so many ghost towns from the old days.. No progress, means no fresh blood. No growth, means the death of a civilization. As much as Walmart may be the big "evil" company the smaller businesses portray it to be, without them, most of our towns would still be in the 50's.
i wouldn't recommend going to a protest for new hires either.
if you get this list, can you wikileaks it to us?
I will make this clear.. I will not provide a list of peoiples names who are protesting. Many have legitimate claims, but not all of them. Many of them need to get off their lazy bums, and get back to work and feed their family.
Don't need you to I already have a good job and I protest Obama.
Look at you with all your little assumptions.
The point of the thread is to get your attention. And it did. I am glad you protest Obama.. No make that voice heard where it really counts.. at the polls. We need to be marching against our Government and the RINOs in office. We need to be ousting people like Pelosy and Reed, and replacing them with people who will do what is right. We need people in office that will understand that they work for the people, not the other way around.
It doesn't matter if they are Democrat or Republican, Tea Party or Liberal, if they do not do as WE THE PEOPLE say, then they need to be ousted.
I've ran for office, I've run campaigns, I've been a state coordinator for Presidential campaigns, I've been to national conventions, I do poll work, I've done phone banks, I've designed and printed campaign materials, I write letters to the editor, I inform my neighbors and friends.
You would be hard pressed to find someone more active in elections.
Febs.. you and I need to talk outside this forum.
Send me a message if you wish.
Read this.
All the "businesses" are in other countries paying slave wages. Nothing is made in the US anymore & you know it. Go back to your country club swim
Do you know anyone who can afford a country club on 30, 000 a year?
I think you need to wake up.. you should be at work.. if they still let you come back
Look, I had no idea that you only made $30, 000. I am not a monster, though I disagree with you, I can't really see you as a legitimate target of a boycott. Frankly, I am shocked that you are so supportive of Corporate America or Wall Street. Corporate America:
1) contributes less than 2% of Federal revenue, letting you pay the taxes for them.
2) makes money off of destroying US jobs; favoring leaving two generations of the most highly educated Americans, in the history of our Nation, unemployable, for short term financial interests.
3) seeks to get the remaining workers to work for the least amount of money; sometimes paying so little that illiterate illegal immigrants, from Mexico, leave the US to go back to Mexico, to make more money. The skilled Mexican workers certainly do better than in the USA and are leaving the USA. Chinese students, coming from a repressive Communist regime, protested working conditions in Hershey Pennsylvania; arguing that they were asked to work around the clock for free.
4) seeks to get Americans to work for salaries close to foreign competitors, even though this would utterly destroy the value of coming to the US or giving preferential treatment to our commercial markets, over more populous countries. Why move to the US, if you will make just as much money living in Russia or China? Why favor the US, if our middle class consumers have the same purchasing power, as an Indian middle class person, but are fall less numerous, than middle class Indians?
I could go on and on, but my point is that Corporate America is doing a lot of bad things to our country. I am not an enemy of big business. I am an MBA, after all. I am not a fan of undermining our future to make a quick buck. My duty, as an MBA, relates to optimizing shareholder value, not helping to create a stock market with unprecedented volatility, where pensioners lose everything, two generations go jobless and a Communist country emerges as a Super Power. My beef is not with you or anyone raking in $30, 000. Regards, MJ Morrow
I agree with most of that.. but at the same time, it is the politicians who allow this kind of garbage to continue, that need to be removed. By doing that, we can change big business at the source. You want to make them pay higher tax rates, then tax them for sending outsourceing to other countries.. Obama promised he would do that... NEVER HAPPENED.. WHY? Because, like all the other corrupt politicians, he was bought out. Flat tax to all.. 10- 15% We all pay equally, business and personal alike.. Then there is no more argument over who pays more.. percentage wise, we all pay a fair tax.
"protesting Businesses in America" ? No, not what OWS is about.
Protesting the 1%.. the richest, the biggest businesses for not paying their fair share of taxes or giving you more money.. For profit mongering, for not helping the little man?
You are in the wrong place to effect change.
You should be at the White House.
Well, I am not for ending profit mongering, per se! lol Rather, I am for aligning Wall Street and Main Street, so that there is potential for growth in our internal National economy; where Corporations are able to sustain optimum growth in shareholder value off of activities in the USA. Activities that will benefit from a growning American population; fueled by a baby boom and immigration, made possible by massive job creation and a high standard of living, in the USA.
By ensuring that the two most highly educated generations of American graduates, in the history of the USA, get their lives going, Occupy Wall Street followers won't need to protest and we can spread the tax burden on to MBA guys and gals, like me,allowing for an overall reduction in the tax burden, for most Americans, including small business owners.
Look, I had no idea that you only made $30, 000. I am not a monster, though I disagree with you, I can't really see you as a legitimate target of a boycott. Frankly, I am shocked that you are so supportive of Corporate America or Wall Street. Corporate America:
1) contributes less than 2% of Federal revenue, letting you pay the taxes for them.
2) makes money off of destroying US jobs; favoring leaving two generations of the most highly educated Americans, in the history of our Nation, unemployable, for short term financial interests.
3) seeks to get the remaining workers to work for the least amount of money; sometimes paying so little that illiterate illegal immigrants, from Mexico, leave the US to go back to Mexico, to make more money,
4) seeks to get Americans to work for salaries close to foreign competitors, even though this would utterly destroy the value of coming to the US or giving preferential treatment to our commercial markets, over more populous countries. Why move to the US, if you will make just as much money living in Russia or China? Why favor the US, if our middle class consumers have the same purchasing power, as an Indian middle class person, but are fall less numerous, than middle class Indians?
I could go on and on, but my point is that Corporate America is going a lot of bad things to our country. I am not an enemy of big business. I am an MBA, after all. I am not a fan of undermining our future to make a quick buck. My duty, as an MBA, relates to optimizing shareholder value, not helping to create a stock market with unprecedented volatility, where pensioners lose everything, two generations go jobless and a Communist country emerges as a Super Power. My beef is not with you or anyone raking in $30, 000. Regards, MJ Morrow
Who said anyone wants to work for you? Obviously you don't have clue about dealing with human interaction. If you really are a business person (I doubt it), how's the high turnover because you treat people with no respect affecting your bottom-line?
High turnover is for companies that do not provide adequate pay for the work they expect their workers to produce.
In my business, all my "coworkers" are also partners, and we divide the profit evenly, leaving a percentage to the business itself to further growth.
Actually I agree that Obama is part of the problem....but your shortsightedness is also part of the problem.
There is no shortsightedness. The only way to effectivly create change in the way these businesses behave, is to do so with regulations at the Government level. You are protesting in the wrong locations.. It is the Government that continues to allow this behaviour... You have to stop them from coddling the spoiled brats.
The problem with RetardedProfessor, like so many others, is that he has been foolishly lead into thinking that his tiny successes from his tiny business somehow launches him into the ranks of cigar-smoking Big Businessmen. He thinks he's a plutocrat, or at least, stands in their company. This is because he fails to realize that the party line kool-aid fed to him by Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh is really a Trojan Horse, crafted by the REAL plutocrats making billions of dollars a month, to control his voting behavior in their favor. A better analogy for RetardedProfessor is not the post-apocalyptic farmer fighting hungry people off of his land, but the farmer's hungry slave fighting off other hungry people because he believes that he will get some fruit when it's over.
They're not protesting all business and all capitalism. You don't get it. But hey, keep calling people idiots, because that contributes to, um, your feeling better about yourself?
Try to be more understanding. And if you can't do that, then maybe find a different hobby other than Professional Troll?
And BTW, where was your outrage when Bush was destroying the place, hah? Yeah. Thought so...
I was outraged with Bush when he was still Governor of Texas. He was alowing ALCOA to destroy all the land around my home with their strip Mining. He refused to anything about it. I have writen letters and protest sngs about him before he ever got close to the WhiteHouse.. So before you get your panties oin furl, I think you need to do research on your hero Obama. He is even worse. I have been, just like with Bush, on the mad campaign to rid American politics of cretains like them. oh.. Porfessional Troll.. Before you were in diapers, there were people like me.. trying to get people to see COMMON SENSE.. Just because you think the 1 % owes you something, does NOT make it true.
Get over it.. move on!
You have only 1 ... ONE .. true right.. and that .. is the right to starve to death!
If you want to stop your bitching and do something positive.. take this matter up where it really belongs... WASHINGTON DC!
Matt Holck
Sorry, that's been done already. Can't you be more original than that? How about bring back the poorhouse, (oh, that's been done too, they call it workfare). How about debtor's prisons? Then we can quadruple our already record-breaking prison population. Then they can burn all the surplus foreclosed houses and drive the prices back up.
How about, lets kill all the rich people, and take their money.. we can then redistribute it and become Communists. So when the money all runs out, and there are no more businesses to provide goods and services, because we cannot allow anyone to have more money than we do, how do you expect to feed your family? You really think anyone will work and do anything unless there is a reward or profit? I understand all there is about being Poor.. I AM POOR.. What I don't understand, is, if you destroy the company you work for, where is your next check coming from? Oh, that's right... WELFARE.. Sorry, I am not going to work my ass off, so you can live on my wages for free.
Clearly, Communism and genocide is not the answer, but maintaining excuses for not utilizing a highly skilled and highly educated US population is not the answer either. I agree with you, that protesting Wall Street, in and of itself, is not a solution, but I do suggest that protests are a symptom of the problem. The problem is that Wall Street and Corporate America decided to go make money off of destroying US careers and growing foreign markets, leaving two of the most highly educated generations of Americans and one of the most talented populations on Earth, facing the prospect of living at a standard below the previous generation.
The solution will involve diversifying commercial enterprise development, in the USA, creating wealth through utilizing highly educated and/or skilled Americans, productively. We will need to get our birth rate up and to attract immigration. We need more careers and jobs and these jobs have to pay well. No one is moving to the USA, so they can do more with less or get used to a new normal. We need to have Americans fall back in love with money, by ensuring that the Occupy Wall Street crowd makes money and gets a chance to fall for it. We need to get rid of this pseudo Socialist nonsense where a few at the top get everything and the, "Silly fools," at the bottom do more with less.
Screw do more with less, do more with more. The way to end the hate of the rich is to allow everyone else the opportunity to create, enjoy and participate in wealth. I think like the wise Pod people, in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. [Grin] When the followers of Occupy Wall Street wake up with an appropriate career, a rising standard of living and growing wealth, they will not want to destroy the successful, they will be one of the successful and they will want to live and continue to succeed.
Occupy Wall Street is bringing people together; creating a common forum for open communication. This is utterly valuable. I will eventually get my own movement off the ground; though I seek to get right to creating a plan, to create sustainable growth in weath and career creation, right here in the USA. I look to this movement, as a learning center. I get to hear your position, the position of men and women sharing in my views, I get to hear radicals saying radical left wing things that makes me want to place my own self on an FBI watch list, just for my own protection! lol
Exposing unnecessary mass poverty and giving voice to marginalized men and women is valuable. Trying to spread Communism, advocating the death of men and women, promoting lawlessness and hostility toward our lawful Government and elected representatives is clearly not helpful. Still, there are men and women, like me, looking at how to address these concerns, in a manner that will enrich Wall Street and Main Street; promoting the interests of business and ensuring that talented guys and gals, including yours truly, get appropriate careers, professional careers, in my case and that Capitalism benefits all Americans, not just a few. Best Regards, MJ Morrow
In most cases, we will have to develop these and market these ideas on our own. The problem i have faced in the past.. not rich enough to patent my own ideas, so they were taken from me.. (case in point was the radar guidance in many of the new cars today)
Welfare as it was does not exist anymore. It's workfare, then five years and out, with no further assistance for life. (And, no I have not experienced that). But, kissing up to the employers who are exploiting us is not the answer either. We have to reach a balance. I personally don't care how rich anyone is, as long as there are decent jobs available, with benefits, for the rest of us.That is all I ask, that is not communist. I am not looking for any kind of free ride, and nobody is suggesting the murder of rich people, (well a few signs at the rallies did say something like "let's eat the rich", but that was just a bad joke). But, supplication and sycophancy will get you nowhere, it only leads to disrespect in the long run.
Believe it or not, I'd actually like to see you get a BIG break in taxes and regulation compared to what you have now. However, to continue present services, it means the money will need to come from someplace else.
The welfare that is really insidious these days is welfare for the rich-not the stuff that poor people get. The trickle up effects that we see with the very rich-the folks with more than $5 Million in assets are huge-which is why we need to regulate those folks carefully.
Your pseudonym is appropriate cos you apparently think you can be successful in your business first without labor and second without consumers; that is definitely retarded! Oh wait! You're probably one of those opposed to immigration legislation to legalize illegals so you can continue to pay for slave labor! Or better yet, you're probably one of those justifying outsourcing and paying for slave labor overseas! To call Obama the President of this country the "biggest idiot" tells me that you are that typical hypocritical Republican who sees no wrong in their President, the actual idiot. The "biggest idiot" of all is YOU who fell for his idiotic policies that have led to this big financial mess right now! You are indeed, as you call yourself, a retard.
The psuedonym is for you.. for people just like you. When you read this name.. it should resound in your mind.. because it is people just like you who is retarded.
check your grammar, you're not one to be calling anyone retarded! "people like you who [is] retarded" ??? how did you get a job anywhere?
it's "are retarded" moron, not "is retarded". Goodness, if Capitalism means working for dullards such as you, then I sympathize with OWS.
There are very few people who have a problem with Campbells Soup. There are alot that have a problem with corporations like ADM and Monsanto. There is a difference but if you never investigate, you will never will never see the influence they have because of money. No one wants to get rid of business, they want to get them out of stop being an idiot, I dont want to work for you.
The countries like Singapore that severely limit the role of business in government often have less corrupt and more efficient governments. Singapore is not terribly democratic-but they are one of the least corrupt governments in Asia-and they worked rather hard to attain that status.
"we are not a democracy, we are a republic."
A republic is a type of democracy. This is typical Tea Party pap. Which means of course that you are not really a business owner. You are a fat unemployed troll who finds comfort in bullying other people with your ridiculous ideas about what America is and isn't. Feels good to be judged doesn't it?
I would hire you either bub.
No.. they are very different. I suggest you read about that.
And I actually have 2 jobs.. I run my own computer repair business, and I work for a major world conglomorate computer company repairing their computers.
This is the same link my TEA Party friend send me in 2008. Its wrong, I don't know what else to tell you. I suggest you read your 5th grade civics book.
Sorry.. 3.. i still do construction side jobs on weekends too.
Oh dear Any Rand wanna be's. Anybody real out there or just a bunch of hapless fools that want to have a party. I have read fools asking for poets,sleeping bags and Tofu . If anybody real is out there they should be morally outraged that an evil woman stole millions from charity. WWW.JUSTICEFORTHECHILDREN.ORG
Actually I took the last election as a good opportunity to clear out some garbage. I went down to the parking garage and looked for Obama stickers on cars and then around the office. Then I listened to others talking about him at work and when it came time to make cuts it was really easy to fire them all, all but one. That one is a black friend of mine and his reason for supporting Obama made since and was not vindictive. Being in a right to work state I can can you for anything I want. If you vote for somebody who is going to force me to give you something from my own pocket that you don't deserve I am not going to do it and I am going to FIRE YOUR ASS in a New York second.
so the man you didnt fire was an army buddy, right?
Nope, an employee that became my friend. He is old enough to be my father and a real person, not an ass. He has worked hard his entire life like I have.
hide it any way you like but you are a __ (insert any word you like) if you fired people for supporting a black presidential candidate
Are you suggesting that because I don't like Obama, I am a Racist? Try being white and getting a college loan from the NAACP.
I don't like a man based on his principles or convictions. Obama has proven himself to worth neither my time, nor my consideration.
Typical race card pitch, good for you. I fired people for voting for somebody whom forced me to give something to somebody who didn't deserve it. You liberals all liken throwing out the race card, so fucking typical. Try the fact he had no experience and every thing he stood for goes aagainst any of my principles and beliefs about this country. Nice try.
There are a lot of guilty people outnthere whom got sucked into that guilt that if you don't vote for Obama your a racists crap. I am not one of them. Typically they are liberals and love throwing the race card to take attention off themselves. Let me give you an example;
Harry Reid gave a speech when Obama got elected and said how proud he was of his "NEGRO" friend. Nobody made a sound about his comments and Reid wants to act like his is the blacks savior and point the finger at everybody else.. But the truth is, if Harry Reid had one single black friend he would know they do not like being called that, that was not an acceptable term since the 70's.
So don't throw the race card where there is none, it makes you look like an idiot, it has been way over used on people like myself whom let everybody prove whom they are.
Post your business listing please - I want to tell my parents to -never- buy from someone like you.
And no this isn't the race card this is the "firing people for their beliefs" card. This is no different from firing a conservative or a Bush supporter. No job security at'd fire someone for talking about pigeons and liking strawberry ice cream!
We really need to end the multinationals. Now I just got another reason.
so you fired a person who had no experience? why did you hire him? plus, you do not spell correctly or string words together properly in sentences. I said insert any word you like, you chose the word that you did.
Typical child, go back to school.
PoliticallyIncorrectBenjamin, why don't you post up your business listing here so that we know who you are? Put your money where your mouth is. Or do you rely on the business of the people you seem to hate so much to line your pockets?
typical dumbass redneck, go back to your sweat shop and kick your employees some more
So who is being racist here? You just called him a redneck.. YOU ARE RACIST .. Just because I don't like someone's political views doesnt make me a racist.. OR SHOULD I call you a racist for not like Bush??"?/ RACIST .. shut up already and get an education.
no one invited you to this conversation, butt out sir
I believe this is my thread, and you are throwing in the race card on this, which has nothing to do with it. If you want to keep pretending that your great savior in the WH is not enjoying watching people like you continue to divide our nation, than Michele is right. How can be proud of a nation where race is still a factor? You continue to seperate blacks and whites.. The true racist// hmmm... look in the mirror. How many times have you cursed the white man today?
Exactly.. the best part.. I don't have to Hire your over demanding ass either.. Why should I pay you 35 bucks an hour to do menial labor jobs, because you belong to a union, when I can hire 3 people who want to work hard for the same price?
Yea.. the mentality of some.
I can't wait until it gets colder to see them shiver. hahahaha