Forum Post: I would like to hear OWS thoughts on this
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 12:24 a.m. EST by RexDiamond
from Idabel, OK
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 12:24 a.m. EST by RexDiamond
from Idabel, OK
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You little right wing fags are pissing your pants.
I'm not pissing anything sweet cheeks. You Marxist dirt will have your comeuppance. Count on it.
I broke a window!!!!!
Fight the power!!!
Quit pretending you are a tough guy and address the story.
Is that why the cowardly OWS has had absolutely no impact yet? OWS are coward unless in a mob.
Pussies. We'll see tomorrow.
LMFAO must be having an impact to make you sit here all day watching this forum. What's your post count now? How many names did you make to make sure you can post round the clock?
fuckin boot lickin pussy
It's probably a very long time since you've seen your penis, isn't it ?
Now THAT is a killer of an answer! Did mommy say it was okay to post that?
I've never met your mother ... but I feel sure she'd approve !
Go to sleep little commie. And dream of firing squads, lines for bread and all those things you filth want for this country. = Some Light Reading For You. Good Night 'Josephine' ;-)
Thanks for combatting stupidity with vitriolic homophobia. Well done.
You're welcome, asshole.
Did you sign up just to make that comment? Now go to every thread where someone said "pussy" and call them misogynist. It's only fair.
Looks like all of those comments are in this thread. No wonder.
No, they're generously sprinkled throughout the site.
It's total and complete bullshit. Almost admirable in its utter lacking of the fetters of rationality and realism. Glenn Beck truly is the Shakespeare of Paranoid ranting.
The movement started on September 17 2011 in well-documented circumstances that had nothing to do Greek political dissidents. November 17 is just the two month anniversary.
lol @ Glenn Beck truly is the Shakespeare of Paranoid ranting
I am not a big Glenn Beck fan, but a lot of the stuff he has predicted has indeed come true.
No it hasn't.
Uh, yeah it has. He predicted this, "occupy" over three years ago, He warned people long ago that you people were coming. he didn't.
and why do the comments keep collapsing automatically?
Now, quit stalling. Is some hidden anarchist agenda being planned by OWS or not? What are you going to do if people get seriously hurt, or worse?
"I'm not a big Glenn Beck fan, but he is a prescient motherfucker"
lol...what does GB put in that Kool-aid? My guess is Jonathan Crane's panic toxin.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Something like 90% of what he's been talking about for the past 3 years has actually happened. Funny how much money has been spent discrediting him-by the evil 1%-and yet these guys hug the propaganda like a fuzzy bunny.
So the dates are just coincidental, and others posting N 17 on this forum are also not involved?
That's right, sometimes a coincidence is just a coincidence. Like when you were going to call your mom, and instead she calls you first, it doesn't mean either of you is psychic (unless of course your mother is dead).
Mm hmm and I'm sure there will be zero violence tomorrow, am I correct?
No. you're wrong. I'm sure the NYPD will be pepper-spraying, tear-gassing, billyclubbing, intimidating, punching, slaping, concussion-grenading, and manhandling innocent men and women and possibly children.
Bloomberg's thugs have no shame. I fully expect violence from them.
I am not talking about people who get out of hand and need to be detained. I am talking about an organized effort to cause destruction. Keep in mind that many will see this as an act of war.
There will be an organized effort to cause pain and destruction, but it will be the NYPD and not OWS that are doing the planning.
are you aware that the man threatening to burn down NYC has been arrested and charged with terrorism threats?
Your setting store by a total f**kin' lunatic like Glenn Beck, The Pseudo-Emotional Crier-on-Demand & The Naked Emperor of Rabid, Reactionary Retards as well as your ability to hold this (lame)Fux SNEWzzz Right-Wing Rooster in any regard , clearly attests to your continued inability to extract your head from your (x).
Expand your (so called) mind and let your "Diamond" twinkle in the light of :
An Excellent, Independent of MSM, Documentary Film, 'DEBTOCRACY' : . It offers much insight into The Predicament of Debt-Bondage that The 99% are in.
Also, re. The Film 'INSIDE JOB', please set some time aside to see : . "It's a powerhouse of a documentary that will leave you both thunderstruck and boiling with rage." ... and very neatly encapsulates the 'raison d'etre' for 'OWS'.
Now IF you were intellectually curious &/or a person of genuine integrity, you'd click these links and get an insight into how WE are all bailing out the banks and even if it didn't change your mind, at least you'd see a different perspective from Butt-head Beck.
Alas, "IF" is one of the most complex and mysterious words in the English Language ...
veritas vos liberabit !
Yeah, you sound balanced. That's just more propaganda. If those films are anything like most pro leftist documentaries, it is laden with the art of juxtapositioning. Besides, Beck is hardly the only person saying this stuff
Glenn Beck is a complete idiot
It's true. The best defense against a lie is the truth. Glenn Beck is on the side of truth this time.
I came from a struggling middle class upbringing and have worked my ass off to put myself into a comfortable living. I am 30 yrs old and far from a 1%er. There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself, and exercising the right to assemble. Certainly, there need to be changes in Washington. I was for the cause at first, but the turn it has taken has really made me sick. Shutting down the subway, interfereing with traffic, shutting down the port in Oakland, etc, are not the right moves to make. You are hurting the 99%. People are just trying to get to work to support their families. Deliveries can't be made and small business owners can't do business. The movement is making life difficult for ordinary working people at this point. Even the police (other than a couple bad cops) are just guys earning a living. They don't make the laws or decisons, they just have to act, or risk losing their job. You occupy folks need to look at what your doing. How much money in emergency services, clean up effort, and law enforcement, etc has been wasted in this already struggling economy? THOSE ARE TAX DOLLARS, and we are already so far in the hole! You may have started as 99%, but you are alienating yourselves from the rest of us. My bet is you represent closer to 30% or less of the country at this point. Think about what you are doing before you just go out and yell at people (police, the vast majority of even the wallstreet workers, etc) who have nothing to do with the decisions from above, and start trouble with them. Say your peace, state your cause, but live and let live. Please.
The fact that you people even comment on what Glen Beck has to say proves the stupidity of this entire movement. By acknowledging that this guy has a voice, you give credence to his opinions, which in turn makes you an idiot because you have, in some small way, supported an idiot.
But what else would I expect from a group of people who think that sitting in a park would have any impact? MLK marched. Rosa Parks sat in a seat that she was banned from sitting in, Ghandi took beatings, Mandela spent decades in prison. You people sit in a park and get catered food delivered to you. You are what I would refer to as spoiled homeless. You realize you arent in a position to pay for both rent and food, so you figure, "what the hell, Ill make up a cause so someone else can pay for my expenses."
Flailing arms, camera angles similar to those that photographers of Kim Jong Il must get on their knees and shoot from, crazed expression, sense of urgency ... and the commercials -- victory seeds, gold, security systems. Beck has his bunker, he'll just continue to reap mad profits as he exploits fear, demonizes the Other, and generates hysteria among those who tout the concept of freedom while having no idea what it means to be free. Security freaks.
ad hominem |ˈad ˈhämənəm| adverb & adjective 1 (of an argument or reaction) arising from or appealing to the emotions and not reason or logic. • attacking an opponent’s motives or character rather than the policy or position they maintain : vicious ad hominem attacks. 2 relating to or associated with a particular person : [as adv. ] the office was created ad hominem for Fenton. | [as adj. ] an ad hominem response. ORIGIN late 16th cent.: Latin, literally ‘to the person.’
False premise. Look it up. Eventually, you will be able to learn what fallacy is being used without having to use copy and paste. wrote: We’re supposed to believe that this organization HAD NO IDEA that they were scheduling their highest profile event so far, on the exact date that inspired a Communist terrorist group that hated American capitalism?END-------
That would explain why there seems to be no Occupy stance on using an Article 5 convention to see demands met.
It would disapoint me to learn that "human needs" would not inspire the common sense to work to fix an existing broken system rather than try to replace it. We do not understand unconscious groupings of people well, or their motives. It is very possible that none of the protestors or even admin here at the forum are aware of this connection.
That there are serious problems that need to be addressed by protest, that there are rights that need to be used, that they are protesting makes some sense. The methods do not, if the human needs aspect is to rule.
I thought you were making headway on your Article V proposal. I assume you've been to the other websites as well. What's been the response over there? Any?
I wish. There seems to be image fear of associating with anything that might be called "government". So no one will show unity around the concept of article 5 by re registering with "ART5" at the end of their username. None realize we haven't had a constitutional government for 140 years. The entire thing is curious because they demand their constitutional rights, but refuse to discuss the constitution????
You mean the other Occupy forums? Actually I haven't been there. The format makes less sense than this forum. NYCGA, from what others say, is not discussing Article V openly, if at all. There was some indication that there was a committee, but that is all I've heard.
Well, don't give up on it. I've been over to the Article V website and the idea seems to make a lot of sense to me although I haven't yet checked all the links. I was curious what the response might have been on or Hang in there, with all the issues on the table, and more seemingly popping up all the time, it's going to take a while for things to get more focused. In time things will start to gel; I feel a slight bit of cohesion occurring as we speak. I'm starting to get a better grasp of the bigger picture as time goes on so I'm sure others are feeling the same.
gnomunny wrote: I've been over to the Article V website and the idea seems to make a lot of sense to me although I haven't yet checked all the links.END-----
Article V is mandated by the Declaration of Independence.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Article V conference, Lawrence Lessig at harvard 9/25/11-video comments
Oh yeah. The website I was looking at was posted a few weeks ago by someone else on this forum. I don't think it was you. I actually have two Article V links, the first one was the one I was referring to in my comment above. The other one I haven't had time to check yet but will. Here they are if you would like to take a peek:
Yes this is my page.
This is a state-by-state forum.
I edited that video in my last post as well.
I found the info on your page quite interesting. I'm behind this idea.
That page is actually the only one like it I've seen. I started in about 2004, and just finshed it about 3 months ago with the addition of this. Here is the proof. The critical part to the understanding is what is contained in this .pdf.
The "Lieber code", rules of engage ment for the civil war is what is really at the root of the federal government not the constitution. Which is the doctrine exercised by the "military industrial complex".
Pay attention to;
Art. 3. Martial Law in a hostile country consists in the suspension, by the occupying military authority, of the criminal and civil law, and of the domestic administration and government in the occupied place or territory, and in the substitution of military rule
That is why no one can get the gold fringed flag out of the court room. No fringe is described in the constitution.
Thanks Christopher. I've bookmarked both of them and will give them a good looking over tomorrow.