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Forum Post: I wont attack you, so please do not attack me!...

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 12:24 a.m. EST by neon706 (0)
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Can someone reply to each point and not with just a generalized generic response? First of all: How can people apart of a movement be proud of having labor unions involved? There are many examples but i will list a couple (The US auto makers) the US postal system the list goes on. And first off let me make it clear that i do realize at one point in time unions were necessary. But the two examples i stated clearly the reason they have failed is due to outrageous union contracts and over the top demands....

Why are you people not protesting at the white house and us capitol building? The failure to act and set forth common sense and workable policy by this administration has a big part as to why we are where we are today, Democrats held congress from 2006 to 2010, Obama was sworn in January 2009. That was plenty of time to slow down government spending, And make the economy more business friendly. Because like it or not the point of business is to make a profit (just like me and you, if we do not make money we go under, same thing goes for business). When we have a screwed up tax code, Unions have control to take as much as they want and we have an incompetent government that is ran by people who do not know anything about running a business how do you think business can afford to hire anyone?



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[-] 1 points by squaredroot (18) 13 years ago

They're not at the white house because it's crystal clear who runs this country and it's not the officials we swear in. We're going to the SOURCE of the issue. The people that pay/force their will on us. The banks.

[-] 1 points by BFranklin (8) 13 years ago

I agree. It's the leadership on Capitol Hill that has gone awry. We are run by people who hoodwinked the public into believing one way, while money made them do the exact opposite.

Eisenhower was only partly right when he mentioned the industrial-military complex. It's actually the political-corporate complex, which is similar. Business in and of itself isn't that bad, as long as you have a few rules and guidelines to keep it ethical (because not all business owners are benevolent benefactors of society). When business joins with politics, that's when the corruption and control happens.

It started around 1950. The advent of credit cards and televised media/advertising. Sucker people into wanting things that aren't necessary and offer a way to enslave them into spending money they don't have. Fully supported and encouraged by the US Government, by the way.

[-] 1 points by gadflydigital (180) from Wantagh, NY 13 years ago

I don't know if you meant your post as a troll or not, but I agree with you up until the whole being more "business friendly" part. Part of the problem with government corruption is because businesses became too big and had enough capital and influence to corrupt the political system.

We need to develop an economy that is SMALL business friendly and anti-conglomeration.

But I agree with you on the point of why we aren't protesting in front of the White House. We really should be.

[-] 1 points by woodfoe (25) 13 years ago

I want exactly what the people of the OWS want. I think by and large these are beautiful Americans. However I am a realist and I know that you people are missing the whole point here. It's not the political "system", nor the economic "system" or any other "system". Most any system would work fine. It's the people that are the problem. The people who make up the 1% or the shadow elite as they are called who want to dominate the rest of us are the problem and they are not going away voluntarily. Their kind have been around for a long time, and the only way to get rid of the problems we face today in society is to confront the problem of these people. Unfortunately there's nothing humanly possible for us to do.

[-] 1 points by gadflydigital (180) from Wantagh, NY 13 years ago

I agree on the humanly problem of the people we face. However, I think it's necessary to view them as entirely human people, with entirely human fears. It will be necessary to begin to understand why people become greedy--why they worry about money, why they fear taxation, why they step on others to stand so high. They are damaged individuals and deserve sympathy.

Greed is a human problem emblazoned by the society we live in. We are taught greed is good from an early age, and these businessmen and women have taken it to heart. It's doubtful to me that they ever live a day without sadness and worry--because that's the only gift money can give.

I think there is something humanly possible we can do, but it will require a "spiritual"--for the lack of a better word--reform of society. We are very worldly people and are too focused on the mundane. As such, our fears are entirely mundane, originating in that which can only be visually observed (money, grades, degrees). We need to create a society that doesn't even care about money. We all need to become a bunch of Thoreau's and Emerson for any real change to happen.

[-] 1 points by woodfoe (25) 13 years ago

I totally agree with your spiritual assessment. We are all here on this planet learning lessons, and it has been my experience that no one can learn or teach those lessons to somebody else. It is those experiences that make each one of us unique. Life and our experiences good and bad are our teacher. In our world of duality we learn what things are by learning what they are not. Spiritually speaking the solution to the problem of greed and avarice is already in the works and will be solved in the long run.

[-] 1 points by SamuelAdams (119) 13 years ago

He seems legitimate.

And I think he meant the same thing as you regarding business friendly... I took it as equal playing field, business friendly not big or small business friendly.

Also I'm glad some people here are aware that work must be done in our capital as well. They are the ones, who through their actions and inactions, helped facilitate the behavior that is stymieing our nation.

[-] 1 points by NoneyaBiznazz (84) from Findlay, OH 13 years ago

There are protesters in Washington, as of yesterday (Thursday). Unions are necessary to stand up to corporations where one small voice may get drowned out. It isn't that the government is run by people who don't know how to run a business, the problem is that they are allowing businesses to do whatever they please. Now that 90% of the wealth in the US is in the hands of a measly small 1% of the people, when are you going to realize that it just doesn't trickle down like you believe it will. You've been duped. Face it. If we don't fight for a separation between business and government, then our government will be the corporations. And corporations have no morals except what is profitable and what isn't. They don't care about hungry families, or laws, or the environment. They care about profit. If it is more profitable to break the law, they do so. Its as simple as that. They SHOULD NOT be influencing the government. The government is by the people, for the people. At least it should be.