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Forum Post: I will always hate hippy f*cking scumbags

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 4:39 a.m. EST by trackjunkie (15)
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And this is why I will always hate democrats


lets go hate on bush, oh wait he was trying to protect you punk ass occupy wallstreeters



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[-] 1 points by IWantFreeStuff (119) from New Orleans, LA 13 years ago


I am a self proclaimed troll of the Republican persuasion on this site. I DO NOT agree with the sentiments of the OP.

I think that HATE is un-Christian. Forgiveness is the answer. I don't think that name calling effectively conveys a dissenting opinion. I prefer to argue my opinions in an intelligent fashion, or at least attempt to.

That being said: If you want something for nothing. . . MOVE TO CUBA! It's a very short swim.

[-] 1 points by MadCat (160) 13 years ago

I will always hate lima beans.

[-] 1 points by Uguysarenuts (270) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Eharvey87 (5) 13 years ago

This is why occupy wall street needs to have a universal message, because the mainstream media and the general public sees protesters as mere "hippies", rebels without a cause or what have you. The mainstream media needs to receive a representative from this movement that will act as a voice to the majority in support of this effort. This universal message, whether it be a demand for wall street and corporations to get out of us politics or that we simply demand direct democracy, the message needs to be devoid of any underlying group focused agenda. The point of this movement should ultimately be to inspire others, especially the oppressed and complacent to stand up, organize and vote for a change. I think Malcolm X said it best when he said, "if you are jot careful, the newspapers will have you hating the oppressed and loving the ones who are doing the oppressing".

[-] 1 points by Eharvey87 (5) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by imrational (527) 13 years ago

What are you doing? What is your point? OWS isn't just liberals. We have conservatives and libertarians here as well. We're trying to get rid of corruption in our government to benefit all of us and you're here trying to insult and cause division in our ranks? Shame on you.

If you think it's okay that corporations have the same rights as citizens and that they should be allowed to contribute unlimited funds to political campaigns... then by all means, leave. If you think that should change, then stay. However, if you are going to stay, it means acting like an adult and not trying to cause dissension.

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 13 years ago

get some pussy little fago

[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

I am not hating on anyone, not on Bush or anyone else. I think that being divisive and pointing fingers is dangerous and will not get any of us anywhere. I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I try not to label myself because I would rather stay flexible and open-minded. I think that the only way to adapt is to constantly take in information and question your beliefs because sometimes they end up becoming irrelevant or dysfunctional.

Please respect what the people here are trying to do and don't dehumanize any of us. I for one am not trying to make other people into my enemies, I'm just seeking to understand the problems and be open to any solutions. In the end we all occupy the same planet and want/need the same basic things.

[-] 1 points by Eharvey87 (5) 13 years ago

I like your idealistic point of view, but when it comes down to issues, things do tend to become polarized along party lines and since dem and rep are the two major political parties, one is compelled to vote for one party over the other based on the issues. This is probably why a lot of people don't get involved with politics, especially young people, who are often underrepresented in the vote, which is also why it is important to vote. If the dichotomous nature of the parties is what you're concerned about, then that is the prime reason WHY voting is important, because it would be possible to get another party on the ballot that does not fall within the dem or rep labels

[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

I understand the reasons for the polarization. I think that perhaps we should stop thinking along party lines and really think outside the box, Think of possibilities that aren't a part of this current system. I am starting to think that the most useful thing we all can do is to NOT vote, just stop playing that game and see what change we can create by doing that.