Forum Post: I was watching Nova the other day and noticed.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 12:05 a.m. EST by OWSForObama
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That it is sponsored by David Koch. I think he is up to something with PBS.. Something is not right.
It's called Public Relations, a 2 pronged attack strategy (1) attack the EPA via the Tea Party, (2) appear to be nice and give some pocket change (milliions of tax deductible dollars) to New York City (the Lincoln Center has a hall named after him. It's the good old carrot and stick used on a donkey. The American public is the donkey.
No business that wants to change environmental laws for their benefit will leave out some good public relations.
Also money is controlling. If he now yanks his support from PBS, PBS will falter.
Well the PBS made a huge mistake accepting his money.
Maybe they should do a piece in honor of him and use the money to investigate his businesses, and when he yanks his money, they can stop investigating...
On Saturday afternoon, about 100 of these Kansans, “Mobilizing Against Secrecy,” marched across the street from one of the richest privately held corporations in the world, chanting slogans and holding signs that read: "Main Street, not Wall Street," "Pay your share” and "I Can't Afford to Buy My Own Politician. I'm part of the 99 percent."
From the group’s website: Kansans United in Voice & Spirit are concerned citizens of Kansas united to support, advocate for, and protect valuable State services and programs and to promote government by and for all Kansans. Citizen input is crucial at a time when the governor is holding secret meetings. Join us in Wichita as we march & rally near Koch Headquarters. All Kansans who are concerned about the future of Kansas are welcome.
The guy who can't pronounce his own surname? Like in, "Have a Koch and a smile?"
Petition to save the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard - 9,178 signatures Petition to Strengthen our democracy by publicly financing all elections so that money cannot buy anyone a member of congress. - 1,316 signatures Petition to Ban the Use of Tear Gas on Citizens - 916 signatures
This just proves that this whole occupy movement is just pure lunacy. More and more each day you are all beginning to sound like a bunch a of Paranoid Schizophrenics. I'm sure Bert and Ernie are the evil 1%, too. There are more people that care about the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard than this so called movement.
Huh? Proves what? PBS is a very good org. They normally run very true programming.
The only opinion I have about Bert and Ernie is that the 1% will not allow them to come out of the closet.. Once the do, any measly funding dies!
thats weird, nova's still a great show, tho.
maybe someone said to him "you dont do shit" one too many times
I don't know..
I think I am done with that show.. I really liked it too! :(
aww man dont be like that. its not like you cant filter the good from the bad. thats what life's all about anyway : )
He probably just wants to avoid a class-action lawsuit for all the global warming misinformation he's sponsored. Consider all the resulting catastrophes from the GW caused weather events!
Not a bad observation..
I noticed earthquakes are always in the news after he left office.. GW's pollution policies must have really threw something off balance.
Lol...I was using GW for global warming. I got lazy. Sorry. Still, if we had done more to reduce pollutants instead of ignoring the problem for 8 long years...
I know what you meant.. He goes by GW on his bumper stickers.
You were making a joke? How mean. And I didn't even figure it out.
oops sorry,,, I wasn't. I just couldn't get GW Bush out of my head in relation to the global warming that he caused.
Yeah. He ruined Iraq too and our middle-class. Micheal Moore was right. The man is a one-man wrecking crew!
Do you ever notice how he laughs and smirks after destroying something.
Not when I can avoid it. But I do know what you mean. Like when he said he was sorry that we lost our pensions... I just knew he was rejoicing inside.
I really thought that he was going to have a grand finale before he left office.. Luckily for some reason, he didn't.
The financial crises was final enough for me.
I think GW was global warming man... You are thinking George Bush (GB)
I meant GW Bush.
Consider all the resulting catastrophes from the GW caused weather events.
now replace GW with each and see which sounds better
Consider all the resulting catastrophes from the Global Warming caused weather events
Consider all the resulting catastrophes from the GW Bush caused weather events
Both sentences work.. I used context on HitGirl's first posting in this thread... They both work..
GW Bush caused a large portion of Global Warming..
Oh lol no I was talking about in terms of HitGirl's "He probably just wants to avoid..." post
Yes, and what is your point. I answered your question..
Global Warming and George bush are like on in the same..
If GW Bush never came around, Global warming would not have came up on us so fast.
Yes, I made the mistake of thinking she was talking about GW Bush...
Thank you for correcting me.. What else do you want?
Why is it not right?
Because I thought PBS was better then that.
PBS is better than all of us. Jim Lehrer is my imaginary fiancee.
whatever that has to do with anything...
Don't get me started on that barbecue guy.
I don't know if I can watch PBS programming..
I really enjoy it.. The only time I don't like PBS is when they have their fundraising and instead of regular programing you have a bunch of people on TV answering phones..
Why can't they just leave an open line all year? They also need to give Mr Koch the boot!
The only time I watch PBS is when they answer the phones, it mezmerises me. I wait all year for it... I curl up on my couch in my "the young turks" PJs with my organic zucchini bread and watch them pick up the phones and answer them... And I cry when it's over.
What about Jim Lehrer?
You just blew my mind dude...
I need to make some of that organic zucchini bread. I grew some in my garden, but I don't know if it can be considered organic.. Who know what pollutants are in my soil.
David Koch knows what pollutants he put in your soil but he won't tell without paying him :(
You really think so?
Yeah the other day I was walking around in my organically grown fair trade union label chemical free hemp clogs and they felt all tingly, like a chemical inside them was attacking my feet. I had bad dreams about David Koch that night :(
No I don't think so... Maybe I've just been hot-boxing ganja in my tent too long here in zucotti park.
As long as it is organic!
What about you consider a different nickname.
Maybe because we are not, and will not be Obama or anyone else's 2012 electoral campaign.
Many of us are! You are the minority. Plus you are in Canada, so you may not even be voting for anyone in the USA.
I have no idea about where you are, but in most places Obama has a pretty fucking low approval rating in the movement, lower than nationally.
Silent majority my friend.
He's the philanthropic face of the empire.