Forum Post: I told them it would come to this Anonymous does it for real , Karma 2012, corrupt law enforcement will be exposed , The jig is up the news is out we finally found them ,
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 21, 2011, 10:52 p.m. EST by thefutureisnow
from Newark, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hackers post cops’ personal data to avenge Occupy movement by J.F. The Story of Liberty
Computer hackers are avenging the Occupy movement by exposing the personal information of police officers who evicted protesters and threatening family-values advocates who led a boycott of an American Muslim television show.
In three Internet postings last week, hackers from the loose online coalition called Anonymous published the email and physical addresses, phone numbers and, in some cases, salary details of thousands of law enforcement officers all over the country.
Read more:
Cops have been put on notice- if you break the law by assaulting peaceful protesters- we will come after you- cops are not above the law.
You appointed yourself judge, jury and executioner, while preaching about "the law"? You have no regard for actual laws, but you claim to be enforcing the law? That's an unbelievably serf-serving self contradiction.
Step 1: Protesters intentionally violate the law. Step 2: Law enforcement acts against lawbreakers. Step 3: Lawbreakers seek revenge against law enforcement for "breaking the law".
Make sense? Only to an Occupy protester.
Please don't put all people that post here as, representing OWS- OWS has no leaders and no policies- OWS has only a vision- each individual member, is his own leader and does whatever he feels is right- MY opinion is just that an opinion- And my opinion is if a cop assaults me or a friend- he is dead meat- an eye for an eye-
Yes, I understand that I can't learn about how Occupy feels about anything by asking one representative, which is why I poll lots of people when I'm curious. I did that yesterday, and pretty much every single person who responded seems to share your mistaken idea that cops are violating the law when they enforce restrictions on free assembly. So after conducting that poll, I feel comfortable generalizing about that.
awesome the best and most productive response to this forum yet , you are a true OWS ,er as am i we must find unity within the movement , and hold people accountable the same way they are holding us accountable they are not above the law,
Imagin what you would find if you hacked the email accounts of OWS General Assembly Members?
i am not quite sure but as far as i am concerned i hope Anonymous does that to because there are a lot of people scamming donations in the name of OWS and turning some of the sites into money making scene,s so i hope they do exactly what you just said , i would even go so far as to tweet it on the on the web to remind them ,
This is just plain wrong.
There are bad police. And there are good police.
Risking the alienation of the good to get blind vengeance on the bad is worse than stupid. If true, it is dangerous to everyone and to the credibility of the OWS movement. Nothing will drive this nation into a state of martial law faster than to threaten the families of law enforcement. And that is exactly what this action has done.
It is a form of insurrection no better than the right-wingers who espouse the Second Amendment as a means of threatening the lives of politicians that they deem to be "tyrants".
I do not hold with insurrection against this government. I don't support it. I won't accept it. That is a right-wing thing.
well that is a double edged sword my friend , what about the occupiers the put us all into the same category , they do not take the time and effort to actually figure out who needs a face full of foam mace or who needs to get beaten and brutalized needlessly , what about the 8 year old woman who got maced and beaten in Seattle what the hell kind of treat could an 84 year old woman possibly be to a full on geared up riot cop to make him feel like he would have to mace and old woman , or in SF what about the 15 year old boy who was beaten with a riot cops baton , what about the priest or the pregnant woman , what,s good for the goose is good for he gander, fuk those nazi regime cops, its time to fight back , so i think Anonymous is trying to save people from getting brutalized in the future because if these pricks find out they can,t just do it and get away with it maybe they will think twice in the future ,
Two wrongs do not make a right.
People who join a protest line sign on for the risk that they take. whether police are right or wrong is a different issue in their response to that protest line.
The families of police are innocent of involvement and may even oppose how individual police act in excess of their duties. But innocent families of police become involved targets of retribution when their address and contact information is published. You are effectively bombing non-combatants in order to attack the soldiers. That is plain wrong. It is immoral. It violates the Geneva Conventions.
well it seems that they have not actually made the info public and i think it was a warning , but when and if they do make info pubic i am quite sure they will have more than their phone # or address they will more than likely have some info proving that who ever they are talking about is actually involved in real criminal activity , so if a cop is involved in criminal activity then they have only their self to blame if Anonymous exposes them so then i have not seen any evidence what so ever that Anonymous have even put any innocent peoples lives in any jeopardy and i think its just a interlude to what the are really going to expose , some one has to do it i don,t see any OWS finance managers stepping up to pay for hospital bills or lawyers to file civil suits which is the normal way to do it , but this is not normal we are not normal if we were we would not be here hence the term alternative well this is the place where the alternative becomes the mainstream , so get ready because you would be surprised to know how many people are down with the theory of exposing criminals in the justice system ,
"criminals". You're referring to cops trying to do their jobs, difficult jobs that are made a lot more difficult by people like you intentionally trying to make their lives difficult, as "criminals". The cops respond to protests where people are breaking the law, and you think that it somehow makes sense to refer to the cops, not the lawbreakers, as "criminals"? Do you thnk that anybody who is not already an Occupy supporter is going to follow you through that convoluted logic?
People who break the law are the criminals, not law enforcement. You can't blame cops for centuries of legislation and case law and Supreme Court rulings that have concluded that government can legally restrict speech. You can't blame cops if a city has laws, or passes laws, that say that you can't camp out overnight in a public park. You can't blame cops for trying to protect private church property when a bunch of protesters get violent and start shoving down fences. Cops just enforce laws. We pay the, to do that. We NEED them to do that.
I sure as hell hope that if a bunch of angry protesters started trying to force their way onto MY private property, that the cops would show up and help me to fight for my property. That doesn't make me, or e cops, "criminals". Only in your warped ideology does that make any sense.
There is too much side-stepping and evasion in that post for me to bother responding.
then why did you i mean there is an olde saying man between the velvet lies the is a truth as hard as steel, also what,s good for the goose is good for the gander, the cops who committed un necessary and brutal acts should at the very least have to show up in civil court this is a real American way besides almost any decent com tech can get your # their # or address or just about anyone,s address and # they want Anonymous know,s this i think they are just fukng with those cops right now i think they have serous evidence that links some of them to organized crime ,
Your babbling incoherently. There is no sentence structure or even basic punctuation. There are not even phrases. Its just random words.
I also tried to understand that schizophrenic post and I also failed. The only part that I can get for sure from that is that he's trying to apply the "criminal" label to cops, Which is an interesting example of doublespeak.
who cares about the sentence structure man i mean what more do you want i am in a hurry , i mean you can read English right ? , sorry about my sentence structure but you can just debate with me to get some practice in for all the brainiac political science major,s haha ha , no man i am just fukng with you , i have to light up another bowl before can talk to anyone else , peaceout ,
Coherence. That is what basic grammar adds to a conversation.
Without coherence I can't even tell is there is something for me to agree or disagree with in your writing.
well i am working on that i have a serious past injury and cannot type as well as i should be able to , so i will try to keep things as you say in a format that is more clarifying in the future ,
Read the actual account of the teen hit in the face with a baton not the hype being put out by OWS.
all right but what about all the people who never made it to the news who are still in jail right now , and what about the people in Houston who are charged with felonies for their basic act of civil disobedience , and also the people in LA who were given up to 10.000 dollar bonds for bullshit misdemeanor charges , and are still in there and also in other cities as well people who were arrested weeks ago who cannot get out because their bail is to high so they are basically being needlessly oppressed by the law and court systems you really think people are going to just let them get away with this shit , they can be and will be held accountable one way or he other for sure it does not matter really which way to me at this point because once they crossed that line and became brutalizing criminal thugs what ever happens to them is their own fukng fault and its also their karma for their actions they can hide behind money codes badge gun anything else but karma because karma does not discriminate it will find them , and me and you or anyone else its totally universal ,
so when you are proved wrong you change the subject with more unsupported claims? you never learn...
wrong about what enlighten me ,
The only thing more wretched than thinking that coming up with phone book data is hacking ... is agitating to ban it. Woo hoo, somebody has a cop's e-mail address and phone number without being handed a business card. Are you serious? Somehow I expect a gang or cartel can afford to spring for a real private detective.
What exactly has anonymous actually achieved? They were going to take down the stock exchange. Fail. They were going to take down Fox News. Fail. They make all these silly video warnings and nothing happens. Fail.
All I see is one big fail.
well man we can discuss it later but lulz sec and Anonymous are the future even if they are caught the will probably not have a serious issue because of all the positiveness they have created , although i really do not see that happening ,
LOL the future. Yeah OK. America is shaking in its boots because some inept nerds can't get it together. Good job guys.
look its not really for me to say i have only created a forum for discussion , i am no the judge or jury out on this subject, but there will be many people who think they are so you can ask them ,
OK. I'll throw a thread up with what I think the outcome of these hacker groups will be. I like your forum, but don't agree with anonymous.
thanks i appreciate your politeness and your honesty , i am not saying that everything Anonymous does is legal , only that i think it is righteous they are way more than a modern day robin hood , they are people who care and just felt like there was no more time left for America because its being dismantled from the inside and has been for a very long time , i firmly believe what they do is for their our country , for our future so we do not become iraq our selves and have to let some other country come right in and take over saying they have our best interest at heart , but in any case thanks again happy holidays bro ,
Thank you for allowing a conservative voice. You are a good forum host and I appreciate you taking the time to create such a place. You will probably never agree with me politically, but know I will do my best to respect your forum. As for anonymous, I will admit that I am not fully versed on what is behind the group.
Why the hell would they do that? Just because conservatives don't agree with you doesn't give them the right to post your information on the internet so I can harass you.
Quick question. May seem off topic but go with it. Can you point out greed in the OWS movement?
If you feel so strogly about your cause, why not post your nmes and addresses? It is easy to cheer when it is not you. The founding Fathers were brave enough to sign their names to a Document that sealed their death warrant and OWS likes to make a claim that they are like the great people, but in reality OWSrs talk the talk but will not walk the walk.
i am not down with the founding fathers of this country because they were racist pricks ,
Please move to some other country as you have no appreciation for what it took to build what you have here today. Do you refuse to buy German or Japanese made products because they waged war against us? Do you boycott Chinese made products because they practice slave labor? It is you who is the prick because you pick and choose what to dislike but there is no consistency to your opinion.
why does it matter i am only here to wake up and challenge your chem trail mind , slave wage is low on my priority list i am not worried about china i am only concerned with what,s happening in my own country , there is nothing that can be done about other countries i am not here to get your approval i am only here to get your opinion , and so far your opinion is self centered and is based on facts you read on some propagandized news publication you have no idea what,s really going on especially if you do not support Obama ,
This is a message for all the people who are sending threatening comments to this forum , you all as just as much of an idiot as i thought you might be for all you know i could an FBI agent , so just remember that and as far as hiring a private detective like the drug cartels , well i am quite sure the gov,t has all the up to date technology they need to find anybody they want anytime they want a lot easier then some private dic , hired out by the mob or the mafia you better take a look around more organized crime syndicates and cartels are being busted up and kicked out of our country every day , all these bad ass cartels and criminal organizations are the same fukng organizations who are in business with some of the banks and the corporations OWS is protesting against so make no mistake you fuks are my enemy to i am not a com tech geek and i am not Anonymous i only said i agree with what they are doing so if you ever want to find me make no mistake i am ready for you, Dec 22 2011 ,
Yes some cops are dicks, but most of them do care about humanity. Any of you using a blanket statement like 'fuck the police' are a bunch of children who need to learn how to wipe your own ass. Stupid fucks.
i never said fuk the police my whole life i grew up around cops my uncle is a cop , and he is a nice and thoughtful human being , but if a cop is corrupt and commits criminal acts he is no longer just a cop he is also a criminal just like everybody else who commits crimes so i am always polite and respectful to cops especially at protest , but the consider his Anonymous only goes after and targets, people who are involved in criminal acts, so when i see corrupt cops i do say fuk them ,
Anonymous is not only going after targets - they hi-jacked a list of names from some website accounts. They have no idea who these officers are, in fact, they are only assuming they are officers based on the content of the websites and possibly an e-mail address. It is a completely random group of police officers that are getting exposed for no reason.
I agree - if a cop is corrupt, out them and put them in jail. But for the other 99.9999999%, respect their need for privacy.
yes i agree man i think cops who do their job and have at least some respect and who are not involved with criminal activities should be left out of anything , and also though have you heard about the merrill lynch payoff in NYC about the four million dollars that was paid to the NYPD a few day,s before the eviction at zucotti ,
This is one of the main things that irritates me about people on this forum. They don't care to look up the facts of the matter - they would rather go based on "I heard this on the internet" as support for their claims.
It wasn't Merrill Lynch, it was JP Morgan Chase and it wasn't a few days before the eviction - the donations started more than a year prior to Occupy even existing.
And so what if JPMC donated 4.6million dollars? How does that justify what Anonymous is doing to the officers working on the street? Even if this was a straight out pay off - do you really think they would be getting a cut?
I am always amused/incredulous at the political naivete of the majority of people in the US... Anonymous is the 21st century version of an urban guerilla movement. The Tupamaros of Uruguay engaged in similar tactics in the 1970's,and enjoyed the support of the majority of the population. They simply did enough to disable the tools of tyranny and they eventually won. I guess things have not gotten bad enough here in the US.
I think you hit it on the head - things have not gotten that bad in the US - particularly if you are making a comparison to 1970s era Uruguay.
yes i do think they would be getting a cut especially in a city like NYC which has some organized criminal activity that dates back to the early 1900, s in the NYPD they are one of if not the most corrupt so i say how would they not get a piece of the action ,
You think that JPMorgan Chase would make a big public announcement about giving the NYPD 4.6million dollars and then the department would turn around and give each of the 18000 officers $255 in cash. That is ridiculous.
If it was a payoff - you really think they would advertise it on their website?
yea to cover it up in case anyone found out that way they can just lie about it being a payoff , and then lie again and say it was a donation well it was certainly donated at the right time,
Cover it up by doing a press release? Good thinking. The donations started about 18 months ago - not right before the "evictions."
yes but you are talking about big business corporations they have control of the media and anything else they want and the payoff tip i got did not come from cnn , or any other publication it came strait from a person who does research on these matters bu he did not say JP he said merill lynch i can ask him again but i am certain that,s what i heard , so are you sure we are talking about the same payoff , seriously because i am as interested as you are to find out for real , also i am interested in trying to help create some sort of protocol to keep the cops out of our face in the future because i agree not everything OWS has occupied was completely legal , but people,s rights were violated man that,s the bottom line our rights have been violated in so many different way,s during the occupations that we could back up courtrooms for the next 8 years sorting it all out , i mean if the cops are going to do their job that,s fine but if they become the basic equivalent of hired thugs paid off by big business corporations then they are nothing more than criminals ,
I checked on Merrill Lynch first, and found nothing - not even anything on the left-wing blogs or occupy sites. What I did find was Chase-Morgan. It started hitting the websites in October as "news," even though it happened a year before. It was just one more convenient story that occupy wanted to put out there as part of the big corporate conspiracy.
You want a protocol to keep the cops out of your face? Don't break the law. Its the same way everyone else does it.
yea i am already on board with not breaking the law , but i am not sure if i can convince others not to blow up the spots, two guys tried to attack me when i tried to get them to stop giving the cops a hassle at a occupy site ,
Hackers will be the end of free Internet as we know it. Because all that does not fall within their definition of PC will be infected. So to stay free... to keep this as an open source or means of free expression, we MUST take technology to the next level. And do it NOW.
new age tech for a new age world not new world order, peaceout ,
Fucking children. They have no idea what they are exposing these officers to. I hope they catch these assholes and prosecute them
well man if you can name one case of a cop who got even remotely injured while brutally beating and degrading the Occupiers all over the country i will be impressed i will not only be impressed i will be fukng amazed who Anonymous targets they do it for a reason they don,t just pick random citizens and try to ruin their lives for nothing who ever the fuk it is Anonymous goes after deserves it they will never catch them and even if they catch any of them the rest will still be out there they are the new age regulators, and they will bring back truth justice and the real American way Anonymous will never die so get bent fuk boy ,
yea well i really hope every corrupt cop they find gets,charged appropriately in the same fashion cops all over America have been violently assaulting protestors everywhere and at least half the time they use excessive force and brutality , fuk them i hope they get what,s coming to them all of them they can get fukd ,
Fine, post up every little bit of info about yourself, or are you too pussy?? Name age, location, how much you make per year.
And who are you gonna call if someone who doesn't like you comes around to beat the shit out of you??
Your protestors treat the cops like shitheads, and them cry when they get put in their place. The cops don't start beating ass until someone steps out of line. Every single video post where you people cry about the cops being so mean are usually centered around you acting like a dick, hitting a cop, they ask you to leave(public property) nicely, you say no. Even a fucking church that went to help you with food and blankets turns your people down, because they were just being nice, not supporting. What happens next?? These shitheads start climbing the fence.
Your stupid movement will be over by the end of winter, the cops will be and have been around for years. Just because they tolerate your bullshit, doesn't meant they can't just come in en mass, and seriously fuck all of your little worlds up.
You don't know who's corrupt and who's not. You don't know who they may have locked up, and now because their shit is out there, may be coming for them. You want to fight for your precious 99%-bullshit figure, btw- stand with the cops, not against them. There's a reason the cities leave the protestors who work with them alone.
i have never treated any cop anywhere like shit as a matter of fact most cops i ever met totally liked me because they know i am not a worthless scumbag criminal , i have always been totally respectful to cops except when i got hassled by one here and there i knew for fact was dirty , then all bets are off ,
i did not climb any fence and all the occupy sites i have been to i actually got hassled by protestor,s for trying to tell them not to antagonize the cops and blow up the spot , some of them even tried to attack me and they were supposed to be the people i was protesting with , and then the general assembly people told me to stand down and all i was trying to do was stop the drama , i just think that if the cops are going to fuk people up they should do it to the people who are just using the movement to get a free ride like the guy in LA , who got away scot free after the raid , and he said oh now i have 15 new tents and i was doing meth and pills and drugs the whole time LA occupation was in motion and he got away and said he was going down the street to set up his tents and rent them out for people to smoke crack in and use for prostitution , so why does he get away why don,t they beat his fukng head in instead they mace a 84 year old woman that,s fukng despicable man , are they just supposed to get away with that , the asshole in UC davis totally maced all those kids sitting on the ground , like he thought it was a fukng joke or something ,
oh yea i forgot to mention only the cops who brutalized and beat people needlessly and broke their own protocol in the line of duty , so while you are talking shit to me asshole why don,t you find the family of the 84 year old woman who got a face full of foam mace , and the 15 year old boy who was seriously beaten by a riot cop , the priest the pregnant woman , and so many others , who were beaten and brutalized needlessly in certain protest , and find their fukgn families and tell them how sorry you are for them and pay their fukgn hospital bills , fuk you and fuk you nazi regime i am not an old woman or little kid or defenseless first time protestor i am a warrior who has been studying the art of war for many years now , so if someone hires a fukng private detective to find me they better be ready because if they are not they are going to get fukd up ,
You have links for any of these stories?? And by links, I mean non biased. . I didn't say I was hiring shit. I wouldn't spend money on you. I posted a challenge. If you're such a hard ass, you would have no problem posting your shit. And it's spelled fuCk, fuCkIng, and fuCkEd. Learn how to spell. Yet again, post up or GTFO. I know you're not an old woman. Most likely some idiot kid, angry fat guy, or some loser stuck in his parent basement.
yea all right sorry man i am a bit disgruntled because people have actually tried to do to me what you were talking about i apologize , i will try to send you a few links in a message please don,t take it personally i am not an angry fat guy or kid sitting in my mommies basement , i am a guy who has been set up before by criminals who paid off cops to set me up , and if you check out Roberto Saviagno he is the Italian author who spoke out against the mafia , and had to go into hiding and since the OWS movement started he actually came out of hiding to speak out again ,just google his name and you will get some of the info you are seeking , and again please accept my apology for my comment i am paranoid and am risking my ass every day but this is the path i have chosen and i must stay on it , so later today i would be happy to send you a few links , peaceout ,
Don't message the links - post them right here in your response for everyone to see. We would like to know about all these cases that you are citing.
oh yea i am kind of new to this site so if i want everyone to see what i am posting then i should post instead of reply is that what you are trying to say
No problem. Things like this don't piss me off. Thank you for coming through calmly. I've been set up before, too. Once it cost me my education. If you feel what you are doing is right, then keep doing it, just so long as you're not causing harm.
I have heard of R.S. What he did was very brave. He knew the risks, but still got his message out successfully. And due to that, he's getting mobsters locked up. This guy is good to have on the side of OWS. They need more like him. Guys like him and Tano Grasso are going to change Naples forever.
hey man thanks for that i am not very orthodox in my methods but i seem to be getting some things done and i must stay on this path , i am also thankful for your service to our country , and i also remember Micheal Murphy , he was the seal who gave his own life to save the lives of his unit in Afghanistan , i wish you and your family a happy holiday man , peace be with you ,
Nobody should forget guys like Murphy. Have a good holiday. For those who don't know what heroism is:
U 2 man yea he was a true definition of what a soldier is gave his life not just for his country but for his fellow soldiers fukng bad ass, peace B with you man
And I'm a fucking Navy Seal. Info or GTFO, tough guy... You won't do it because you don't want the exposure. Neither do the cops trying to do their job. If your fake cop uncle got shot over Anon, what would your view be then??
You don't have time to beat ass, but you do have time to send them to the hospital or kill them. These things take more time than a quick ass beating, 'tard.
I like how you say you talk to the Feds(you don't) and then, later on in the same run-on sentence you say fuck the law, and cops can't stop you. Corrupt or not they can/will stop you before you can get you're chubby little fingers out of your pockets. I wouldn't go to Jersey for anything. Not even money. I gotta look at the shit state from across the river when I go to work. You know people have actually sued for having to go into Jersey?? Not from what happened there, but just for having to go into that slime ridden "state".
Tell the Feds what ever you want, and then point them to this post and see what they will tell you. They will tell you to go back to jamming sausages up your ass.
yea well i am not a navy seal but if you would have said that in the first place we may not have gotten off on the wrong foot , i am paranoid because there are people who are out to get me but you as a trained combat soldier should know that in this day and age anyone can get their ass kicked or worse , so i have a some friends who were in the nuke program trained at goose creek then on to NYC , and annapolis , so again please accept my apology man any man who has served their country and has been honorably discharged should get respect , but make no mistake bro i also have friends who are Vietnam vets , and desert storm , the first time , and i do know that there are also many recently discharged soldiers mostly from the army and marines who are in business with drug cartels rolling out of sinoloa mexico , and i think that,s fukd up , because they are helping foreign nationals take over my country ,
That was kind of a silly thing to do. these guys are union, we should be able to subvert them,
and generally I doubt threatening them will get us much.
Now if there was evidence in some cases of payoffs or something - that would be entirely different.
Personally I think we gotta leave the wives and kids out of it.
I was just sayin
there is a better way, that's all.
and oh yeah -
leave the wives and kids out of it.
like i said i do not think for a moment that anonymous involves any innocent people ever and i am quite sure that includes little kids and women i mean fuk man they just recently broke up and dismantled a child porn internet organization , so i really don,t think their agenda includes women and children , for instance right now there are several people in texas who have been charged with felonies that could give them a 2 year sentence in jail , this is ridiculous and bogous as fuk totally unfounded charges for protesting , as far as i know Anonymous has no agenda what so ever against any one but people who are actually involved in actual corruption or criminal activity , i am not a spokesman for them i only support and stand behind their actions ,
be cool man
U 2.