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Forum Post: I Think What We Can At Least All Agree On Is What Really Happened At The German Concentration Camps Is Not What We've Been Misled To Believe - Piles Of Shoes & Hair Only Mean People Were Shaved, Deloused and Given New Clothes

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 12:55 p.m. EST by HolyhoaxLies (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Holocaustianity is a religion. A False Religion based on lies. Let's not give it any further credibility. Let's denouce this bogus religion for what it is - a justification for jews stealing Palestine.



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[-] 0 points by guiltyspark (34) 13 years ago

jews were in jeruselem before the arabs invaded in the 7th century


[-] 0 points by HolyhoaxLies (0) 13 years ago

Furthermore we can all agree there is ZERO proof of gas chambers. Those myths have been debunked time and time again.