Forum Post: I think Romney would be a good president
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 1:26 p.m. EST by ancillary
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
He has promised to pursue sanctions against China, and I believe him.
He would likely pursue decisive action on improving the economy through a restructuring of the business climate.
He can handle the Tea Party people better than Obama.
Like it or not, Obama is as much a symbol as he is a leader, and as a symbol he has been tarnished by this economy. So a new leader being ushered into place might help restore business confidence.
Romney got rich killing jobs. He's pledged to protect the 1% from even a slightly more progressive income tax.
If "business confidence" you mean the international corporations, yes, they'll love him. They don't need more confidence - which really means power. They have huge profits already, and are sitting on record levels of cash.
He killed jobs because that is what he had to do to make those companies work efficiently again. He did it time and again and eventually those companies become profitable again - something that benefits the workers and the shareholders. He knows economics. That is what the country needs.
There are groups who restructure companies and increase their efficiency without massive lay-offs. It's harder than just mining a company's assets or reducing overhead by sending jobs overseas, but there are people doing it. It doesn't always work, but it's not something he's ever even tried.
Furthermore, as a corporate restructurer, he basically made money for his clients, investors, by reorganizing the bureaucracy and production capacities of companies. And he succeeded, wildly.
As president, he would restructure the USA to run better per tax dollar, I think, and that would improve the economy.
Listen, Romney will say whatever he thinks will get him elected. Nobody in his or her right mind trusts him. That's why the Republicans keep looking for someone us to be their nominee.
Republicans keep on looking for someone else b/c Republicans are crazy.
And Romney needs to contort because he's a reasonable guy running in a crazy electorate.
OWS is non-partisan.
He'd restructure to make plutocrat heaven.
Please read The Buyout of America.
Excellent point!
If you compare/contrast Romney and Perry, Perry was by far more corrupt and coddling of plutocrats. Romney in-fact did reform MA in accord with his principles.
Romney simply played the game as was presented to him, and he played it well. That means that he is hardworking and competent and smart.
As president of the USA he would be a hardworking competent and smart manager of the USA. He probably would find ways to run government more efficiently.
Also, he is non-ideological. Did you know that in MA he was one of the most aggressive pursuers of corporate tax cheats in the country? I trust that he'd do the right thing.
Don't forget how Romney made his fortune: through Private Equity deals at Bain Capital. This system of ownership consists of taking out huge loans at low interest rates, buying companies, then cutting costs to make a profit - and this is usually done through mass layoffs, outsourcing jobs to lower cost countries, etc.
Would be surprised if he really has the interests of the middle class at heart, with that kind of background...
Yea, I don't think either he or Obama is really concerned with the middle class. Not really. Maybe Obama is in his heart of hearts but he sure is not showing it.
In the last Republican debate, Romney actually staked new ground in arguing for the middle class. For instance: most republicans want to get rid of capital gains taxes. Romney wants to keep capital gains taxes low for middle class taxpayers making under 200k but keep them high for the rich people who benefit the most from low cap gains.
The end result was a more efficient operation.
What if Romney restructured the federal government so that it did more for less money?
That fool wants to spend 20% of federal budget on Military. Has zero common sense !
We're already spending more than that.
Here's the thing about military spending.
military spending is one of the centers of technological innovation in this country. We've made huge strides forward in robotics over the past decade due to military spending. The Siri voice command system in the iPhone 4 started as a DARPA research project.
It is basically Romney's version of "shovel ready" economic stimulus.
Rubbish ! Stop buying Fighter jets, Missiles and Weapons then we will see.
See today's New York Times headline, above the fold.
Romney Beating Obama in a Fight for Wall St. Cash
Both Romney and Obama and practically every other politician like them is sucking up to Wall Street for campaign contributions. How can that factoid resonate with OWS?
it's worth noting that franklin roosevelt was initially seen as a tool of money'd interests as well.
lol. Romney has taken huge amount of sums from wall street. he is as corrupt as Obama.
just look at his campaign donations or should I say bribery
Yea, to me it is yet another "lesser of two evils" scenario.
He has gotten a lot of Wall st. donations, I agree.
Whether he'd be a tool or not is up for debate.
The people who end up being tools of big money often think of themselves as the little guy who's helping out a new friend. Romney's already familiar with the money'd types, so he could care less if he stiffs them.
Of course he is a tool wake up. He is getting millions of dollars from the financial sector you think he is going to make legislation that is going to help the worker down the street working 2 jobs just so he can support his family?.
of course not stop deluding you self. Obama, Romney don't give a shit about you they will sell them self and there vote to whomever pay the biggest bribes
if you pay attention to his record in MA, it shows that he's markedly free from the pull of big money interests.
Do you really want me to find his donation/bribery list because I can if you wish and Ill guarantee you he has voted or made laws that all benefits his biggest supporters aka wall Street
Wake up
I think it doesn't matter who you put in the White House - to get elected into federal office requires so much money from so few people that by the time you're there, you are representing the few and not the many. Other than occasional bones thrown to the populace so we know they're 'on our side.'
Democrats and Republicans want us to debate their relative worth because it's time less spent examining the structural problems we face every day.
Well, Obama has raised a lot more money than Romney or Perry have at this point. Obama's raised like 100 million. They've each raised maybe 15 million.
Yeah, sure. This is part of the problem - the next election cycle, folks have predicted we'll see around $5 billion spent. We have some democracy in our politics, and pretty much none in our economy. And nowadays the economy, the money, is a bigger requirement for office than ever.
Are you kidding. When you get Romney you get the Mormon beliefs.
Romney is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. A group started by bankers then came the multi national corporations, then came the sell out politicians into membership. That is the head of the snake. Please don't support him. He's a sell out of the worst kind. These are the people more concerned in global power that feeding the hungry.
Romney "Corporations are people. Where does the money go? It goes in the pockets of people who run the corporations." yeah you go keep jumping on that bandwagon.
Look at the facts people.
+1 Romney for president. He would act to genuinely improve the US economy where Obama has been applying temporary bandaids without addressing the fundamental issue. Globalization is here to stay and the US economy is not competitive, that's the fundamental issue. Restoring economic health would solve a lot of problems.
Increase taxes on wealthy individuals that predominantly make money with money. This is a practical matter of funding the govt and a matter of general fairness.
Reduce corporate taxes. This is the predominant source of non-competitiveness.
Make regulation reasonable. Ditto above but less predominant.
Balance the federal budget, the insane deficit spending levels are not sustainable.
There's no reason the future can't be brighter than the past.
(sorry if this is a dbl post, the first one disappeared on me?)
Force passing of Obama jobs bill It ain't about Obama its about your mamma Elect him as a tactic but have your own strategy Reject the formal freedom offered by existing power axis Experience actual freedom undermining those coordinates
First, we better be careful about sanctioning China. That could really backfire.
Second, Obama is not responsible for this economy. He inherited it. I'm not saying he's done a great job dealing with it, but you can't blame him for it. The Republicans haven't dealt with it either and because of their shenanigans we have no jobs and we're paying more interest on our debt.
Third, why worry about handling the Tea Party? Seriously, why? They don't worry about most people.
Vote Obama over Romney. Obama is more for the real people. Romney believes corporations are people.
well, Romney has promised action against china for manipulating its currency. Obama has tried not to.
I know Obama isn't entirely responsible, but he's still a symbol.
The Tea Party almost made the USA default on debts this summer. And they're forcing huge cuts to the government this thanksgiving. It's nasty.
Don't forget, because of what the Tea Party did with the debt ceiling in August the U.S. actually pays more interest on its debts due to the S&P downgrade. Nothing like shooting yourself in the foot.
Ron Paul 2012 down with the bail out, wall street bought and paid for politicians.
He won't be as good a republican president as Obama has been. do you not see "the wings may have different colors, but the flightplan is the same"
Are you nuts! this guy is a sell out that has changed his position so many times who knows what he is going to do in office. Just like Obama he is a two faced lier and can't be trusted! He never addresses the real enemy of the people which is the Federal Reserve System. Any thing short of getting rid of all central bank systems will not effect any real change in our world economies!
Romney is a corporate tool. Also, look at his history with his private company.
When he says he wants to restructure the business climate, all he's going to do is get a central banker guy whos going to tell him we need to inject trillions more into the "system". Dont you get it people -_-
No, he would likely restructure regulatory agencies for one thing, as well as the tax structure.
I suspect that he would do better than Obama at personally working Congress.
And wtf is he going to do regarding our Federal Reserve. Please tell me that.
I support the federal reserve.
How the hell do you support the Fed? How do they benefit us AT ALL. There just raping the American people of everything we own! Wake up people ! its been going on for a century. We need to revolt against the banks NOW.
Yea, I think Obama & Romney aren't that far apart on the left/right spectrum and Obama has just completely wussed out on every battle so far.
He'll definitely be a much more effective executive than Obama and If he doesn't bow down to the "values voters" extreme Christian right b/s, he'll be much better overall.
Actually, I think that with Romney you'd probably see more odious anti-abortion legislation being signed by him.
While Obama would veto it.
It's the price you pay, unfortunately. Romney holds personal religious anti-abortion belief and political circumstance demands that he be against abortion. Even though to be honest, abortion is like 99th out of 100 in his political priorities.
Obama has been tarnished for waging war
I agree
He's just another corporate puppet, dancing on the end of big money strings.
He's hardly a corporate puppet. For one thing, he's independently wealthy so he's not reliant on big donors.
SEcondly, as governor of MA, he aggressively pursued corporate tax cheats.
Please tell me why not Ron Paul ? Mitt Romney has already said he wants to expand our military.
+1 Romney for president. He would act to genuinely improve the US economy whereas Obama has been applying temporary bandaids without addressing the fundamental issue. Globalization is here to stay and the US needs to get its act together to remain competitive. That's the fundamental issue. Regained economic health would solve a lot of problems.
Increase taxes on wealthy individuals that predominantly make money with money. This is a practical matter of funding the govt right now and a matter of general fairness.
Reduce corp taxes. This is why the US isn't competitive.
Make regulation reasonable. Ditto.
Balance the federal budget. The insane level of deficit spending just can't continue.
There is no reason the future can't be a lot brighter than the past.