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Forum Post: I think Michael Moore is just looking for a market..and Annonymous

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 2:29 a.m. EST by huemanoun (18)
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Annonymous is a corporate entity...of hackers..they aren't legitimate and they turn on people that join their own group basically using their website for email addresses

Michael Moore has a real blue collared background and it gives him integrity and sincerity but seriously the guy might just be a (fat cat)holic throwing up a persona to sell books to us as his market...his crowd

hes trying to appeal to us by posing as a protestor himself, but his protests are all based on things other people protested about that he claims credit for...I could be wrong here but all his tv shows and documentaries aren't real protests but rather publicity stunts...I said I could be wrong because he has educated a lot of people on corporate greed..but one thing im not wrong about

RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE...again is just using us for a market..capitalizing on protestors...every single one of their records sold makes SONY rich...AKA "The Machine" So they arent legit...they are corporate commercial entities trying to capitalize on protestors...they pull off publicity stunts



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[-] 2 points by anotherone773 (734) from Carlyle, IL 13 years ago

"Annonymous is a corporate entity...of hackers." - No they arent. They are actually more like OWS in terms of organization from what i can tell. I dont think they are all hackers either. Anyone can join. You dont have to be real savy with computers i dont think.

Michael Moore has been trying to make light of problems in our system for a long time now. I have seen him speak several times and he seems pretty genuine about his concerns for other Americans. Not all rich people are bad. And Michael Moore isnt really that rich from what i know.

[-] 1 points by RobertNDavis (133) 13 years ago

you're right about the rich. It's like I said on the first Monday of OWS, when I stood on the front line from late morning until dark: "millionaires are the new middle class. They, too, are part of the 99%. The billionaires are who we're up against." And, as Chelsea Elliott, one of the girls who would later make news headlines after being pepper sprayed in the face, but stood next to me for much of that Monday, said to me: "some of the billionaires are on our side, too." She's right, they're not all bad. If they want social justice and change to better the lives of those less lucky, why not welcome them, too?

[-] 1 points by anotherone773 (734) from Carlyle, IL 13 years ago

We welcome all who support the 99% no matter how much money you have. It doesnt make you immune though if your wealth was ill-gotten.

[-] 2 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

I think Michael Moore is sincere in his ideas, I also don't think he needed to come to OWS to sell books, he has a following.

[-] 1 points by RobertNDavis (133) 13 years ago

He pushed hard for OWS to get media coverage as soon as he heard about it, even while the media blacked us out.

[-] 2 points by Justice4All (285) 13 years ago

I like both Anonymous and Michael Moore; both stand-up against tyranny in support of the little guy/gal/person.

[-] 2 points by RobertNDavis (133) 13 years ago

Michael Moore has two admirable traits: passion and cajones. With his passion, he does research (though sometimes he speaks before researching what he's talking about, as most people do on occasion) and with his cajones, he backs up his words with actions.

I don't always agree with him, but he always gets me thinking; as an entertainer, that's as good as it gets, really. Even when people haven't been protesting in the streets, he always has. And he usually fights for the good guy, even though he's been misled on occasion, as we all have. We're lucky to have him.

[-] 1 points by huemanoun (18) 13 years ago

yeah i might have been harsh on him his tv show and his films really have exposed and educated people on corporate greed...but im not sure what his agenda is and you can never be sure these days...some people really can throw up someone elses identity...like i said he might just be trying to capitalize on this large demographic to sell a book

[-] 1 points by RobertNDavis (133) 13 years ago

I think Bill Maher is more guilty of this than Michael Moore. He seems to shift his views every couple of years to suit the current political climate of the left in order to stay relevant and he's too cynical to be a genuine voice of change. But I respect the good points he occasionally makes and his view on the hemp issue has been consistent.

[-] 1 points by Hopemonger (8) 13 years ago

I'm not sure about Anon or RAM, but Moore really seems to be a good guy, smart, and great for the cause. He does use stunts, but that seems to be just a way of getting attention & being entertaining where he'd otherwise face apathy, thus increasing the number of people exposed to what he says.