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Forum Post: I still don't understand what #ows is ultimately trying to do.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 2:45 p.m. EST by lambage (0) from Kitchener, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It doesn't seem to me that there is any clear goals setup by the #ows groups, even on this website it boasts that this is a "leaderless resistance". What exactly are you guys trying to do, if I knew that I might actually show some support since I'm not in the 1%.

I think the majority of the #ows'ers are just disgruntled teenagers/young adults who are victims of a lazy society. We're told that "mondays suck" and that the weekend is the only time to look forward to. Well I guarantee that the majority of the 1% don't hold that philosophy.

In conclusion if #ows doesn't figure out exactly what it wants to do, it won't do anything other than provide fodder for late night shows.



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[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

OWS is put together by whoever wants to join. It is a "leaderless movement", but it is not a movement without leaders. I know that sounds contradictory. The movement is based around the idea that if you want to do something, than you must get up and do it. This forum is not where the majority of OWS planning/organizing gets done. Organizing happens at General Assemblies and in Working Groups. If you are really curious about the movement, head over to one that's near you and just spend a day getting to know the people there. There are a lot of characters, crazies, and hippies, yes. But there are also business people, strong individuals, and young people who want to work towards a world in which schemes like the financial crisis cannot exist.

The main reasons that the movement began was to oppose the rampant corruption that exists within our monetary and banking system.

If you really want to help, the best thing you can do is read more about the banking crisis, the housing crisis, and any other economic crisis, and educate others about them. Henry Ford said in 1922: " It is good that the people of this Nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

Hope to have your support!!

[-] 1 points by beamerbikeclub (414) 13 years ago

I think "we" want a government that responds to the citizens and not one that caters to the wealthy and powerful. Underlying all the arguments about TARP, the Fed, globalization, capitalism... is just a simple recognition that social policy and civil law is being decided by industry lobbyists who basically bribe "our" elected officials. It's also about admitting we don't really have the answers... but we sure as hell agree there's a serious problem! It's only a first, awakening step.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Keep electing Obama and the entire congress taking bribes, it will get worse. You people are all in the same trance doing exactly what they tell you to do. They tell you when you vote for the Green party candidate you will be throwing your vote away. You believe that propaganda and vote against yourselves which is voting against all of us.

read more - http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

OWS: Ridiculous nonsense all day in the park II

Nobody owns truth. Saying, "It would be my truth," makes no sense. Most people say that and I take them at their word, they believe it. They believe complete nonsense. (The statement was made on the OWS forum.)

I say there is water in the ocean. That is true. Its not my truth. Its true because God created the ocean by God's decision to put water in what would otherwise be dry holes such as God didn't create any water on other planets. Water is unique to earth as far as we know.

There may or may not be water on other planets, but there is no proof either way.

Making ridiculous comments to me insults my intelligence. Either I choose to ignore buffoons, or I might respond to their insult. Our society can choose to be politically correct or we can ridicule screwballs who are destroying our society.

Sitting in the park expecting utopia is crazy. OWS is a crazy protest because the OWS remedy for the "crime family" American government taking bribes in plan view is a worthless protest by lazy, ignorant people expecting utopia. I learned this first hand by making 7 trips to the park and listening to a large number of protesters.

[-] 0 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

That which made the children grumpy, made the educated collage kids unemployed. idled hands are the devils play things.