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Forum Post: I Prefer Not To Take Your Test of Time

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 10:39 a.m. EST by zahid (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Do you really believe you are not the 99%? The disparity between the wealthy and the poor continues to grow. Inflation continues to rise and income has flat lined along time ago. It is easier to have a LIFE for a single family in 1906 than it is for two families combined in 2011. You may be one of the employed- good for you. You may be holding the people in contempt for wanting a better life, for expecting not to catch hell at a debilitating job and so they have begun to stand together to LIVE a better LIFE. What we are witnessing is an embryonic movement; it is dangerous to misidentify the principles and values of such a body. Beware of calling these people lazy, misinformed or naive. The 99% is a very telling moniker that reflects a quality of life in a quantified form. It's a number of those wise about being instrumentalities of a despotic system run by predatorily centric mechanisms with as insatiable appetite for destruction of an honorable and meaningful WILL. That kind of social engineering is on the decline; just take a look around, you can't continue to prey upon the livelihoods of human beings to assimilate them into an inhumane hegemony. Have you forgotten? It hasn't always been so. This country used to be a wonder of the world. Say what you will about the founding fathers there was a spirit of innovation and self determination in this country that was very unique. It was the land of Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and Fredrick Douglass. All men who can be criticized, but don’t miss the point, they embodied the spirit of making the best out of themselves and maximizing the potential of their environment. They were not men quick to relegate, they were largely self educated so much so they new the meaning of the old saying "don't cut off your nose despite your face." The drive and growth the OWS movement is embodying must not be thoughtlessly ridiculed with perverse logic. These people must not be relegated. Beware of being one of those working under the sad assumption that you are not the 99% while you deduce the value of the 99% to less than what it really is, in other words don’t create a monster. It's true the 99% might not immediately gratify your personal standards. You may not see the 99% as a population that can stand the test of you're personal concept of time. That measurement you see as having even authority over you. That measurement you see when you look at your calendar, your cell phone and your watch. You see your manager, you credit card, your school your TV Guide etc.. But the 99%, by speaking for themselves, have given you a better choice. Will you take it? Will you stop subjecting them to your test of time? Join the 99% by saying "I prefer not to take your test."



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