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Forum Post: I pray to God that you do not succeed. I'm not even religious, but I still pray for this every day.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 1:30 a.m. EST by omg (5) from Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It's already bad enough in the United States now. When I see how many people support this crap, it truly scares me. I feel like eventually this or something like it is going to make a real impact on how things are and then we really won't be free anymore. Why are you people doing this? Do you guys officially consider yourselves Socialists?



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[-] 2 points by Joetheplumbed (76) 13 years ago

So... What is it that is so scary. This movement is not about leeching on the labour of other people or forcing them to do stuff, if that is what you are referring to with "we really won't be free anymore".

[-] 2 points by PhilArthur (54) 13 years ago

Buy beachfront property... I'm sure there is plenty of sand to bury ur head so you don't have to see the inequities in our country created by the 1%.

[-] 2 points by stefbranc (6) 13 years ago

We are rallying against the suppression and manipulation that has skewed your thinking and made you feel safe even though your rights, land and planet are being stolen, raided and poisoned by the 1%. I am just as scared as you darling thats why I'm marching- for me, you and our future. So I guess the only thing left to say is, "You're Welcome." Maybe when you get your had out of the sand you will march with us.

As for "iwillprepare" do you use such strong words against the crooks who destroyed our economy? or like most conservative republicans, you only hear what you are told to?

[-] 2 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

ummm, could you use neoconservative republican instead in that sentence. Believe it, or not, I'm a conservative republican and when I hear something, I weigh the facts, and disregard the propaganda. It's the neocon nut jobs that gave us bush and this congress. But, believe me, I am truely sorry my party inflicted them on the world.

[-] 1 points by stefbranc (6) 13 years ago

D- LOL!! I can in fact use neoconservative republican in that sentence. but without meaning disrespect I don't believe anyone has an issue with conservative republicans weighing of the facts but a seriously skewed perspective on most issues. For instance gay marriage, taxing the wealthy, and government regulation of big business. And indeed your party does in fact look really dated and completely mental these days. I think we need a republican antithesis of the tea party to balence out the Palins, Cains and O'Reillys. I will stand by anyone no matter what party they are in so long as they want massive change in our entire system. Again, no disrespect meant.

[-] 1 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

Naw, that's ok, the neocons have done a good PR job in getting themselves branded as conservatives, when in fact they are not. That's what they do, they deceive. And then they divide and conquer.

A good way to look at it is to look at reagan, nixon, and eisenhower. They were conservatives, eisenhower helped end segregation by sending in federal troops into the south, then he raised taxes on the wealthy, and this was to pay for massive public works called the intersate hyway system, that we now enjoy.

Nixon created the EPA

Reagan broke up AT&T because it was a monopoly, then, after lowering everyones taxes, he later fixed loopholes in the code that benifited the wealthy and corporations. And he refused to trade with communist china because they suppressed freedom. And he preserved Social Sec till 21 century.

Reagan, Eisenhower, and Nixon did these things because they believed in freedom, and providing for the common good.

Fast forward to today. There is NOT ONE GOPER on the stage today, that would do ANY of these things. NO ONE running for pres. nor any in the congress. Because they are not conservatives. They are neocons, the corporate shills, the lyers and crooks that claim to be conservative.

So, I can understand the confusion.

[-] 1 points by stefbranc (6) 13 years ago

So who are you voting for? :)

[-] 1 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

Nobody in repub primary, which means I'm for newt... well kinda.

Actually after the GOP's behavior this summer, it'll be a staight dem ticket.

[-] 1 points by iwillprepare (61) 13 years ago

My head is completely out of the sand but I see what lies ahead, there is little time left. This countries enconmy will probably collapse, just look what is happening in Europe--even with the bandaid fix to Greece they will probably still default. Before this happens I choose to use my time, energy, and resources to prepare for the coming hardships we will all face in the presence of hyperinflation and possiblity of food shortages.

[-] 1 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

Oh my goodness.. let's take a stroll down memory lane shall we

In 2000 Bush became president, he inherited the largest budget surplus in history, and had things continued that way the national debt would have been wiped out next year.

But no, he wiped that out and left with the largest debt and deficit in history. Instead of debt being gone, our great great great grandkids will be paying it.

He also inherited historic low unemployment and poverty rates, which he damn near doubled.

And he helped corps ship jobs to china (where they suppress freedom) and turned a blind eye to banks that committed the greatest fraud in history.

Basically Bush and GOP were handed multiple blessings, and wiped their ass with them. When he left the world was(and still is) in crisis that THEY made.

Now we have these neocon doomsayers that predict US economic demise after the crisis THEY CAUSED.

And when it doesn't happen, they try to make it happen by the attempt to default on the debt this summer. These neocons are pure evil.

[-] 1 points by metapolitik (1110) 13 years ago

You have it all backwards... We are the ones trying to protect and restore your freedom. Freedom that has been taken away by the financial and corporate interests in this country.

Let me ask you this:

Who would you rather represent you?

  • A democratically chosen government that represents the people?


  • Companies like Goldman Sachs and Haliburton?

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

No future. Tha's why. Just a future for the greedy, the evil, and the cowards.

[-] 1 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

Well, that explains it, because Godless people like you turned this country-under-God into a cesspool. One godless individual is no prob. but put a bunch of Immoral people in charge of banks and corp. and gov't, and the result is not surprising. If your wondering why persons of faith are here, it's a protest AGAINST immorality in high places.

It's not about socialism, it's about prosecuting criminals that hide behind banks, corps or gov't. It's about accountability. And it's about helping the weakest in society.

But your not even religious, you just wouldn't understand, but I pray you could be at least a human being, and see that the system has been Immoral for past 12 years.

[-] -1 points by iwillprepare (61) 13 years ago

Immoral--Immoral--Immoral!!!!!! How dare you even say that word with how much blatant Immorality is taking place at the Occupy locations--people shoplifting from local convience stores, vandalism, destruction of business' property such as breaking bathroom sinks, public urination and defication in a public park, getting arrested for dealing herion from a tent with their 6 year old daughter present, disobeying civil obedience laws, breaking into a tobacco store in Boston 4 times in 2 weeks. You freakin hippies make me sick. You will change nothing because you people have no common sense and you are so disorganized. This will not end well. At least the police officers will be getting overtime when you are escorted away for Immorally resisting the laws that govern this land. How dare you speak of morality.

[-] 2 points by Ninety9to1 (37) 13 years ago

Reminds me of the American Revolution. Didn't the Redcoats said the same thing about George Washington's "disorganized" rag tag army?

Oh yeah about the morality thing. Heavens to Betsy! A couple of vagrants breaking into a tobacco shop is the heights of immorality.

I suppose you also think that invading a sovereign nation and killing about a million men, women and children on a pretense to look for terrorist and non existing WMD is highly moral.

Oh but we are the party of "life".

[-] 1 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

good point on the rag-tag army thing.

[-] 0 points by iwillprepare (61) 13 years ago

ya but they weren't weed laden disorganized hippies with 1000 points of view they can't agree on

[-] 2 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

See this is what I mean, you Immoral, lying nut-jobs on the far right. You guys try to claim morality, but your're lying, thieving, fraudsters.

[-] 2 points by moediggity (646) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

lol you literally have zero proof of any of your claims without direct video evidence or even photographic evidence.

[-] 1 points by iwillprepare (61) 13 years ago

So the news newpaper article about the couple dealing heroin with their child from their tent in the Boston paper was a lie, or another article in another newspaper stating a local 7-Eleven reported that since the Occupy $6,000 in losses in inventory due to shoplifting has occured and they had to hire a security guard, or another article last night in the Boston Herald about the tobacco shop being broken into near the tent city (don't forget 4 times), and I watched an undercover video by an investigative journalist with a hidden camera pretending to be a banker and people tried to come up to him and get him to invest in them and a couple of those people were smoking marijuana. What do you think I am making this up--accept some responsiblity--The TRUTH is out there.

[-] 1 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

It was a blanket response to his broad brush strokes. I wasn't going to respond tit-for-tat. Some of his responses may have been true, but it was more of the same propaganda right-wingers have been peddling. Finally us in the moral majority have had enough. And that is what has the neocons freaked, if it was about socialism, that'd be sooo easy.

But no, it's about holding criminals accountable that hide behind corps, banks, and gov't.

And it's about helping the least among us, as Jesus commands. If you guys really believed the bible, you'd join us, as the Pope has. I'm conservative and I joined for morality's sake.

But, no, the neocons are in katie-bar-the-door mode. And the propaganda machine is in overdrive.

[-] 1 points by SpaghettiMonster (90) 13 years ago

You're really quite the simpleton, aren't you? Only the most ignorant among us could be so certain about something. Religion does have a purpose, it's to control the simple people of the world; people like you.

[-] 2 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

Actually, I'm quite intelligent, and well reasoned in my belief system. Only the most ignorant among us would suppose that religion negates rational, when in fact the greatest thinkers of history had Faith in a higher power. Religion and faith does not make me easier to control, in fact, it causes me to be MORE skeptical, and gives me strength to PUSH forward even when things are at their bleakest.

And speaking of being skeptical sniff sniff I smell troll

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

"a hidden camera pretending to be a banker and people tried to come up to him and get him to invest in them "

Jimmy O'Keefe, the convicted felon and known liar & editor of his "journalistic" videos.

He "came up to" people milling around the protest and talked to them, no one came up to him.

And as to the rest, yea, pics or it didn't happen.

[-] 1 points by moediggity (646) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

not without video or photographic evidence it isn't.