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Forum Post: “I pledge allegiance to Grover Norquist and the corporations for which we stand, this republic we control, invincible, with liberty and justice for the rich”

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 3:14 p.m. EST by PhilosopherKing (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The Republican Pledge



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by ModestCapitalist (2342) 13 years ago

Damn right.

Here is a list of the top ten companies that not only paid little or no taxes but got huge corporate welfare from we the people.

1) Exxon Mobil made $19 billion in profits in 2009. Exxon not only paid no federal income taxes, it actually received a $156 million rebate from the IRS, according to its SEC filings. Note: This claim was made by Forbes.com in April of '10'. Shortly after, they published a followup article which included a rebuttal by Exxon Mobil. Forbes.com did acknowledge a mistake based on incorrect line items filed by Exxon Mobil. http://www.forbes.com/sites/energysource/2010/04/07/exxon-says-it-does-pay-u-s-income-taxes

2) Bank of America received a $1.9 billion tax refund from the IRS last year, although it made $4.4 billion in profits and received a bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department of nearly $1 trillion.

3) Over the past five years, while General Electric made $26 billion in profits in the United States, it received a $4.1 billion refund from the IRS.

4) Chevron received a $19 million refund from the IRS last year after it made $10 billion in profits in 2009.

5) Boeing, which received a $30 billion contract from the Pentagon to build 179 airborne tankers, got a $124 million refund from the IRS last year.

6) Valero Energy, the 25th largest company in America with $68 billion in sales last year received a $157 million tax refund check from the IRS and, over the past three years, it received a $134 million tax break from the oil and gas manufacturing tax deduction.

7) Goldman Sachs in 2008 only paid 1.1 percent of its income in taxes even though it earned a profit of $2.3 billion and received an almost $800 billion from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Department.

8) Citigroup last year made more than $4 billion in profits but paid no federal income taxes. It received a $2.5 trillion bailout from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury.

9) ConocoPhillips, the fifth largest oil company in the United States, made $16 billion in profits from 2007 through 2009, but received $451 million in tax breaks through the oil and gas manufacturing deduction.

10) Over the past five years, Carnival Cruise Lines made more than $11 billion in profits, but its federal income tax rate during those years was just 1.1 percent.

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 13 years ago

Thank you for post. Everyone needs to see this.

[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

Nice post. I would like to use it. Do you have a source?

[-] 1 points by JohnMarsden (47) 13 years ago

Instead of storing copy and paste ammo to bombard some conservative with why not learn the issues on your own and educate yourself instead of relying on such a mindless trick. No one you guys love that mic check crap, it requires no thought on your end what so ever.

[-] 2 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

It is so time consuming to write the same thing again especially if it has names of treaties or dates, names and dollar amounts associated with it. I like this level of detail when I make a point, but have a bad memory.

I don't get into that conservative vs liberal stuff. I like to listen to the facts and make up my mind how I think. I do think that the elites want us to squabble over these kinds of definitions to keep us busy while they scam us.

I don't bombard anyone with anything. I have discussions. I have had some excellent discussions on this forum with people I disagreed with. And I have learned a lot from some of those I disagreed with. Occasionally, I have even changed my mind. I like this forum a lot. And am spending too much time on it!

[-] 1 points by JohnMarsden (47) 13 years ago

You are admitting that you want to be told how and what to think and frankly it's a little unnerving. Be above the crap.

[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

I definitely do not wish to be told how and what to think. I read the post and agreed with it in its entirety. It expressed views that I already held.

This is the idea behind representative government. To find a person whose ideas you agree with for the most part and then to elect them to office to represent you. The problem we are having with the system right now is that elected officials have no interest in representing the people who put them into office because all the money for campaigns and the quality of their post governmental service lift is extremely dependent upon the dollars of the elite.

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 13 years ago

That is a list of facts. Facts are facts, they don't change based on who says them.

Mic check. Mic check. Facts are okay to repeat. Facts are okay to repeat.

[-] 1 points by ModestCapitalist (2342) 13 years ago

This info has been reported many times in the past few years. Just search the title and a bunch of sources will show up.

[-] 1 points by monjon22 (508) 13 years ago

Okay, I will google it. I hate to use stuff I have not researched, because sometimes it isn't right but it sounds so good.

I recently got lazy and shared a chart on facebook without checking the facts and ended up learning that the figures were wrong even if the point was still valid. At least in that case.

[-] 1 points by ModestCapitalist (2342) 13 years ago

Yeah. I've been on this cause for a few years now. I've had to make a few self-corrections along the way. It happens.

[-] 1 points by cbolger (1) 13 years ago

Occupy K street Occupy Grover Norquists home and business, and protest where ever he is. Occupy the Congress Occupy the Congressional Offices

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 13 years ago

Hi Philo, Good post. Best Regards, Nevada

[-] 1 points by aahpat (1407) 13 years ago

Pledge of allegiance by the GOP Tea Party Incumbents in Congress:

I pledge allegiance to Grover Norquist

Not the United States of America.

And to the Tea Party

The GOP's Klan

One nation

Under them.


From tax breaks and loopholes

for the rich.


[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 13 years ago

Grover Norquist is a fascistic thug.