Forum Post: I love Snyder - dont you?
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 15, 2012, 7:51 p.m. EST by mideast
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The deadly school shooting in Connecticut came less than 24 hours after Michigan lawmakers passed legislation that allows those with concealed pistol licenses to carry guns into schools and other once forbidden places.
Proponents of the legislation said if the bill is signed into law, it will give people the opportunity to respond to crimes and possibly stop a similar situation.
“This kind of tragedy is hard to process, but if one person – a faculty member or a parent – could legally carry, at least it could have limited some of the mayhem,” said Rob Harris, media director for Michigan Open Carry Inc., on Friday. “This legislation has to be passed to at least have a fighting chance against the evil in this world.”
The Michigan Legislature passed Senate Bill 59 on Thursday, which tweaks the concealed weapons law by allowing gun owners who receive eight additional hours of training to carry their weapons in formerly gun-free areas, such as day care centers, schools, hospitals, churches and stadiums and bars.
There about 350,000 concealed pistol license holders throughout the state who would be eligible for the additional training, Harris said.
The bill sponsored by state Sen. Mike Green, R-Mayville, also states that schools, including public universities, and privately owned buildings could choose to prohibit guns if owners desire.
The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners also backed the legislation. Green is a member of the organization’s board.
“We were fully behind it because what happens when you disarm law abiding people is there is nobody to stop the crazy people,” said Steve Dulan, spokesman for the organization.
Dulan said most gun owners are responsible.
“Many gun owners take their guns with them to the shopping mall where there are kids,” Dulan said. “Schools will be no different than shopping malls.”
It is unclear if Gov. Rick Snyder will sign the bill into law.
“The governor said that this bill was going to be already going through a careful review and analysis,” said Snyder’s spokeswoman, Sara Wurfel.
Snyder conveyed deep condolences, thoughts and prayers to the victims, families and all those in Connecticut, Wurfel said.
Officials at Plymouth Canton Community Schools had not read the legislation Friday, but said they doubted they would allow guns at the district’s schools.
“We are educators, not police,” said Frank Ruggirello, spokesman for the district.
The district, Ruggirello said, works closely with police to make sure the schools are safe as well as drill students on lockdown procedures.
“It is a sad day for all of education when these things continue to happen in our schools,” Ruggirello said about the school shooting in Connecticut.
A Plymouth Canton teacher was arrested several years ago for having a gun on school grounds, Ruggirello said.
Michigan Education Association officials said the school shooting tragedy reinforces a need for discussion on school safety and Senate Bill 59 is not the answer.
“Those who think that students and teachers will be safer with more guns in our schools are just plain wrong,” said MEA President Steve Cook in a written statement. “Thinking that teachers should carry weapons and fire on threats is a recipe for even more death—not safety.”
Many question the legislation and whether schools, day care centers, stadiums and churches will be safer if people are allowed to carry guns there.
“Who in their right mind needs to carry a gun in a school, day care center or stadium,” said Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton, who is also president of the Michigan Prosecuting Attorneys Association. “It doesn’t make sense to me and many of us believe in the right to bare arms.”
Mayville is so very small and easy to buy.
He didn't write it. ALEC did.
why am I not surprised that you have no suggestions on how to bring constructive resolve and meaning back to manhood in the 21st century.
WTF? Are you talking about?
ALEC wrote this legislation. Not the guy from Mayville.
If you think shooting a gun = manhood. You're in the wrong place.
You should have stuck with your sexist thread.
Masculine Feminine = why don't we all go with the ine?
if is easier to deal with the enemy if you can use labels
reason requires judgment and a brain
So who is the enemy Men? Women? What is the issue that needs to be dealt with that you need a label?
exactly - labels are used by people who dont know how to reason
all of the ------ are crooks
all of the ------ are leeches on society
all of the ------ are evil
all of the ------ will never get into heaven
all of the ------ are NOT ONE OF US
Because you cannot sell young men on the idea that being more feminine is how to be more manly. That takes age and maturity. A real solution must consider the psyche of young men. Struggling for the alpha position, high testosterone, fitting in. They face these challenges in company with violent music, TV, movies, music. All of these things together for 18 years then thrust into a world of seeming indifference. We are psychologically and physically different. Do you tell teen girls not to get pregnant by acting more like boys?
Why in the hell would you want to perpetuate ALPHA MALE BS ?
Who said anything about making boys feminine?
Your reasoning here is poor.
What is wrong with teaching people ( male/female ) to be good strong considerate People?
lol. I used to hear a similar line from people tripping on acid. "Everything is everything maann.."
I'm sorry but any solution needs to be based in reality. Your ignoring of psychology and blurring the line of male and female will not solve the problem. When women or transgender people start shooting up schools, your idea may have more validity.
this is not a "man" problem
it is an American problem
the CT guns came from the home of a gun nut - who was the shooter's mother
ever heard of Clyde & Bonnie ? me niether
10? We've had many times that many homicides just today. Get real.
did you read this????? there were 10 FEMALE MASS MURDERERS HERE
and hundreds of victims
please - learn how to read - or think
are you are a victim of Florida's low tax education system?
10 Mass murders in the last 100 yrs? Thats it?
Sounds to me like guns are much better off in the hands of women than men.
I think this is a very interesting topic that RKG has raised. Touchy, yes. But interesting nevertheless.