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Forum Post: I love FoxNews because they have fair and balanced reporting

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 1, 2012, 10:56 p.m. EST by FreeDiscussion1 (109)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

They continue to be the Number One "rated" news on TV for over 10 years. When you have that many people that trust your news coverage you get the ratings. Nobody watches MSNBC or CNN. If you watch MSNBC or CNN then your really are in the minority. The American people PICKED FoxNews for their news.



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[-] 6 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... hehehehehehehehe.... this is a joke... right ?

[-] -2 points by FreeDiscussion1 (109) 13 years ago

BradB, nope sorry, it is not a joke. They have been the Number One rated news on cable/satellite, network and local news. The MAJORITYof people watch FoxNews. If you watched you would get the real news, fair and balanced that you dont get on the LEFT leaning news, you know,,,, "Obama is great." LOL

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

Perhaps this is what is wrong with our country.

[-] 2 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

Perhaps ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . bwa ha ha ha ha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HE HE HE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha ….. .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . .

[-] 2 points by NPHshreddar (6) 13 years ago

Wow, people really are this naive? Fox News is about as fair and balanced as our economy. They've admitted it themselves that they're opinion, I mean, simply watching you can understand that. Keep drowning in those lies they're feeding you or learn to swim.

[-] 2 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

I think you mean the Colbert Report or perhaps John Stewart. I enjoyed the one where a FOX personality said that FOX was filled with personality shows and was not actually a news show.

That one was particularly well balanced and informative.

Your post showed you have a great sense of humor.

Waves to BradB

[-] 5 points by IslandActivist (191) from Keaau, HI 13 years ago

I love the title, it is completely hilarious! Fox News actually having fair and balanced reporting... you crack me up. ;)

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

True Robin, but balance depends on the placement of the fulcrum

Holy leverage Batman, you can't mean the Mechanic intends to tip the golden bull with a lever ?!

Cow tipping is exactly what he is up to, Robin

[-] 2 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

I was unprepared for such humor and almost peed myself.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

If you really want a laugh, watch this video:


[-] 1 points by MaryS (529) 13 years ago

awesome :) !

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

Glad you liked it.


[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

You're getting sleepy...............:)

[-] 2 points by Nicolas (258) from Québec, QC 13 years ago

Yes, because we know there is a direct correlation between news accuracy and viewer ratings.

This is why I get all my news from American Idol.

[-] 2 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

Thanks for the laugh. I was having a bad morning and your humor really made the morning better... Fox, a news program, really a good one. Me wipes a tear of laughter from my eye...

Really great sense of humor there guy.

[-] 2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by paulg5 (673) 13 years ago

Oh my god, really, your kidding right!

After we take back free thinking in this country, sometime in the distant furture we're going to have to decide what to do with people like FreeDiscussion1

[-] 1 points by ThunderclapNewman (1083) from Nanty Glo, PA 13 years ago

It wouldn't surprise me that this is true concerning cable news programming and probably has been true for years. What else could better illustrate how our country got to where it is? Florida State Supreme Court ruled that news programs are under no legal obligation to tell the truth, so when you watch television news it's caveat emptor. That goes for ALL news programming.

[-] 1 points by rayl (1007) 13 years ago

the american people have been let down by their education system and brainwashed by the media. you are a very good example of this FreeDiscussion1. the american media is the best propaganda machine in the world. if you ever get a chance to live abroad this will become obvious to you very quickly.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

The PublicMind poll by Farleigh Dickinson University
in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all and they were also less likely than any other group analyzed to have forms of higher education. Readers of The New York Times, USA Today and listeners to National Public Radio were better informed about international events than other media outlets.

In one major example, New Jersey poll participants were questioned about the outcome of the so-called Arab Spring uprisings in North Africa earlier in the year. Non-Fox News viewer statistics showed 53% know that Egyptians were successful in overthrowing dictator Mubarak.
48% know that the Syrian uprising has thus far been unsuccessful in ousting Assad. But Fox News viewers showed 37% know that Egyptians overthrew their government 42% know that Syrians have not yet overthrown their government thus suggesting a daily dose of sound bytes from CNN at the gym, and headlines from Google News were enough to surpass what average Fox viewers knew about current events.

“Because of the controls for partisanship, we know these results are not just driven by Republicans or other groups being more likely to watch Fox News,” said Dan Cassino, a professor of political science at Fairleigh Dickinson and an analyst for the PublicMind Poll. “The results clearly prove that there is something about watching Fox News that fundamentally leads people to be mis-informed – even compared to those who don’t watch any news at all.”

This isn't the first study that has found that Fox News viewers more misinformed in comparison to others. Last year, a study from the University of Maryland found that Fox News viewers were more likely to believe lies and false information about politics and world events.

[-] 1 points by wellhungjury (296) 13 years ago

I watch all three as well as others. I trust none of them completely.

[-] 1 points by eatmeat (2) 13 years ago

The funniest Fox News You Tube video on the internet :


[-] 1 points by zoom6000 (430) from St Petersburg, FL 13 years ago

Republican owned and not ballanced idioit

[-] 1 points by ineptcongress (648) 13 years ago

jon stewart does a nice spoof on fox "news" in which he reports on a study conducted that found viewers of fox are the most poorly informed of all news networks.

[-] 1 points by SkepticismAndWonder (29) from Imperial, CA 13 years ago

I prefer BBC world news.

[-] 1 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

and CNBC Canadian News.

[-] 1 points by paulg5 (673) 13 years ago

Free Discussion Please Step Away From The Television! Really dude!

[-] 0 points by monarch (-5) 13 years ago

Go Fox news and I watch it every morning and why do I do this?? Because I want to be informed on "what is really happening" MSNBC, CNN, etc are all headed for the gutter. I feel sorry for some people that listen to Chris Matthews day in and out because he is usually always "three sheets into the wind" plastered.

[-] 0 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 13 years ago

Wonderful. So this is a diatribe against the American people?

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

You would, FreeDiscussion1.

[-] -1 points by lonespectator (106) 13 years ago

FreeDiscussion1 you are wasting your breath on the majority of morons who post on this sight. Moat of them can't read or write, and don't have a TV to watch Fox News. They lead there lives in a sad and pathetic New York or California bubble. They are just stupid enough to be dangerous but all in all...harmless. Their mothers probably wrote their words for them while they were raiding the fridge between occupations. Well, except for the guy who wrote all the "He hes and Haha's..HE probably was able to write that himself. Most of the serious people are now in DC Occupying the White House. See you there!! but leave these poor losers alone. :-)

[-] -2 points by FreeDiscussion1 (109) 13 years ago

Just look at the RATINGS for PROOF.