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Forum Post: I know what to do next

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11:52 p.m. EST by CarryTheGripsUpToTheAttic (133)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Many people have expressed their opinion about the way forward in this movement.

There are 3 common flaws in the proposals 1)"demands" have to be approved within the existing political structure, 2)physical theft or violence would require interference from the government, 3)current political entities would absorb this movement, when the feeling in the air is that something absolutely new is required.

Here is my proposal: create a new national capitol. Only that move will be seen as satisfying when we look back on these events in the decades to come.

But how can this small movement break free from the current oligarchy that controls us? We are doctors, lawyers, and farmers just the same as our founding fathers. Yet, the principles they created have been distorted to serve the oligarchy. These principles should be renewed.

In creating a new and better seat of government, we have the most powerful tool ever created - the internet.

I suggest Kansas City, Kansas as a location for this new seat of government. A new and faster internet is being created there. An open and more benign canvas exists at this site, without the stifling history and "baggage" found on either coast.

We don't need to hate "them", we'll just focus on creating a better "us". The energy to do this, exists right now in New York.




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[-] 1 points by FUCKTHENWO (280) from RIVERDALE, MD 13 years ago

Creating a national capital away from the populous might be helpful to organize leaders of this movement....idk if it's the best plan for right now though. Right now we need to spread awareness, not hide from the government.

[-] 1 points by CarryTheGripsUpToTheAttic (133) 13 years ago

"Third Continental Congress" people are welcome to comment on the matter of a new site for our activities.

Land in Manhattan can be thousands of dollars per square foot. That is the ultimate "1%" stronghold.

[-] 0 points by Madhusudana (90) 13 years ago

Sorry, but unfortunately if you take into consideration the demographic concerns of the Nation as a whole, there isn't much of an ideological purpose being served by picking a city that many would arguably/rightly consider "bum fuck egypt" for no real purpose.

[-] 1 points by CarryTheGripsUpToTheAttic (133) 13 years ago

i like that you said, "egypt".