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Forum Post: I know todays a big day But.... Have you guys been paying attention to how Congress is robbing us blind????

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 9:47 a.m. EST by networth0dollars (8)
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Google "Insider Trading in Congress" and read anything that comes up. Its absolutely criminal that our congress is getting richer and richer while we're getting poorer and poorer and it is clear they are all part of the 1%.

"Kerri Shannon writes: While many Americans continue to struggle to save money, members of Congress are getting richer.

A Roll Call analysis of Congress members' financial disclosure forms showed their collective net worth was more than $2 billion in 2010 - a 25% leap from 2008. Minimum net worth in the House of Representatives rose to $1.26 billion, with minimum Senate net worth at $784 million.

With a median net worth of $891,506, Congress members are nine times wealthier than the average American household - and some Congressional leaders are exceedingly richer.

About 11% of Congress has net worth of more than $9 million, landing them in the top 1% of America's wealthy.

And these numbers aren't even the whole picture. They don't include members' homes and other non-income-generating property, which could add hundreds of millions of dollars to total net worth."

Full article: http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article31599.html

After examining just how wealthy these criminals are, shouldn't we start protesting outside their homes? I'm personally more angry at these guys than the working stiffs on the trading floors (who don't make nearly as much).

What do you guys think? I know everyone is busy out at the protests but I don't see anyone here talking about this and I think it needs to be discussed



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[-] 0 points by JonFromSLC (-107) from West Valley City, UT 13 years ago

I don't think they've noticed. They like the class warfare better.