Forum Post: I invite all Occupy to change this two party system by joining America's Rationalist Party
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 8:42 a.m. EST by RationalReaper
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Rationalism for reasonable government. Help me get Rationalism registered in all 50 states...In most states we need a petition signed by 10% of voters in that state...Together we can build a party that will truly make America a working democracy.
What’s the philosophy about, never-ending search for reason? :-)
Democracy in the purist possible sense..
Firsst you need to have a concrete reson for being and a message you have to many of them and have no focus then maybe you will be able to be a force but the democratic party really they will use you and suck up to you but you will get no where they are the biggest problem we have Frank /Dodd lying cheating stealing start your own party if you are well informed and have agood message others will follow if not you will be remebered as the people who would not clean up a park in 1 year
this has nothing to do with frank/dodd........nothing to do with democrat or republican....those folks did not help before...why would we let them infiltrate a good thing?
Chasing a 3rd Party dream seems to be the best way to be sure "Occupy" is reduced to just a forgotten footnote in history. What made the Tea Party successful was they identified mainstream party candidates that supported their idea and targeted those that did not. They never tried to become a "third party", they simply became a force within the established GOP. "Occupy", needs to do the same within the Democratic Party; get your supporters into the voting booth, you already know the the Tea Party will.
How so? Occupy will still have issues to far both the left and the right have ignored the people's wishes...a third party will help galvanize like minded people.
the green party is mote estasblished
is a break in the two party is soot
I also support the green party...but we need the Rational party and a few more. We need a parliamentary system which represents everyone fully and honestly
The term "rational" is relative to your own beliefs. I'm already part of of the "rationalist" party. It's called the Republican Party. I suggest you join.
todays republican party....not a snowballs chance in hell would I join.....Eisenhowers' republican party I might consider
Not Regan?
Reagan started the full on assault on the middle class and the way reagan
The poor and middle class were never healthier and stable then under Regan. Bush Sr. extended those policies. Then when Clinton came to office, he managed to convince those well off "poor" and "middle class" people that they were getting screwed. Enter the new age of "I deserve a handout" theory, and a near split decision in ever election since Clinton.
People, STOP pretending you are poor and have nothing, and deserve a free hand out. It's pathetic.
Of course it need a serious reality check.
Yeah, right. That must have been why the poor and middle class voted for him.
the great communicator...lovable grandpa....and blinders....he said what everyone wanted to hear and pushed the opposite agenda
When i recieve this much resistance from the obvious right wing fascists...I know you fear what I propose will be more populist.
You all know that Rationalism is at least 99% right for America.
Rationalism sounds like an Ayn Rand book club to me. No thanks.
shut the fuck up teabagger
What a Rational response!
An honest reponse is a rational response
Beautiful...Powerfull....Awesome....That is Rationalism
That's the ticket!
example of proposed 8 bracket flat tax system...a one page tax code
If you earn
$1- $10, 5%
$10,000 - $20, 10%
$20,000 - $30, 15%
$30,000 - $40, 20%
$40,000 - $50, 25%
$50,000 - $75, 30%
$75,000 - $125, 35%
$125,000 and 40%
The Rational Party will stand for..Term limits=no more than 12 years in any elected seat.No more than 8 years for any presidential appointment.
Major issues that concern the nation must be voted on by referendum on ballot
The war on drugs ends....non-violent prisoners and petty crime prisoners will be freed and felon status canceled
There will be a graduated 8 bracket flat tax system with no language allowable for loopholes and tax avoidance
There will be Universal Single Payer Health Care and Universal Education available to everyone...funded by the 8 bracket graduated flat tax system
We will end cronyism in military contracts and end all no bid municipal and federal contracts......what is bid that are accepted is what we overages
No Religious litmus allowed
political campaigns will be funded by the special interest may contribute as an entity.
Majority rule will prevail in both more cloture..or filibustering
No more electoral college
Wall Street and investors will be held accountable to rules and regs that are as strong or stronger than Glass Steagall
No more legal loan sharking...interest will by tied to the APR and will not exceed 5 point higher than apr
These will be the basic principles of the Rational Party
here here may I propose a candidate
of course
This man really has it together...he is 42 and his ideas would make our nation debt free inside of 8 years and raise the wages for all people. Assuming of course a like minded house and senate. Also we would have the strongest and slimmest military ever.
It would depend on how..his philosophy..ideology...but if he is inclined as the Rational party is.....we would need many like him.
read that...comment...tell em what you think I will get it back to him...that is his agenda in a nutsack there
I'm not sure this guy wouldbe a good fit for the Rational Party. Some of his ideas I agree with but....most of his ideas ...not